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If you don't follow me on my Instagram or Twitter, you may not know that I started a new job!  I am a trainee copywriter who currently works from home, I started last Monday. I have been having an absolute blast.  

My only worry going into the job was how I would adapt to working from home and getting the right work vibe going. One week in and I think I have it all figured out, I thought I would share my techniques with you:

1) Declutter - the week building up to starting the new job I decided to have a good clean & sort. I’m a bit of a hoarder so lots of things round-up around my room. I decided to be tough, I also managed to rearrange all to Funko pops & furniture to make the space feel new almost.

2) Writing Space - not everyone can fit a desk into their bedroom. I couldn’t so I transformed the top of my drawers into a workspace. A place to work on my laptop, take notes and sit to write. I wanted to make it a space that helped me feel inspired. To achieve this I added a few favourite things like my Wicked singing SnowGlobe, my gemstone tree & various Funko pops. 

3) Move Around - I found that staying in one space can get a little tedious so around mid-day, every day, I have been moving around my room. I do a little shuffle around, changing my sitting positions. Sometimes sitting down on the floor to write at my little table or making a cushion fort on my bed and writing there. Using a laptop for work has certainly got its perks!

4)  Snacks - I don’t know about you but I love working & eating. Having something small next to me that I can munch on whilst I’m working. It really helps! Chewing gum is always good to have at hand, something about it helps me concentrate. It is important to remember to always have a drink beside you, truth be told in the past week I’ve drunk more tea than I ever have in my lifetime. As well as endless cups of tea I always have a water bottle beside me. Stay hydrated!

5) Comfortable Clothes - I was constantly being told by everyone around me that I should wear proper clothes each day working at home. Dress fully to put me in the right frame of mind. I see where they were coming from but I am not wearing smart clothing on a day no one can see me. Don't get me wrong I dress the part when I have meetings and briefs but other than that I am wearing comfortable clothing. When I don't have meetings I am in a t-shirt, that's it. I write best when I am not feeling restricted by clothing. A bonus is on hot days you can wear the bare minimum, no coworkers to accidentally flash when the heat makes you want to rip your skin off. Just the comfort of yourself at home.

6) Leave your house - this is easier said than done if you’re not working from a laptop. Despite my previous point you will have to be fully clothed I am afraid.  Plan an afternoon to work in a cafe or find a little office space or library you can work in. Alternatively, if you’re more of a computer person or looking for ways to spend your time off try and make sure when you’re not working that you spend as little time in your workspace as possible- this will prevent you from getting tired of your surroundings easily. 

I am sure this list will increase within time, if you are also working from home are there any recommendations you have? I hope this has been insightful and helpful. Keep an eye out for our next blog post!

Writing From Home

Monday 19 July 2021