Showing posts with label wattpad. Show all posts
Since coming to University a lot has changed, my workload has been heavier and my social life has gotten more active. These things I am grateful for but for a long time I haven't been able to write properly.
 Sure, poems here and there but it has been months since I sat down and worked on some fiction. At least for pleasure, sure I have had to do writing for coursework which was fun but forced. I haven't written for pleasure is such a long time.
Until today. Something has just been sparked inside me again, after a draught I decided to reread a piece I was working on 'Hug Me Kiss Me Love Me' and I felt that spark come back. The connection with characters and all I had planned for them. So far I have managed to write a new chapter, it wasn't very long but it just felt amazing to write carefree again.
I posted it on Wattpad, a website I have been writing on since I was fourteen. I am nearly twenty. It is crazy to think it has been six years. I love the Wattpad community, it's amazing for all writers. I would recommend. The stories on there that I have posted have been purely for fun.I used to love readng other people's stories too, I wish I had the time these days to fall back into it.
 I have a book I want to eventually publish, not on Wattpad but real life. But, I haven't quite found the spark for it. I know I will come back to it, I always do. Right now, today I am just writing for fun. A story that sparks my mind and makese me laugh. Something that isn't all that serious but just chill with no judgement.

I can't tell you how to get the spark it just happens. Sometimes it can take days or if you're like me months! Just know someday it will return, and until then? Just write whatever you can. I write on the blog to keep writing, or in a journal or random snippets of thoughts in notebooks.

Writing Spark

Saturday 10 March 2018

 Teen Fiction and Romance with a sentiment of humour.

"I dare you to make someone fall in love with you." He smirked, the way his lips curved took all control from me.

 He was breathtakingly dangerous, the thing that got me the most was that he knew. He knew perfectly well the effect he had on me. 

But I would never back down from a dare, no matter the consequence, and he knew that too...

Hug Me Kiss Me Love (Wattpad - WritingMyHeart)

Wednesday 13 April 2016

Maybe some of you are interested and maybe some of you aren't, but here are some of my links to my social media, where you can get access to thinks I'm tweeting and posting about. I will also include the link to my Wattpad. But you can actually get these by clicking on the bar above and they will take you right there!

My Twitter;
My Instagram;
My Wattpad;
My Snapchat; flonesasfuck
My Google;

I also have another mini blog, you can access it straight from this blog but here is the link;

That's all I have for you to day, if you do check out any of the links below please leave a comment or a tweet or a message on that social media telling me you came across from my blog! Thank you and have a lovely Sunday!

My Plugs!

Sunday 10 January 2016

An early post today, I have woken up a little early today. It's good not to have to get up, rush to get ready and leave for college. I can just do things at a normal pace, chilled and stress free. So we are now in the top three days of the countdown. Tonight's film shall be Home Alone 2, I mean I might as well since I watched the first last night.
I'm thinking for New Year I might make a few changes to my blog, layout maybe even content. I just feel as though I need to be more organised. 
I just ate Pizza for breakfast, and now I'm currently enjoying a lovely cup of tea (made my yours trully) and listening to music. Today I plan on doing some writing, I need to sort my wattpad out. It is all over the place, I have so many stories going on it's driving me crazy, I need to prioritize!
Since the holidays have taken over, the strangest thing is happening, I'm using social media more than ever, I've always used it but on Facebook for instance I don't usually post or share anything but damn I've been very active, I usually just use Facebook to be nosey but no I am getting involved with the posting and stuff, it's interesting I believe, I'm not used to sharing or posting stuff on Facebook. I'm only accustomed to sharing something every few months. 
I'm feeling the festivity, the stories I am planning on working on I may even slip in a Christmas chapter, because why not? Nothing like raising spirits! (not literal spirits we all know my fear of that sort of thing.)
So Three days to go, my parents are already out rushing around whilst I'm house sitting, not bad at all. It gives me time to tidy up (or pretend to) and get some writing done! Happy Three days!

