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This week I would like to discuss my thoughts on the world of audiobooks. My own opinion of audiobooks has definitely changed since they brought back into mainstream social media. 

Having done a little research on the topic, I found that the first audiobook emerged in 1932. I didn't know this, personally, I had never heard of an audiobook till the emerge of audible back when I used to watch YouTubers as a teenager (Eg Tyler Oakley, Marcus Butler, Sawyer Hartman etc). At the time I wasn't phased by them, I was young and had zero interest in a subscription service for books, not when I could go to a library and read my little heart out.

Listening to an Audiobook!This is somewhat still my opinion. Fast forward to doing an English degree and simply not having the time to read chunky ass books. I didn't want to subscribe to something for books still but thanks to good ole YouTube I found the big texts on there. Since finishing my degree I have found life happens and I am not able to always sit down and delve into an actual book so I have found myself on YouTube again. This time I look for books that perhaps I wouldn't usually pick up in a bookshop, for example, Carrie Fisher's Wishful Drinking - I am no Star Wars fan but I had heard a lot about this iconic star so I gave her book a go. I got the pleasure of finding a version she herself readout. This was the start and now I have listened to 10+ books this year!

Don't get me wrong I am not about to throwback all my books (I could never) I still very much love reading a physical copy of a book and there is no other feeling like it, but audiobooks do allow me to do other stuff. That is essentially the top and bottom of it.

As I have left University I still want to read as much of the literary canon as possible, and sometimes the novels aren't as exciting as they lead you to believe. I try and listen to one literary book a month just to add to my read list. I am currently listening to William Golding's Lord of the Flies! Not many chapters but it's 7 hours listening time in total. I am enjoying this one quite a bit, the reader does the most amusing voices for different characters.

To finish this post off, it is a big YAY for me with audiobooks! Maybe this isn't the case for you. What is your opinion? If you are an audiobook lover like myself, what are you currently listening to?

My Thoughts on: Audiobooks.

Thursday 29 October 2020

The story was published in 1911, the author of The Secret Garden is Frances Hodgson Burnett. the film I watched as a child was released in 1993. Reading the story in 2020 it still feels relevant. A timeless story, one of beauty and nature. 
I loved the film as a child, I’ve always wanted to read the book. I found it as an audiobook free on YouTube to listen to here is the link: The story to listen to is 7 hours and 40 minutes long, it sounds daunting but once you really get into it you don't notice the time. It took me about 5 days to listen to the entire thing. 
I have been finding it easier listening to books, especially when I’m bathing, cleaning or even editing videos for my YouTube channel.  Listening to this book, in particular, has been so therapeutic, I really enjoyed all of the different characters and voices especially the Yorkshire ones. I often found myself grinning at the dialogue. I really enjoyed reading this one. I would really recommend this book, the description of nature and the garden was stunning to listen to. I was sad when it came to an end.
The Secret Garden is a story of a little girl called Mary, she moves from India, due to the death of her family, to England. She moves into the house if her uncle, as the story unfolds you see her transform from a bratty kid to a lovely young girl. Whilst her time at Misselthwaite Manor she discovers the secret garden, a place that belongs to her uncle’s dead wife. During the story Mary finds her cousin hidden away in the mansion, and you see him through the help of Mary, Dicken and the garden you see him grow as a person.  
The story was published in 1911, the author of The Secret Garden is Frances Hodgson Burnett. the film I watched as a child was released in 1993. Reading the story in 2020 it still feels relevant. A timeless story, one of beauty and nature. 

The Secret Garden (Book Review)

Friday 24 January 2020

I have recently noticed the influx of readers on my blog, and I am so happy to see my words are travelling further than I had ever imagined! I have received more comments in recent months, and people asking for ways to contact me. I have put my email address in the sidebar but I thought I'd made a post to also share all my social media platforms, so you guys can reach out to me. I do reply quite quickly depending the time of day you message!

My business email address:
My Instagram: WritingMyHeart
My Twitter: Lilmiss_lauren
My YouTube Channel: GeordieSimmer

I am so grateful for every reader, and it makes me happy seeing so many lovely comments. I am starting to get back into a routine posting back on the blog twice a week: Saturday & Wednesday. Click over into the sidebar to follow the blog and subscribe to email notifications for when I update! Thank you for reading, and I'll see you on Wednesday with a fresh new post!  

