Showing posts with label writing spark. Show all posts
During this lockdown of ours, I have been finding a little hard to write. The world is all uneasy so I have been feeling very uneasy. To help spark my motivation I decided to feed my ever-growing addiction: notebooks. I do have quite a few already but they're all back in Brighton and just need something new and to have with me whilst I am home. I have been having a neb at Go Stationery for a while now and I decided to use my 15% off code to treat myself (if you want to treat yourself too GOGLAM230) and I found some stunning notebooks. I ordered three in total, two for me and one stunning Peacock notebook for my sister. In my delivery I also received a stunning planner, I don't really make much use of planner's so I gifted it to my sister for her business.
The Nikki Strange collection is my favourite, I bought from the element collection as well as astrology. I do plan on buying the rest of the element collection in the future, I just wanted to test it out and the quality of these notebooks are stunning.  As you can see to the right. The element of fire notebook is so bright, I figure the start of the collection had to be my own sign. I will be buying the rest because I am obsessed!
I plan on using the fire element notebook for thoughts, I am often swamped with feelings and thoughts. I get quite anxious at times, especially at times like these, and writing in the past has helped me so much. I really want to get back to writing every day, get everything out of my head and heart. It used to help me feel so relaxed especially on days where I feel super overwhelmed.
Buying notebooks is my attempt to trying and get my writing flow back, I just want to create and be imaginative but I’ve been everything but. I can’t wait to finish my degree too, then I’m free to write for myself again. Maybe 2020 will be the Summer of writing. 
The little moon and stars book I’ll keep for a rainy day, a spark will come and I know what to write inside. Maybe use it for a new book idea or a new poetry book!  
Have you been making any creative purchases lately?

New Notebooks

Friday 8 May 2020

Since coming to University a lot has changed, my workload has been heavier and my social life has gotten more active. These things I am grateful for but for a long time I haven't been able to write properly.
 Sure, poems here and there but it has been months since I sat down and worked on some fiction. At least for pleasure, sure I have had to do writing for coursework which was fun but forced. I haven't written for pleasure is such a long time.
Until today. Something has just been sparked inside me again, after a draught I decided to reread a piece I was working on 'Hug Me Kiss Me Love Me' and I felt that spark come back. The connection with characters and all I had planned for them. So far I have managed to write a new chapter, it wasn't very long but it just felt amazing to write carefree again.
I posted it on Wattpad, a website I have been writing on since I was fourteen. I am nearly twenty. It is crazy to think it has been six years. I love the Wattpad community, it's amazing for all writers. I would recommend. The stories on there that I have posted have been purely for fun.I used to love readng other people's stories too, I wish I had the time these days to fall back into it.
 I have a book I want to eventually publish, not on Wattpad but real life. But, I haven't quite found the spark for it. I know I will come back to it, I always do. Right now, today I am just writing for fun. A story that sparks my mind and makese me laugh. Something that isn't all that serious but just chill with no judgement.

I can't tell you how to get the spark it just happens. Sometimes it can take days or if you're like me months! Just know someday it will return, and until then? Just write whatever you can. I write on the blog to keep writing, or in a journal or random snippets of thoughts in notebooks.

Writing Spark

Saturday 10 March 2018