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When I was younger, a few years back, I came across a video online. It was a man speaking into a camera, and women would send him photographs of themselves and in these videos, he would respond to these photographs. Complimenting them and comparing their bodies to nature, I remember him once saying 'bountiful curves like blessed mountains'. My initial thought was, he is a nice guy and he is trying to make these women feel better about themselves, but as I think about it now the sad reality of it kicks in.

Those women were essentially sending themselves to a stranger for validation, they are putting their self-worth into the mouth of this man. But, what these women perhaps do not know is; any stranger, or even a person you know, can tell you you're beautiful, but it will never mean as much as you telling yourself you are beautiful.

The only person's opinion that will truly ever matter is your own. How many compliments have you received and actually accepted at face value? What you tell yourself in the mirror matters much more than any comment on a screen. You have spent your whole life with yourself, and if you like it or not you will continue to do so. So, love yourself now because you will save yourself some trouble in the future. Know your self-worth.

I wish those years back, I could read this. I wish young Lauren was as self-aware as I am now. She was naive  and so obsessed with other people accepting her, admittedly that is somewhat a little true today, but I like to think I've picked up a thing or two.

an opinion that will matter

Tuesday 14 March 2017

You never really grow up, I realised this today. Sure bills happen and even more responsibility but you're still young at heart. I realised this as I sat with one of my close friends dancing and miming along to a playlist I created. A playlist that contains tracks from childhood Disney films; Camp Rock, High School Musical, Starstruck and the programme Hannah Montana. As eighteen year olds this is probably not normal, but we've been doing this on a daily basis, allowing our young selves to recite lyrics and jamming to the songs we once swore were our lives. It's those moments that make me feel alive and filled with pure happiness. I'm listening to this playlist as I type away, this playlist has become my guilty pleasure, my go to instant happiness. Do you have your go to pick me up?

Pick me up

Tuesday 29 November 2016

I get caught up thinking about some or the 'crazy' things I've done, or possibly will do. The possible consequences or effects or how it makes me look takes over my mind. It wasn't until today a friend said to me "You're eighteen have fun you can do all this crazy shit it's good" and she was right. I am eighteen, it's the time in my life where I'm allowed to be outrageous and do stupid shit like, if not now when? When I have  a mortgage to pay and spend most of my time working? It will be too late then. Sure this year is important and I need make sure I get the grades and be the best me I can, but that doesn't mean I can't have fun and do crazy shit like getting drunk, snogging guys the first time I meet them or getting little tattoos which I adore. Life is busy and hectic, and sure still being in the education system can be time consuming but don't forget to take a little time out, I'm not saying neglect responsibility but don't forget to live a little, laugh we are young, now is the time to do dumb shit and make memories.

Make Memories

Thursday 8 September 2016

The patter of rain from the window
wind gushing in my freedom.
Laughter between friends
running a wild havoc.
Pure delightful nonsense
oh those were the days.
The days stolen from us.

Ripped from our tiny palms
toys replaced with politics
laughter transformed into tears
singing strained into stressful screams.
No care in the world
to caring too much for the world.
Bruised knees to broken hearts.

Where can we restart?



Tuesday 9 February 2016