Showing posts with label weather. Show all posts
So this week I've gotten a cold and been quite unwell. The joys of having a cold and having stuff to do, is an actual nightmare. I got it from my lovely niece who I babysit daily and take to nursery most mornings, so naturally if anyone was going to become ill after her it was always destined to be me, and it always is. When you're feeling crap and annoyed because of a cold you sit sorrowful reminiscing the times you didn't feel like shit. So today I give you 4 reasons why colds are the worst
1) Runny nose - oh boy how annoying you're constantly snuffling, wiping at your nose every 30 seconds it's god awful. Not to mention the amount of tissues you go through, I've taken to keeping a full role of super soft toilet roll in my backpack, not even kidding it's annoying going back and forth to the toilets to get tissues when your many little packs run out. It's awkward having toilet paper but it saves me energy, the little energy I have during this sad time. I refuse to blow my nose in public places, so I have to suffer and sniffle all day long till I'm alone in my room, this is because personally I think it's disgusting, the sound and the whole process makes me feel sick I don't want anyone else to endure that.
2) You're always tired - you can never feel good whilst having a cold like never. You're always feeling crap. You just want to sleep all day buried in your nice warm bed, but no amount of sleep is enough. I know this because for the past three nights I've went to sleep at 8PM and woke up about half six, I was just as tired and felt worse. But sleeping isn't even an easy task during the cold,  you're constantly wiping your nose, trying to find a position that will stop snot running down your face  (I found lying on your back with your head titled back usually work even though super uncomfortable) plus you can only breathe through your mouth. Lucky for me I don't have a partner or someone who shares room with me, because damn having a blocked nose sure makes you snore.
3) always cold or too hot - the temperature of your body is always different to everyone whose well. For instance in a classroom everyone will be hot and I'm shivering with my coat on. Or at night I'll wear a hoodie to sleep because I'm freezing with a double blanket on yet mid sleep I'll be super hot and have to take my hoodie off and then wow look freezing again, it's an endless cycle. Or how my sister ran my what she called a 'lovely hot bath' I got in yeah felt lukewarm like sure it made my skin red but it didn't feel hot at all.
4) Waste of food - by far the worst part of the whole having a cold process, your taste buds just fail you. You can taste a single thing, everything tastes the same it's god awful. My sister and her fiance made my favourite food Spaghetti from scratch, mushrooms and all and I couldn't taste a thing. I was deeply upset, I am a huge lover of food like obviously I am, it's just sad not being able to taste the goodness of it.
Those are my 4 reasons of why having a cold is the worst. If you have any other reason you hate a cold or some over thing then comment and let me know about it!

Colds are the worst!

Tuesday 20 September 2016

April. dear April,
What a surprise you've been. You've brought me happiness, tears, breakdowns' and snow. A nightmare if I ever had to recognise one awake. Granted you've had your moments like making me laugh at something that once made me cry, you've brought me the goodness of health. It has been a difficult month, a bit sketchy in places and damn right rude in others. A bit problematic but you've put me on the right path I suppose. You've been a lesson, I guess a tough cold one but hey I got through it!
I'm ready for you May, bring on the exams and whatever else you want to throw my way, after this month I feel invincible.

Goodbye April

Saturday 30 April 2016

It's howling
can you feel it?
It's thrashing
can you hear it?

It's as cold as bones
tell me you see it?
It's shaking the trees
tell me you taste it?

It's roaring and scaring
will you stand still?
It's strong and dangerous
will you replace it?

The Wind

Monday 1 February 2016

Place Pictures

Thursday 14 January 2016

This weekend  I haven't been feeling so well, a head cold and just generally feeling a little low. To keep myself busy I have been staying warm as well as spending some (much needed) time on Sims. I have been creating  new Sims, and I'm getting better and better at it. I have even taking to uploading my Sims onto the Sims exchange.  I have  to say I'm pretty impressed with myself.
Today I feel much better than I did yesterday, I slept a lot yesterday! Monday tomorrow, I'm looking forward to film studies. I downloading editing software today and I'm thinking about my coursework and I'm looking forward to it. This weekend has been chilled, but I have needed every second of it!

Sunday Funday

Sunday 6 December 2015

It's just another manic Monday, I wish it were Sunday

I always associate this song with Mondays I don't really know why, until recently I would have agreed with most people hating on Mondays but it seems I have turned over a new leaf, and I can proudly say that Monday is my favorite day. I start sixth form a little later than most of my days, I also have all my subjects today which is good because I genuinely enjoy them all. Plus I have no doubles so there is no dragging my heels and everything is straight to the point. I have more or less done all my work outside of lessons, just a few tweaking here and there needing to be done but the main content is pretty much finished. Plus I do have two hours spare tomorrow to round everything up, proofread and you know the rest.
The vibes I am getting from today are positive, I feel good and well we all know the day is what you make of it. I'm enjoying the fact that all my lessons closely link, not only does it make my work load easier but if I am improving one subject then surely I am in the others. Despite the gloomy weather, blocked nose and shivering I plan on radiating happiness and as always give my all. I won't allow the weather nor the day of the week hold me down.

Manic Monday?

Monday 5 October 2015

hmmm maybe not.
Hello, humans I come in peace?
The Weather? Such an interesting topic, doesn't it just tickle your fancy. No. WHO EVEN TALKS ABOUT THE WEATHER I MEAN WHATT?? Well apart from weathen men or women then I s'pose that is acceptable.
Seriously is there anyone who has ever had a full on convo about the weather? I MEAN WHAT IS THERE TO TALK ABOUTT EXACTLY?
Norman (idk first name in my head); the weather is lovely!
Brenda (shush is this roleplay); Oh I know it's just luvely, the weather is finaly looking up!
Norman; I know it's been rather grumpy lately, with all that rain!
Brenda; I know it's been terribly honestly I haven't been able to hang my knickers up on the line!
AWKWARD. Where can a weather conversation really go? Norman and Brenda know exactly what I am talking about, their convo is lasting long they will probs end up talking about food nexts and then puppies, the weather won't come up again.
I s'pose when ya really think about it when the weather is concerned it's only ever in small talk, probably because there is small to talk about it.
Now I'm thinkin why on earth have I written an entry on weather? I AM INSANE OR NOT RIGHT IN THE HEAD? Shush don't even think aboout answering it, cheeky sod. I mean writing about weather who even? ONE THING IS TALKIGN ABOUT IT BUT ACTUALLY WRITING, I'm crazy. This isn't even healthy.
What even is weather, I don't think I have stepped out the house since 1990. I WASNT BORN THEN BUT NEVER MIND. I should really go out and enjoy the 'weather' cause I mean NOTHING sounds more appealing than breathing in poisoned polluted air, I mean dream come true right there.
This isn't really a post, but it's something. SOMETHING ON MY MIND, woo you are inside my hollow head mwahahha. You should leave before you're trapped in here forever, trust me pal you wouldn't want that. If there was a possible escape route I WOULD BE GONE!
Yeah so hows the weather?

Reality; The Weather?

Thursday 23 July 2015