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This was my favourite photo from the day, this was taking at the Pyramids of Giza. Right here, I am playfully (pretending) kissing the Sphinx.
Cairo was quite far out from our hotel in Hurghada, much further than Luxor. This time for our second excursion I became prepared with motion sickness tablets. Thank god they had worked! 

The first place in Cairo that we visited was The Museum of Egyptian Antiquities. The history within this museum as insane. From royal chairs and beds to ancient statues. And even a mummy or two.  There was a bit of a culture shock (I think that's the right wording) before we entered the museum. When going to the toilets. which were located around the side and behind the museum building,  there was a lady who holds all the loo roll, and you have to pay her if you're wanting to use some. There was no toilet paper in the stalls (due to her having them all) so if you weren't prepared you best have had some money on you! Naturally, as a woman (who needs toilet roll every time they pee) and a tourist you're a captive audience for this woman. So, if you're headed to Cairo anytime soon, bring some money or some loo roll of your own. 
Back to the tour of the museum, the Egyptian artifacts were amazing to see. There was something intriguing in every corner. The one problem I had with the tour, no fault of the city or museum at all, is that I did not get to explore much at my own accord. In fact, this was true of the entire day. Our guide pretty much just showed us a bunch of stuff that he personally thought was the most important. Which looked to be the 'generic' type of things to show people as there were many other guides showing the exact same artifacts. Granted, the things were intriguing and important- he wasn't wrong. I personally prefer to do my own thing in museums. Look at things that catch my eye and learn about them myself at my own accord.

The day seemed very short overall, the most fun was had at the second and final place visited. I suppose the things that Egypt is famous for...

It was very surreal, a place I had heard so much about and then finally visiting. I still cannot get my head around it. The Pyramids were beautiful, and it was such a lovely visit. There was a chance to go inside of a few, I didn't due to my anxiety and panic attacks but I sure as hell enjoyed looking at the outside of them.
We took a carriage ride to a beautiful spot in the desert, where you can all of the Pyramids together. Despite the anxious bumpy ride, it was close to being one of my favourite parts of the day. I adore the funny photos that were taken. 

In the above photo, the man who took us to the spot insisted we wore the headwear. He was a lovely bloke and it was a pleasant way to end the day, sort of. After this we visited Sphinx, where we all took funny photos and had a laugh, like you can see in the very first photo I posted at the beginning of this post. 
 It seemed we spent most of our time traveling than anything else, but it was all worth it.  Memories were made and my Instagram looks snazzy because of it. A
The final blog post about my holiday will be posted either tomorrow night or Sunday night. Things have been hectic with moving back to Brighton... expect a blog post on this too!

A day in Cairo

Friday 28 September 2018

I am on the coach back to Newcastle, feeling very melancholic about having to leave Brighton. This morning we got up early and had breakfast, and then we went out for a walk along the pebbled beach. It was lovely, I felt so in sync with everything around me. I only hope to have many more walks along the pebbled beach in the future. Of course, we had to go back on the pier. It was fun, I also purchased a pair of pants from a man working from a red phone box, the pants are a mothers day gift for my mother. So, goodbye Brightion, till September!

It is also my 19th today - I am glad I got to spend some of it in Brighton!!

Brighton day 3

Thursday 23 March 2017

It was cold and eerie, like you would expect an empty metro station to be. The bright orange M's are unnerving. Machinery swiping in your right ear because you have your earphones turned down in case there's a cancellation announcement. You think you can hear the metro coming along the tracks, you jump at the cough of a new stranger, but you're settled by the voice of a little human that they're with. They stop you to ask about which side they should be on, and you can't answer because you're not even sure what side you're supposed to be on.
You panic because it turns out there is a metro coming and you decide to switch platform and ask another stranger. You're thankful when you realise you are now on the right metro, happy to be out of the dreary station but wary of the strangers.


Tuesday 27 December 2016