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345 days clean. I would say 345 days strong but I’d be lying, each day I grow weaker. The need lingers and some days I come close to breaking my streak, but I am reminded by the glare. That glare of the foul creature that haunts the sky, the professor that keeps me and my kind in order.   Today is the day I am supposed to celebrate, celebrate my secret. The celebration has not started well, I have been awake over an hour and yet I have not moved my sorry ass out off of this pit I call a bed.

Move out on your own they said, stand on your own two feet they told me, it would do me the world of good. Again I am reminded why I probably shouldn’t accept the advice I receive. I wander across the empty floorboards, barefoot ignoring the cold of forgetting to shut all the windows the night before, as usual. The only noises are my own, cracking of my bones as I lazily stretch to the kitchen.

I cannot help miss the smell of thick grease from grizzled bacon on the stove each morning, or the disgusting waft of vegetables anytime the fridge was opened. It’s different now, no one is cooking me bacon and no one is filling the fridge. Independence is a cruel thing, you hunt for yourself and you provide for yourself. And if you don’t? You hear the consequence as it rumbles through you preventing any possible chance of sleep.

Parts in order;
Wild One
Wave of Lavender

Hunter of Hope

Thursday 19 May 2016

Yesterday I dropped my phone... down the toilet. It's not working which is kind of annoying, I have lost a lot of my things and my weekly favourites cannot be posted this week since everything is now gone. I am sorry about that. It's weird though because I've actually had to listen to the world (I usually listen to my music through my earphones most of the time) and it made me realize two things 1) Other people have really interesting lives (we all ease drop on buses get over it!) and 2) I depend on my phone way too much. Every other minute I wanted to check it, I felt left out (unable to contact my friends) it was weird I felt like a part of me is/was missing. Which is insane I know, what has life come to when a person thinks so much of a piece of metal wiring thing in a shape of a brick so much? When did I become so addicted to social media and being in the loop. I missed snapchat, sharing stupid things and using crazy filters. I am back online though kind of, I still have my laptop for my blog which is always amazing, I'm using a tablet until my phone situation changes.
Just a little FYI post this has been, a little eye opener for two reasons 1) Technology is addictive 2) Don't use your phone in the toilets, even if it's in your open pocket (mine fell out that way).

Bye Phone

Saturday 23 April 2016

Yesterday summary - So I met my best friend, we got caught up in the rugby fans which by the way was exciting, the atmosphere was insane. We went for bubble tea (Mango with pineapple bubbles) we found somewhere to basically sit and catch up. We then went stationary shopping (my favourite kind of shopping) I had to pick up some notebooks and binders for college and some eye liner it was fun. We laughed, talked (a lot) too plenty of pictures which then we were going for food but my favourite place was shut so we went to her house, where we laughed a whole lot more and what not and we eat noodles. We spent hours just talking and listening to music it was a best friend kind of therapeutic.

I suppose this a Sunday with WritingMyHeart just share this Sunday with you. I might do a couple of these a week but obviously for different days.

Today; I've decided to start a diet, for the good of my health and basically get my body to where I want it. It's not a major diet yet I'm just cutting out fizzy drinks, crisps, sweets and takeout from my diet for now. I'm starting up gym again so that will work in my favour!

11:51 Currently swamped with work. Since I bought new notebooks yesterday I now have one for each subject instead just one so I have a lot of note transferring to however it also counts for revision so not only am I organizing things I'm studying things at the same time.

15:34 Not long ago had a healthy lunch now back to work. Film Studies is almost done then just English and Media Studies to go...

17:40 just finished all the work and I'm now ready to relax. I hope bubble bath is definitely on the cards and who knows I might watch a film!

19:39 Feeling as chilled as possible, everything is sorted for college and well I think I may just spend the rest of my night on  my laptop doing whatever. I feel as though today has been productive! So for the blog I shall call it a night and I will see you guys tomorrow for Monday's post, whatever it may be!

Sunday with WritingMyHeart

Sunday 11 October 2015

An early morning deserves a large consumption of caffeine. It seems over the weekend my head was so far into writing I completely forgot the work I had to do for college, this is th only day of the week I can really have a lie in due to lessons not beginning until half ten. However, I need to keep on top of things and not get behind so I woke up at half six like I do most weekdays and I was soon enough sat in the student gateway at half eight this morning. You can imagine how Zombie I was, luckily for me my best friend lives on campus; Costa. By the picture you can tell I had company to do my work. I like coming in early, it gives me a chance to catch up and prepare for the day/week ahead of me. I think coming in early on a Monday will be a regular thing, then that means my work load on the weekend isn't as heavy. Plus it keeps my sleeping pattern in order! So caffeine has started my day and I'm ready for whatever is presented to me. Quite excited for English Lit&Lang though we are beginning Great Expectations by the amazing Charles Dickens. Definitely looking forward to it! How do you start your day? Usually I'm a tea girl but in necessary measures and mornings coffee is definitely my go to!

Cappuccino? Cappuccino.

Monday 28 September 2015