Where to find me

Saturday 9 November 2019

Long-time no blog, but I am back! With an announcement; I have finally created a Youtube for my Simming! You can find me at 'TheGeordieSimmer' or you can watch my first video below.

 I thought I would come on here and talk about the plans I have for the channel and the types of videos that I intend to create and talk about some of my favourite Simmer Youtubers!
So far, I have only posted an intro. A video talking about myself whilst creating myself on The Sims 4. This was fun, we are in early stages so it's easy to detect that I am a beginner. I hope to make more videos in the future, I am currently editing my next video.
What videos should you expect to see on my YT channel?
- Speed builds - this is what I hope the main content on my channel to be, I love building and watching speed builds (especially TheSimSupply) and I want to grow as a builder and share my builds.
- Reactions/reviews to new content, I want to open new packs and share my thoughts right there and then. 
- Gameplay  - I plan on doing some challenges, I am excited to explore challenges I haven't done before.

When will I upload?
I am either aiming for once a week or maybe every fortnight just to begin with. I haven't quite figured out editing yet, so I am still in the learner stage, so my uploads will eventually become more regular.

Who are my favourite YT Simmers?
- TheSimSupply 
- Deligracy 
- Kate Emerald
 - The Red Plumbob

Thank you for reading, all feedback for my channel is welcome! All suggestions are welcome :)


Saturday 17 August 2019


I feel like it has been a while since I just posted a talk/thought kind of post. So yesterday I posted a new poem,a spoken word poem which I did a video reading which I attached to the bottom. It wasn't spectacular but it something I hope to do more of in the future. It's fun and something new. 

Yesterday something else happened to me to; realization struck me during a heart to heart with my sister, I've been wanting to leave home for Uni since I was twelve and it sunk it that in four months time I will be doing just that. I cannot believe I am actually this close, it is frightening.  I am excited but absolutely bricking it at the same time!

I am also addicted to The Sims 4 - I spend all my free time on it, it is probably getting out of control. I am doing The Legacy challenge, which is challenging to say at the least. It's making me play Sims in a whole new way, so that is enjoyable.

Things are okay, I'm not bursting with happiness but I'm not crying myself to sleep either. I am okay with okay.


Wednesday 26 April 2017

As promised a film review, maybe this is technically a documentary but what the hell I'll review it anyways.
I have been a huge fan of Tyler Oakley for years now, and he is one of my favourite youtubers. He is inspirational, entertaining and just a genuine person. His Youtube videos never fail to inspire, he just a ball of fun.
Whilst going through Netflix earlier I found Snervous and I was immediately excited, and I hadn't seen yet so it was a long time coming. I didn't know what to expect, so I have just finished watching it and WOW. I MEAN WOW!
It was emotional, it had me laughing, crying, and smiling to myself like a little fool. It was amazing to learn so much more about the guy I have been watching throughout my teen years. We learn more about his family life and coming out, and the issues he had to face with his father, and it made me cry. And it made me realise that family is important but not as important as your own happiness and knowing what you are and what you want. I felt so bad for Tyler and with the situation his faced with his father and I can honestly say I never want him to feel like that ever again, not just him but anyone who has difficulties with people who can't or won't accept who you are, if they don't like it or want to think different, that is there problem not yours.
Anyways, during Snervous we got to see what goes on behind and inbetween the tours and just how much of a toll that can take on Tyler, and it kind of broke my heart seeing him stress and it made me realise not everything is what it seems. It isn't easy showing up to places and being there for hours and getting back out again, there is alot inbetween and there is a lot of pressure on a person to deal with that.
The tour looked like to much fun, Tyler was beaming and giving his all. He is so lovely to everyone, even people who got photographs late, and even when he was incredibly uncomfortable with fans hanging outside of his hotel. Tyler is a strong person, and I know I don't know him personally even though I feel as though I do, I am so incredibly proud of him!
The film was great. it was lovely and it was really enjoyable and I personally didn't see a downfall at all.