3 Days To Go

Tuesday 22 December 2015

It fills you completely, it hovers above you like a cloud. It corrupts your thoughts and feelings turning everything sour and negative. It's a feeling we have all felt before maybe some more than others. There is no time limit on it.
It can be caused by many different things, it could be because the loss of someone, maybe heartbreak or an event that has happened. It could occur because of bullying, anything can cause it. Maybe sometimes there isn't a reason for it, maybe there just isn't anything to be about happy about.
Sadness. It could lead to many things, like most things it can lead to bad things. It could leave you lonely, sadness could make you push everyone away. It could force you to do things you wouldn't normally do. It can lead to depression. It can lead to self harm.
It doesn't last forever, because after a storm there is always sun. Sadness is a milestone you just got to get back up from it and show sadness you are stronger. But being sad doesn't make you weak remember that you just got to get over it, life goes on!
I could have picked a million other feelings but I thought no this one because I think sadness is a common feeling and everyone has felt it at some point and perhaps people don't realize how sadness can effect people.
Next time you see someone sad, don't kick them while they're down instead offer a shoulder or a small talk it could make a difference. And if you're currently filled with sadness trust me it won't last forever, and there is always someone you can talk to!


Thursday 13 August 2015

Dear my older self,
So you're reading this. That's good, are the memories coming back? Of you, sitting in your bedroom typing away on your dad's laptop. Wondering what was going through your sixteen year old self's mind, well you've made it. You survived being a teenager, be happy. You've came this far what is there left to stress about?
I hope you're different from me, I hope you have stopped caring about what people think. I hope you've gotten over the worries. Stopped OVER THINKING EVERYTHING? Probably not. I hope you're happy. Most importantly I pray you haven't given up on writting? I think you should have a read at your old stuff, see the difference, pick up a pen and develop those ideas.
I bet you haven't thought about your old friends in a while, pick up the phone and give them a text will you? Whatever bad stuff has happened get over it, life's too short to dwell and be negative, even you should know that.
Why don't you take a trip down memory lane, log into your old twitter see what you used to be, see what you were. Remember the fan-girl life, idolize Justin. Catch up with the girls, have fun. The main point of this is to see if you're happy, see if I'm happy.
That's all you've ever cared about really, just remember if you're happy then you must be doing something right. I hope you smile more than you did, smiling is good always good. I can't imagine myself in ten years, all I can do is hope I will be a good person, a person who better than myself right now, I want to have achieved something, what am I like? What are you like?
Have you published your first book? Have you finally got over my lack of self belief? I hope you've moved from the hometown? Are you finally in Newyork living in an apartment and writing almost every day? I hope you see the family a lot, have you treat mom and dad to a holiday to show appreciation?
There is so much I could say to you but I just can't put the words together...
If you haven't done anything with your life, get your ass up now and get something done, you weren't born to be a failure, you were to make something of yourself.
Don't dwell on your past either, what has happened trust me your younger self; me will deal with it. You're stronger than you think. What has happened has happened, you can't change that and I can't change that, we both have to move on.
I feel crazy, does this count as talking to myself?
We're a thousand miles from comfort, we have travelled land and sea. But aslong as you are with me, there's no place I'd rather be!
I hope that you've made something of yourself. Remember we are the same person but we are different, you're not like you used to be, don't doubt yourself. You're a much better person, you don't care what people think, you're happy and everything happens for a reason.
I don't know what I can say to you, a part from wishing I was you, ten years older than I am. I want to see if I did everything I wanted to do, but now I see the only way to do that is to take action now. What I do now effects my future.
This letter could jibberish, you might not even read this but it's here and in the back of your mind you know it. Don't forget Wattpad, ever! It was the start of your serious writing, it's your haven.
Be yourself, people love you. Don't stress because that never does any good!
It's hard because I can only hope for what you would be like, I only wish. I don't know. I hope for you to be happy and just a good person, I want you to be proud of yourself, like I am proud of you.
I've been through a lot, as a sixteen year old, and we survived and I know that being a teenager is hard but what I forgot to do was have fun and be happy, I don't want that for you. You may become second best in situations but never become second best to yourself. I've learnt I am my own worst enemy but I've accepted that I am your best friend.
Thing go wrong, but life moves on. Face your problems don't avoid them, be a good person. Please keep writing and be caring and love everyone.
Food is cooking, and you know how much we love food so see you around :) I can't wait to be you!
Yours sincerely, me your sixteen year old self!

