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This, I am not going to lie I bought this purely for the cover. It is stunning!! I try and not buy books based on their covers but this time I could not help myself. I work in a bookshop so it is easy to buy books on impulse. So I did just that. What would Boudicca do? by E.Foley & B. Coates

I bought this book for my holiday to Egypt, when I was not being sold for camels and visiting pyramids I was by the pool catching up on some well-deserved pleasure reading. I wanted to start with something light, an easy read if you will. I thought this book was a fiction book, I bought it without actually looking into it properly. It turned out to be a historical self-help book... I think that is the genre I would put it in. I don't usually (or ever) read self-help books but there was something about this one I could not put down. The book explored famous women through history, true icons who changed the world and owned their shit.

It was a pleasant easy read, I enjoyed reading about women such as Boudicca, Hypatia, Fe De Mundo and many other women I had not heard of before. I kind of ignored the self-help part, essentially the authors tell you the history of how women dealt with their issues and how you can apply their 'techniques' to your everyday life. I didn't really need the advice so I took to the book for a more educational purpose. To learn about badass women through history. 

Before we get any raging anti-feminists raging, this book isn't just glorifying women and saying they're amazing (even though they are) it also talks about their not so great qualities and issues. 

I enjoyed reading and learning about so many different women, stories of their struggles and how they overcame the toughest of situations. It was an interesting read. What I also loved about this book is the illustrations, they are stunning. The illustrator is  Bijou Karman. Here are some of the illustrations from the book below:

Would I recommend? If you're looking to learn about women in history sure, but if you're looking for a life fix, maybe not! My next book review will be Talking to Female Serial Killers by Christopher Berry-Dee.

What would Boudicca do? (review)

Thursday 8 November 2018

It was this moment, her stress disintegrated with the rays of the sun shining down on her. It was gods kiss that made her skin glow, her freedom had finally washed upon her. Her sins vanishing into the thin air as her angelic tendencies arise. She was no longer troubled by demons, instead empowered by the inner hope that always glowed in the centre of the flesh that would beat only intensely for him, but no longer it beats for that  monster but beats only for herself. For now she is no longer that damsel in distress, for now she is stronger than any man that would dare to challenge her, she does not need a single soul to cheer her on, or drag down, she has discovered that overwhelming independence. And forever more she shall hold onto that fierce feeling, and will conquer any wall that shall arise before her. This woman does not live for the sake of others, she will not be belittled and told she is nothing, for she is everything and much more.

Gods Kiss

Wednesday 15 March 2017