Snervous (Film Review)

Sunday 21 February 2016

I always love Fridays. Despite starting the first half of the day with a cold and feeling like tired crap I survived, enough so I could talk to my favourite human, and get more than a moderate amount of work done. It is also the last day of term so it has been chilled, not too much pressure. I usually finish quarter to four on Friday but my film teacher (A GOD SEND) allowed us to about five past three, oh yes! So I went to see my friend, we watched Jezza (Jeremy Kyle) he is hilarious and well you know yourself what those shows are like. We went for Bubble Tea at Bubble Cha, we met up with another friend. It was kind of a goodbye, because she is going away for five months. It was lovely, we drank bubble tea and even had bubble waffles (FABULOUS) it was good to chat, take pictures and enjoy each other's company. I am now ready to relax however I still have bits of work to do which I plan on getting right off my chest tomorrow so I am not stranded last minute. Since it is half term and I'm off for a week I will be posting everyday! SO ITS FRIDAY! I'm listening to music I think I may have an early night or just watch some videos on Youtube, probably sims game-play.


Friday 23 October 2015

We all know the wonderful world of Youtube, well I hope you do. Over the years I have found myself spending hours even days attached to my phone or laptop watching videos on youtube. Not just any old videos non of that weird animal stuff but youtubers. If you don't know what a youtuber is it is a person who posts videos, regular videos either vlogging (video blogging), or giving advice, or little challenges. I'm sure we all have out favourites.
I thought I would share my favourites with you, and give you the reasons why and why you should hit them up. Also I wish I was youtuber, it looks pretty cool but I am probably the most awkward perhaps even anti-social person you will ever meet!
Here it goes, also this isn't in any particular order although the first five are my all time favourite! In the brackets is their youtube channels so you can check them out.
Trisha Paytas (blndsundoll4mj) - Trisha is so misunderstood, you look at her and you will probably think she is a fake barbie but trust me she isn't. She is so down to earth. She is amazing literally, her rants are fabulous and she is really helpful and sassy. She is basically a inpsirational woman figure, she helps me a lot especially with confidence and stuff. She is so pretty and amazing trust me you will love her! Her book 'Curvy and Loving it' is incredible, it has opened my eyes and helped me see myself in a whole new light. She is a plus size role model, love you Trish!
Marcus Butler (MarcusButlerTv) - this guy Marcy Butt Butt is in fact the first ever youtuber I've ever watched, I can't even rememeber how I came across his channel but I am glad I did. He is so funny like seriously I can't even count the amount of times he's made me cry of laughter, he is also a nice guy sometimes a little awkward, which is cute as heck! HE ALSO HAS A HUGE ASS! YEAAH MINAJ ASS! I am hoping to get her merchandise at some point, serously he is amazing (and hot too!) Since watching Marcus and his videos I then watched his collabs which helped me grow into liking more youtubers.
Alfie Deyes (PointlessBlog) - Alfie is Marcus' best friend, the brighton boys! Alfie is such a cool guy, he is so chillled and really nice. He is dating Zoe (Zoella) I ship these guys so hard so canon right there! Their Sims series together is epic! But I also ship Alfie and Marcus as bromance so yeah MALFIE rules! Alfie does gaming videos as well as challenges and other cool things. Alfie is actual quite the dare devil, one of the many interesting things about him. Also he follows me on twitter, yaasssh!
Tyler Oakley (TylerOakley) - Queen of sass! I adore this guy, he is queen, he is bae, he is everything.  Tyler is so inpirational and of course king/queen of youtube. He successful, funny and fabulous. Bow down to this taco bell loving guy! I could talk forever about Tyler, his videos are great, Especially his Q and Slay. He's classy but sassy! I SHIP HIM SO BAD WITH TROYE SIVAN, TROYLER TROYLER TROYLER, This would be the ultimate canon if it came true! 95% of Tyler's videos well most of his collabs either involve alcohol or food or even both. He is hilarious, you're crazy if you haven't heard of Tyler Oakley. YOU NEED TO WATCH HIM, TRUST ME YOU WILL FALL IN LOVE!
