Showing posts with label year. Show all posts
Staring at the little column to the right of my blog I noticed that I have done 300 posts so far this year. One for each day so far, and it made me realise that there are only 65 days after today until 2016 is over. How did this happen? I can't recall where this year has gone, and how fast it has passed me. I was told your final year in sixth form will be fast but I didn't expect it to be true. I've been so consumed in essays, socialising and dating I just hadn't noticed months fly right past me. I kind of want it to stop, put up a barrier and call time to a halt. Just so I can stand in the second, breathe and enjoy a singular frozen moment.

65 Days

Thursday 27 October 2016

Where is the time going? I swear it was only August five seconds ago. The weeks are swishing by in a fast blur, I've noticed time has a way of passing quicker when you're older. You're so busy and consumed in work and living you simply forget the date changes. Yesterday felt like a Monday, I was pleased to find that today is Friday. The weekend if finally upon us. I have work to do, which we both know will probably be left until Sunday or at the very latest Tuesday. I am keeping on top of things though, I refuse to allow the work load pile up and stress me out. I have a feeling that soon enough it will be Summer again, it is almost frightening how a week has gone within a flash.

Gone within a flash

Friday 2 October 2015