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 Oh, little fairy,

how cunning you can be,

shake your wings, sprinkle your dust,

for us all to see.

Oh,  little fairy,

I see the games you play.

Twirling your hair, watching me all day.

Up to mischief, up to no good,

behave you very much should.

Oh,  little fairy,

don't fly too close to the fire,

danger danger,

is that your desire?

Art by Rebecca McDonald (@the_little_artist_room)
Artwork by Rebecca McDonald
@the_little_artist_room on Instagram

Oh, little Fairy

Friday 12 March 2021

Thank you for reading!


Friday 14 June 2019

I use all my own images, I’m so lucky to live in a pretty seaside town like Brighton!


There was a time when
I could forget the world
With a singular sour sip
a chug of burning
and I would no longer have;
to be  myself

I'd be a self made champion
a happy hero
all with my trusty dazing sidekick

it stopped
it betrayed me
my stomach got trapped in a whirl
I began to badly hurl
I left my trusty sidekick

Upon my return
Its' lips met mine with a grin
only it didn't work

It lost its magic
the power it had ran out
my once good friend has gone
I am no longer that champion
no longer that happy hero

happy hero

Thursday 29 December 2016

Fuck, it's happened again
On this cycle it moves forward
Only to move back
Like a spinning top
Spinning but never coming to a stop


Wednesday 28 September 2016

Words escape me
Only they also don't
Really they're my friends
Decent companies
Sentence us together forever


Wednesday 21 September 2016

So you want to know a little more about me? Uninteresting I guess to normal people. I like books, no I love books. Can you imagine a room filled with books from top to bottom, corner to corner that would be my life. I love writing, it's my one thing in life  I feel like I'm genuinely good at. Do you ever feel so passionate about something it's almost engraved in your  bones? A thing so precious to you, that's what writing and books are to me. Love, I believe in love, love for family, friends and things and just life, loving life is precious.

More About Me

Tuesday 12 July 2016

Sun and relaxation?
Unlikely mate.
More free time
Maybe not.
Everyone going out and stuff
Really? Don't fool yourself Lauren.


Monday 11 July 2016

I'm not sure if it's just me but I have words that I like to use a lot, or I just like saying or stick it in an essay somewhere. Words that are just appealing, I thought it would be a good little idea to share all my favourites words, well at least the ones I can think of off the top of my head. I'm not sure if I have done this before, I think I may have last year but I am not too sure I'll have to check but since then I have many more. Some I will explain but I won't bore you with the details.

  • Pathetic fallacy - it is such a pretty word, since I study Media, Film and English Lit&Lang I get to use this word a lot!
  • Bloated - say it out loud, your lips and tongue replicate the action of bloatedness - need I say more?
  • Picturesque 
  • Painterly
  • Writerly - not sure if this even a real word.
  • Dominant
  • Prominent 
  • D**k Head - Fully aware it's swearing but I have to admit I like to use this word. 
  • Interrogative - Rhetorical interrogative mostly, doesn't just sound devine?
  • Caesura 
  • Grotesque
  • Vlogging - I like the idea of the two words merging of video and blogging - this has a real word but I'm failing to remember it.
  • Timeless
  • Naive 
These are my favourite words, what are yours and why?

Appealing Words

Saturday 16 April 2016

Hey guys, earlier this week I posted this poem;

I know this space I live in
I sob the messiest writer's ink.
He spilled my contents out
And it leaked down his walls.
I felt blessed even though it meant the end.
I helped him voice his love and power.
And then through the pockets of travelers
I saw life pass me.
On the smallest shelf in the smallest shop
On the longest street in the largest city
I stand.

I shared it with several people outside of my blog, and well I have had several different interpretations, obviously poetry and writing is open to interpretation but I decided to see just how much and what way can things be interpreted. So the poem above I have been told that people thought it was about - Sex, break up, a personal encounter of mine.
What is really was about; An ink-pot, it's from the perspective of an ink-pot and the life it has had.
It's the first time I've ever written a poem or anything from an object's perspective and it is fascinating and really enjoyable. For the original piece, I got asked questions for the ink pot, and told not to stop writing until the questions were done. I wrote over a full page and those ten lines were the ones that stuck out to me the most
It's a new writing technique for poetry I did earlier in the week. I got given an object to write about. I didn't know exactly what it was (I guessed an inkpot, it turned out to be an old-fashioned ashtray)  I answered questions about it and then picked bits out to form a ten line poem. It's a pretty good technique the point of it is that people don't know what you're writing about not the exact thing. It is a fun thing to do. I decided to share this with you and the technique to show you, that so many things can be interpreted in different ways, and if we are feeling a certain we are more inclined to link the words with our emotions, or something we can relate to!

That is all for tonight, and I hope this has inspired you or at least provoked some thoughts. Pick up a pen and give it a go with any random object. I wasn't sure when I first got given the task and well now I am ready to do more!


Saturday 27 February 2016

Do you ever just fall in love with a word? There is no real reason behind it you just like the way it sounds. Every week I fall in love with a word, even just hearing someone else mention the word it makes me smile. This weeks word is;

Pathetic fallacy - is a literary device wherein the author attributes human emotions and traits to nature or inanimate objects. For example, the following descriptions refer to weather and how it affects the mood, which can add atmosphere to a story: smiling skies, somber clouds, angry storm, or bitter winter.

Word of the week

Saturday 3 October 2015

This weekend has by far been the best weekend for writing, I have had plenty of time on my hands so I have been typing away on my stories and what not. Let me check the word count for how much I've written so far starting from Friday, this is collectively as I have been working on different things ect.

So my word count of the weekend is; 4399! 

I am really pleased with that, plus I plan on doing some more writing throughout the day. I think next weekend (depending on work load) I will aim for six thousand words! I know it isn't a compitition, but I feel like it is a good idea to set goals and better myself to do as much writing as possible when possible! What is your weekend word count?

Word Count; 4399

Sunday 27 September 2015

You got something to say? Why don’t you speak it out loud, instead of living in your head? - The 1975 - Heart Out.

The 1975

Saturday 22 August 2015