Sawyer Hartman (SawyerHartman) - Sawyer is so frickin hot, he is the most attractive person I have ever seen. His eyes, I would love to look into them. He has an amazing style. He loves doing drunk videos, the drunk videos with Tyler are the best! Sawyer specialises in movies and filming, he has a huge obsession with cameras. His Thru My Eyes series are beautiful, you see the world from a complete different percpective, it is amazing. His shots are perfect like every moment. He is a funny guy, his dog Hitch so cute and is like his best friend.
 Connor Franta (ConnorFranta) - Connor is frickin insanely amazing and just he's special. I am in love this guy, yeah in love with a guy I've never met don't judge me ;). I feel like he is the voice for teenagers, despite him being 21 he has been where we are or have been. He has an obsession with coffee and cats, it's great honestly. He's funny and attractive, really attractive. He's great, I think that he's quite misunderstood, he's always happy but I think it's just a facade, but noneoftheless you will adore his videos, oh and probably in 90% of his videos he talking about or eating food, he's great! He also talks about a lot of issues and gives great advice, trust me he can help!
Troye Sivan (TroyeSivan) - King of coming out, if you need help in that area he is the guy to watch. Troye is basically a fanboy (LIKE TYLER TROYLER TROYLER TROYLER!). He is a procrastinator, everyone can relate to this! He's obsessed with Tumblr! He is such a great guy, also in love with Beyonce. Troye is the definition of fabulous. He is also an amazing singer, yes he sings. He is amazing in all forms possible.
Joey Graceffa - I never used to like him, I don't know why but he simply got on my nerves. Until I started watching collabs with him in, and he was constantly on my facebook timeline, and I gave into the handsome Joey. I sort of dismissed him until recently, and well now I am obsessed. I have come to the conclusion he would make a pretty good boyfriend, or at least boy best friend. He has the hottest shoulders and nicest hair ever!
 Matt and Nick (Lush) - Boyfriends, they are great. Mostly because they are just funny and also gaybies. They are practically in the definition of young love. They are funny, they are so fun and playful. I adore this, they are pretty much the main topic between me and Jason!
 NigaHiga - I haven't watched much of these, only their music videos, they are so funny and catchy. My favorite music video of these guys are; Nice Guys Finish Last and Bromance, they are hilarious!
 Miranda (MirandaSings) - She is a character of Coleen, she is over the top, insane and loves her self. With Miranda it has to be all about her, she is drastically funny. She sings really bad and looks bad. This of course is on purpose, the person who created Miranda is Coleen. She is fabulous, pretty and is a talented singer basically the opposite of her character Miranda.
Des (Capndesdes) - Des is actually insane, physically and mentally, his crazy ass rules. He has such a crazy imagination it's amazing how one person can be so crazy imaginative. He also has the coolest hairstyle, plus it never changes like it's perfect. I wish my hair would stay perfect but no only for Des!
Shane Dawson (ShaneDawsonTv) - Shane knows what it's like to be bullied and be a victim, he is proof that life gets better and than bullies aren't worth anything. He is fragile, but he is amazing. He is dating/seeing another youtuber Lisbug. They are such a funny couple! Shane has collabed with practically all the big channels on youtuber, everyone has to know Shane Dawson. He is also in a youtuber move Smiley - it's a horror it's quite jumpy when it first started I screamed, I am such a wimp, but seriously it is a very good movie!
Ricky Dillon, Sam Pottorff, JC Caylen, Trevor Moran, Kian Lawley and Connor Franta (Our2ndLife) - These are a group of guys coming together and also living together they share a channel, and each week their is a topic and each guy has to do a video about that topic or their interpretation of that topic. Sadly Connor left due to personal reasons :( He was my favourite, and still is I'm thankful for his main channel. These guys are great fun, I particularly like watching Ricky and JC. Ricky is sassy and has met practically most famous people, he also loves Pokemon he slays. JC is so chilled, like he is great he has an awesome cloud tattoo on his wrist.
These are the main youtubers I watch, I love them all! I hope you will too, sorry if this seemed like a fangirl post and most of it probably was but it's a part of me and that's what most of this is about I guess. I am always open to watch new youtubers so if you have any favorites that aren't above please comment them I want to watch more. Also if you like some or all please comment so we can talk and fan-girl and you know the business.
Please comment and vote AND STAY AWESOME!


Monday 27 July 2015