26 Year Old Me

Wednesday 12 August 2015

Dear me,
I hate you, I hate you for so many reasons but I love you.
You cause such pain, emotional and physical. You're the worst person I know. You do nothing but judge me and point out my flaws, is there any need? I know what I'm like so why point it out every second you can.
You make me unhappy, you should smile more then maybe I will smile more.
You need to chill, stop worrying everything will be alright. Stop overthinking everything, seriously everything isn't as bad as you think and another thing stop over thinking, like bitch you're creating problems that weren't even there in the first place!
Yes you have problems, but so does everyone, stop thinking about your flaws no one cares, those around you love you for you, I tell you this but you don't believe me, you don't believe yourself.
Problems, you think of them all the time, it only messes with your feelings. Just think you haven't got all the problems in the world, you need to suck it up talk to someone and think of how lucky you really are! You are ungrateful, you take things for granted, you have amazing family and friends, and you need to concentrate on what makes you happy and what you love the most.
You fall for people you shouldn't, you've been standing in the background of a guys life for five years, five years of tears and being emotional, let go he loves her and you're not relevant to him. Move on, you will feel better once you do, I promise.
For the guy who got away, girl if you mattered to him he would have done something to prove it, you missed that chance? Girl be proud you stood by a rule; Chicks before dicks. You have to realise friends and family are more important.
Life is filled with negatives, but they aren't important you need to concentrate on the positive. Chill don't let shit get to you as easily, talk to friends about it, they really care.
Yes I push the negatives in your face like everybody else, but I do it because I love you. You're body fights the disease, they heal your wounds and keep your heart beating, you should love your body not hate it. 
You're your own worst enemy, I am me, you're awkward, you have dreams you can fulfill them you have to stop fussing over little things because there is so much more you can be doing. 
Stop hating you. Love yourself, love your body you are you, don't change a thing you can't change who you are, don't change instead embrace!
Sometimes life feels like hell, but trust me it could get be worse, after a storm there is sunshine, stay strong you, believe and dream big!
You need to love me, you're stuck with me forever, you need to learn to live with me happily.
I think you should really take your own advice, it may make everything easier.
Love from me, if I could be someone but be me giving a letter to myself of advice and tips this is it.
P.S Also never give up your passion for writing and food they're life!
I am the person I love and hate.

A Letter To Myself

Monday 10 August 2015

Writing My Heart

I am a thinker, more like an over-thinker. Anyway, I have so many thoughts and sometimes they turn into ideas, and other times just random rambles. This book isn't really one specific thing, as there will be book ideas, diary entries, book reviews, poetry, anything and everything!

Sometimes I just write random things, usually I keep them tucked away but lately I feel like sharing all these things, a place for my thoughts.

Main Content so far;

(Some not all)

Reality - A teen dramatic monologue series
She's Just Like Satan, But Sexier! - Alternative Endings
Falling For The Geek - Alternative Ending - Crushed By The Geek
Me and My Geek - Bonus Chapter - A Final Goodbye?
Book Reviews; Divergent Trilogy, Four Book and The Hunger Games Trilogy.

Writing My Heart

Sunday 9 August 2015


We met briefly at a young age, I was a fan and he was my hero. I showed a little more than my heart, and  he sang his way through my thoughts. 

Years later we met, and oh how he changed my life. We didn't meet at a concert, or in the street instead we met on a chat show, he was no longer the only one in a band, I too had reached his level. I only ever wanted to meet him, I never knew I'd actually be working with him. 

There was a lot more to Danny Jones than I ever thought...


