Showing posts with label youtuber. Show all posts
This Summer has been weird. So far, at least. I have been anticipating results day which is exactly 5 days away. It is difficult to enjoy your time off when you have the nagging worried feeling in your chest that you may have messed up your chance to go to Uni in September - fun right? Despite my wonderful friends and family showing me their endless support I of course still have plenty of doubt.
At the beginning of Summer, I roughly had a plan of things to do, which is still coming along nicely. I have been to gigs, nights out, seeing friends, even did a photo shoot (will post pictures later in the week) and I have been writing a novel. It is early days but I am quite happy with how it is coming along nicely-  I will post more details in the months to come. I have also been obsessed with Celebrity Big  Brother this year. I never watch it but as soon as I heard that Trisha Paytas (my favourite Youtuber) was going on, I have not missed an episode. I am living for her and the show.
Despite, results day dawning upon us next week I am still excited for the weeks ahead. My last shift at work is in 17 days and in 18 days I am away to Spain for two weeks. And then, hopefully, results day goes well I will be moving to Brighton in 43 days.
This Summer me and my best friend Olivia have put down a deposit for a holiday next Summer - eleven days in EGPYT!! Excited would be an understatement. I will be blogging both on my holidays Spain this year and Egypt next year, may even do some video stuff - so keep eyes peeled. 
There will be more Uni content after results day so hacks and advice and naturally my experiences to come! 


Summer Update

Friday 11 August 2017

As promised a film review, maybe this is technically a documentary but what the hell I'll review it anyways.
I have been a huge fan of Tyler Oakley for years now, and he is one of my favourite youtubers. He is inspirational, entertaining and just a genuine person. His Youtube videos never fail to inspire, he just a ball of fun.
Whilst going through Netflix earlier I found Snervous and I was immediately excited, and I hadn't seen yet so it was a long time coming. I didn't know what to expect, so I have just finished watching it and WOW. I MEAN WOW!
It was emotional, it had me laughing, crying, and smiling to myself like a little fool. It was amazing to learn so much more about the guy I have been watching throughout my teen years. We learn more about his family life and coming out, and the issues he had to face with his father, and it made me cry. And it made me realise that family is important but not as important as your own happiness and knowing what you are and what you want. I felt so bad for Tyler and with the situation his faced with his father and I can honestly say I never want him to feel like that ever again, not just him but anyone who has difficulties with people who can't or won't accept who you are, if they don't like it or want to think different, that is there problem not yours.
Anyways, during Snervous we got to see what goes on behind and inbetween the tours and just how much of a toll that can take on Tyler, and it kind of broke my heart seeing him stress and it made me realise not everything is what it seems. It isn't easy showing up to places and being there for hours and getting back out again, there is alot inbetween and there is a lot of pressure on a person to deal with that.
The tour looked like to much fun, Tyler was beaming and giving his all. He is so lovely to everyone, even people who got photographs late, and even when he was incredibly uncomfortable with fans hanging outside of his hotel. Tyler is a strong person, and I know I don't know him personally even though I feel as though I do, I am so incredibly proud of him!
The film was great. it was lovely and it was really enjoyable and I personally didn't see a downfall at all.

Snervous (Film Review)

Sunday 21 February 2016