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You guys have no idea how much I have needed it to be Friday! This week hit me like a brutal wrecking ball, I wasn't ready nope. I wasn't read for an ear infection, or going back to college, or the three mock exams, or the sleepless nights, or just emotional feelings, I wasn't ready what so ever.
Friday did pick everything up though, the last mock was today, also my ear infection is pretty much nearly fixed thanks to ear spray and painkillers. The first week back from being off for half term always throws me off a little.
As expected of a Friday it well and truly cheered me up. I laughed, I got butterflies and had a blast. My college life is moving forward, slowly but surely but I'm getting to terms with things and I'm ready to not have a rerun of last year.
I'm currently enjoying some music, which is good to wear earphones without being muffled or hurting my ear a lot.
Tomorrow should be a good day, I plan on attending  a writing group, which meeting other writers in my age range is always a blessing. I have good vibes mainly because I really get along with creative people and our ideas bounce off one another and well sometimes that's all the inspiration I need!
I may stay up late too, catch up on my Sims and just chill. It is the weekend, it is well needed!

Wrecking ball

Friday 8 January 2016

This weekend  I haven't been feeling so well, a head cold and just generally feeling a little low. To keep myself busy I have been staying warm as well as spending some (much needed) time on Sims. I have been creating  new Sims, and I'm getting better and better at it. I have even taking to uploading my Sims onto the Sims exchange.  I have  to say I'm pretty impressed with myself.
Today I feel much better than I did yesterday, I slept a lot yesterday! Monday tomorrow, I'm looking forward to film studies. I downloading editing software today and I'm thinking about my coursework and I'm looking forward to it. This weekend has been chilled, but I have needed every second of it!

Sunday Funday

Sunday 6 December 2015

Where is the time going? I swear it was only August five seconds ago. The weeks are swishing by in a fast blur, I've noticed time has a way of passing quicker when you're older. You're so busy and consumed in work and living you simply forget the date changes. Yesterday felt like a Monday, I was pleased to find that today is Friday. The weekend if finally upon us. I have work to do, which we both know will probably be left until Sunday or at the very latest Tuesday. I am keeping on top of things though, I refuse to allow the work load pile up and stress me out. I have a feeling that soon enough it will be Summer again, it is almost frightening how a week has gone within a flash.

Gone within a flash

Friday 2 October 2015

This weekend has by far been the best weekend for writing, I have had plenty of time on my hands so I have been typing away on my stories and what not. Let me check the word count for how much I've written so far starting from Friday, this is collectively as I have been working on different things ect.

So my word count of the weekend is; 4399! 

I am really pleased with that, plus I plan on doing some more writing throughout the day. I think next weekend (depending on work load) I will aim for six thousand words! I know it isn't a compitition, but I feel like it is a good idea to set goals and better myself to do as much writing as possible when possible! What is your weekend word count?

Word Count; 4399

Sunday 27 September 2015

A little recap of my day, woken up with cuddles from my niece, lovely as always. We then met my brother in town, and the four us (me, niece, sister and brother) had breakfast then went to soft play. It was delightful, chasing a child around and through the soft play for over an hour felt like a full blown work out! Later we dropped my niece at her dads and we tidied my sisters house, by this time my brother went home. My sister prepared for her weekend away for her birthday. I tidied, we went to the shop. I got lucky and won a fiver on a scratch card, it isn't much but I think it's a sign of good weekend ahead. Fast forward, sister left with her boyfriend so I'm house/dog/cat/reptile sitting for the weekend. I tidied the whole house, now ready to chill. Just ordered Pizza (sinful to say at the least) Pal (dog) is chilling with me and we even have one of my favourite movies/musicals on Burlesque!! A good weekend is a must for me? I think Chicago is next after Burlesque!!

Perfect weekend?

Friday 28 August 2015