Saturday 8 August 2015

Hug Me Kiss Me Love Me

"I dare you to make someone fall in love with you." He smirked, the way his lips curved took all control from me. He was breathtakingly dangerous, the thing that got me the most was that he knew. He knew perfectly well the effect he had on me. But I would never back down from a dare, no matter the consequence, and he knew that too...

Hug Me Kiss Me Love Me

Friday 7 August 2015

Modern Vampire
Modern Vampire

A whole week is missing from Crystal's life, only in that week her life transformed into something different... She woke up to realize the last place she was awake was in an alley but somehow there she was in her bed at home.
Change is heading her way and she is oblivious to the reasons behind it. Obstacles throw themselves at her one by one, if she thought her life was bad as a normal teenager it just got worse. She underestimates just how insane things are going to get, on top of all of this she still has school and generally has to make sure no one finds out about her little secret. Crystal learns some people just aren't who they say they are.The consequences of the past before her time comes to life and destroys all normality... She won't get her old life back, but will she accept and control the roles of being the Modern Vampire and all the problems that come with it?

Modern Vampire

Thursday 6 August 2015

She's Just Like Satan, But Sexier

Looks can be ever so deceiving... Jackie is not your usual girl, she has a habit of running into trouble, a lot! She's a tomboy and is interested in both genders. She has been taken in by her group of friends, who are all overly protective about her, and they are all male. Her eye catches this one girl and she wants to get to know her but looks can be so deceiving. A girl who is determined, sexy, and most definitely unforgettable. Will she ever realize how much trouble this chick has been involved in and will cause her?? Who knows what a bit of harmless fun can turn into? An amazing love life but as what expense? Tragedy, sorrow and even death. Perhaps there is more to it than meeting a hot girl in the local club. (GIRLxGIRL,VAMPIRE)

She's Just Like Satan, But Sexier! - WritingMyHeart

Tuesday 21 July 2015

I wrote this story three years ago! On wattpad it is currently at 140k reads, it is my biggest success on wattpad. Even though now that I read it I cringe a little, I even question what was going through my fourteen year old self's head!

Falling For The Geek -WritingMyHeart
Welcome to the life of teen fiction and teen romance be prepared to meet the mind of the younger generation... Well the extreme side anyways ;)

Cool guy, Geek girl. Is this real? Uh oh here is another one of those stories... well I wouldn't go down that lane just yet.

Seventeen year old Ethan Blake, popular? Yes. Bad boy of the school? Obviously. No flaws? well so everyone thinks, there is always more to than what meets the eye. There is something in him, something that is dying to be released, a side that no one has ever seen before. Fifteen year old Bella Edmond. Unpopular? Always. Freaky geek of the school? Most definitely.  You probably hear this all the time but she is honestly not your usual geek, she wants to beat that cliche label she is given. There is always something hidden beyond the brains. 

Ethan is surrounded by hot chicks and bad boys you know the usual, sex drugs and constant partying, whereas Bella is surrounded with one friend and a world full of knowledge. He gets what he wants; always! She's comfortable with life, and that is how she likes it, taking risks definitely isn't her thing. 

Ethan is forced to improve his grades by his parents and they are determined for him to start pulling his life together, will his plans of life come together or once again will his world rest in the hands of another. What will happen when Ethan gets Bella mixed up in his crazy world, what will she get out of helping him? It could shatter his reputation and it could ruin her life.

Will things go the way they want it? Well telling you now would be no fun at all. Read as the pair rumble and rock as change stretches across them both, will change be for the better or for the worst?


Falling For The Geek

Sunday 19 July 2015

Currently as a Seventeen year old, I am near the end of my first year in college.  As it's apparent I'm at a crucial stage in my life, trying to figure what to do next and what sort of career I should work towards.

I'm not sure what career exactly I want to pursue, I do however know I want it to be purely writing based (hopefully creative).  I feel like writing is my calling, it is something I get pure joy from and well it is my escape from the real world.

Some may think I'm too young to understand the art of writing, and maybe I am. However, I love the power words have, and how if your sentences are structured in a way you can make someone feel something, and that is what I believe what writing is. Making your reader feel something, taking them different places, either making them witness something or if you're simply teaching them a lesson or two.

