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Cupid flies in the air
bow and arrow at the ready
looking for a twosome to pair
pull back now, steady.

A girl walks all alone
black hair and green eyes
her shoulders slumped all on her own
waiting on her demise.

Swooping low ready to aim
she hears his wings
his eyes fill with shame 
mouth filled with alcohol she swings.

The ground she sits dazed
he flies to her rescue
she looks up unfazed
his aim is askew.

He pulls back the arrow 
she sits doing nothing
trying to take away her sorrow
she begins to feel something. 

It hits her chest
she stiffles and cries
the shot of his is his best
she looks up into his blue eyes.

She grasps the arrow
yanks it out of her chest
straigtht and narrow
red spreads over his white vest.

In that moment it's done
they stare at each other bleeding
after all love isn't fun
with life they are pleading.

He was wrong in his choosing
his arrow he should have let down
now he's the one loosing
in her love he did drown. 

Cupid meets Stupid

Sunday 14 February 2016

I have recently signed up to the blogger programme, I want to take my blogging further. As you may (or may not) have noticed I've been adding thinsgs to my blog. I would appreciate it if you all followed me, and give a cheeky click and follow on my TBP page; it would really mean a lot! Thank you, also I am posting again later, a little piece to celebrate (or not) Saint Valentines - a little hint it will be called Cupid Meets Stupid

The Blogger Progamme