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Yesterday I dropped my phone... down the toilet. It's not working which is kind of annoying, I have lost a lot of my things and my weekly favourites cannot be posted this week since everything is now gone. I am sorry about that. It's weird though because I've actually had to listen to the world (I usually listen to my music through my earphones most of the time) and it made me realize two things 1) Other people have really interesting lives (we all ease drop on buses get over it!) and 2) I depend on my phone way too much. Every other minute I wanted to check it, I felt left out (unable to contact my friends) it was weird I felt like a part of me is/was missing. Which is insane I know, what has life come to when a person thinks so much of a piece of metal wiring thing in a shape of a brick so much? When did I become so addicted to social media and being in the loop. I missed snapchat, sharing stupid things and using crazy filters. I am back online though kind of, I still have my laptop for my blog which is always amazing, I'm using a tablet until my phone situation changes.
Just a little FYI post this has been, a little eye opener for two reasons 1) Technology is addictive 2) Don't use your phone in the toilets, even if it's in your open pocket (mine fell out that way).

Bye Phone

Saturday 23 April 2016