It's funny as the clock ticks by so does our life... second by second.
I believe I can began writing in year six, they were only short stories and I hadn't taken any of seriously.  Also it they were sort of involuntary, my English teacher she always set my homework as writing short stories, she'd give me titles and I went home sat at wooden dining room table, wracked my imagination and wrote several short stories at a time. She'd set titles in advance, however I was always too excited and wrote for hours until I was unable to write no more.

To this day I remember a few of them, sadly it seems as the years have passed I have misplaced the actual textbook which held all of them in. The two short stories I remember the most were The Magic Pen and Shipwrecked.

A brief description of both short stories;

The Magic Pen - A girl goes into a stationary shop looking for a new pen to write in her diary with. There are plenty to choose from, however one catches her eye as it glows at her, and her only.  Drawn to the pen she bought it and took it home. Only at home she sees her boyfriend making out with her best friend in her street, this angers her which causes the pen to glow, in anger she holds the pen and her imagination goes wild, therefore suddenly a monster appears in the street and attacks her best friend. Feeling guilty and terrible, she reverses the act with the magic pen and decides she will only use it for writing and doing good things with. - In recent years I have become tempted to work on this and develop it, it shall be done soon, it is in the pile.

Shipwrecked - A cruise on a glittery pink boat (don't ask), the engine conks out basically and the ship crashes, passengers black out some just disappear on the island. There is a group of people, they find each other and basically they have to survive on the island, learning new skills, to build shelters, hunt for food etc. They try to get help, but eventually doing SOS with rocks and making plenty of fire signals, they are rescued by aircraft.  - I remembering writing and reading this out in front of my class, I enjoyed it and they appeared to as well. In recent times I have wrote a poem based on this short story of mine, maybe it will be shared in the future.

Although that was when I started writing creatively, I hadn't thought of anything of it, nor did I think it could be possible to make a career out of it. 

Then came along high school - very confusing time- nonetheless this is where my love for writing developed. In my first year of high school, it soon became evident that the only lesson I really enjoyed was English, the others I just dragged my heels through for five years. I got English, it worked for me and it was personally the best lesson I ever had. In my first year, my teacher got us to read Face and Skellig, both brilliant books. I remember really enjoying Face, the teen fiction and how it made me feel, my love for that book has carried on to this day. I believe Face was the first good book I ever read and loved, it sparked an interest in me, later I found myself beginning to write teen fiction, inspired by what I had once read.

In that year seven class, we got a task to write a story, a horror, well as horror as a year seven child can produce. I remember sitting in my seat bursting with excitement, only I didn't just want to do horror I decided to make my characters teenagers, at the time of course I wasn't actually aware of teen fiction or the genre, but nonetheless I was drawn to it. I was very enthusiastic about the story it was called The Black Cat I remember refusing to put my pen down at the end of the lesson, I didn't want to leave my book behind, all I wanted to do was write - which I did and soon enough I wrote the short story perhaps many pages longer than my teacher had intended.

The Black Cat - Good luck or bad luck?
The story wasn't my finest, but I can say that now seven years later, however younger me adored it. My main character, she goes about her day again she had a boyfriend, and well every now and then there is a sudden appearance of this black cat, it always appeared before something bad was about to happen, basically later her boyfriend was caught kissing another girl, and well the girl was bullied to the point she ran away from school, with the black cat almost leading her away. She found herself crying in this graveyard, and she read a rock with a date of death but no name on it. She was lead into this haunted house, where she became trapped. When in the house, it was normal until she was washing her face with water, turned into blood. She turned around to find one of her friends hanging dead behind her, so as it was she found her friends one by one dead. Until she tries to escape she meets the black cat, only to be stood near this demonic girl, purple face mucky face, pure evil. The main character basically escapes, and runs to police, only when the police check the place out nothing is there, no bodies just an empty old house. The girl is taken to a mental institution as everyone believes she has gone crazy, and one day the girl sees the black cat again, which by this time she realised it signified a warning. The evil girl appears, and basically burns the hospital down.

A work of fiction, I still have this story actually. Also I noticed the reoccurring theme of cheating or abandonment no idea why thought, although I have always enjoyed writing sad things. I thought as it being probably my first story, well it was longer than the ones I had wrote in year six, I kept it to look back on, and compare how much I have developed as a writer. That was pretty much the start of the blossoming writer inside of me. I wrote a little afterwards, but since that story and having read Face Ifound something that interested me, thanks to my year seven English teacher I found my muse.

A year or two later, I made new friends. People who were like minded who were creative. To this day I am still friends with these people, their creative and supportive influence has helped me a lot through the years. I think it was year eight or nine when I began to read more, if you ever tried to find me I would either be in the school's library picking my next book or sitting along the corridor somewhere with my head in a book, I'm not even kidding I used to come into school early just to spend my time reading, even in between classes and sometimes in class - maybe that's why I never really understood geography!

In those times of reading I was inspired, I had read The Morganville series by Rachel Caine, they were the most enticing books I had ever read. I adored the way she used words to catch her readers, the way her descriptions made me feel that I was right there, I really enjoyed reading those books, they were romantic,  teen fiction and included vampires, it is safe to say I was in love. Anyway this lead me to write my first full story, with chapters and everything. It was of course Vampire, Romance and teen fiction, by all means it may have shared the same genres as The Morganville series it was very different from it. It was called Modern Vampire, to this day I'm still proud of it, as it was then I decided I wanted to be an author. I liked what I wrote, I even had an audience, my peers and teachers read what I wrote. My best friend introduced me to - for those who haven't heard of it it's an online reading and writing community, it is incredible and it isn't just for teens. - Also some wattpadders have been scouted by publishers, unfortunately I'm not one of them.

I started posting my work on there in 2012, and to this day I still post my work on wattpad. The story Modern Vampire, I completed and it had an audience, however I later removed it from the website - due to doubts I was having about it being any good. In the past year or I've been working and developing the story, tweaking bits adding to it, and so I have been posting a new version chapter by chapter, and I must say that there is a huge difference.

Wattpad is like youtube but for books!

Personally I'm not wattpad famous, but I've been on it a while to know what I'm doing. My highest success on wattpad would be my 2012 story - Falling For The Geek - I can honestly say now that it isn't my best work however it is my post popular, currently sitting in with 137,003 reads ~ I'm not bragging quite frankly I feel awkward talking about numbers and what I've achieved. I am happy with that of course what I have achieved, I love writing and it's nice to know many people have read my work.

I've found that I'm not one trick pony, I like to explore other genres, on the site I have poetry, fan fiction, romance, vampire, teen fiction, random. I go under the name 'WritingMyHeart' I use this for everything, mainly because it's true. The work reflects the writer.

Since Modern Vampire I have wrote several stories, and over the years those around me and myself have noticed developments.

In the last few years of high school, English got better and better. We got into more books and well the creative writing tasks were my all time favourite, I remember when handing my work to my English teacher, pages and pages and her words every time would "Here we go, Lauren has wrote me a novel again" I was always writing too much, mainly because I got carried away and couldn't stop myself, once by creative juices are flowing nothing can stop me.

Now that I have just finished my first year in college/ sixth form I'm faced with questions, and doubts. I know I want a writing based career, writing is what I enjoy the most. It is the only thing I can see myself doing in the future.  I've been studying English Literature, Media Studies and Photography - mainly because I was thinking about journalism, however I've sort of changed my mind but I have kept the door open in case I change my mind. I love Literature, reading and analysing books; reading in between the lines it is incredible.

The leap from GCSE to A Level has been tremendous and even difficult at times, however I'm ploughing through at the end of the day I am still writing.

My first post, I thought I ought to tell you all about me well my love for writing and where it came from. Thank you for reading this, what sparked your muse?

First post, first imperssion?

Sunday 24 May 2015