Showing posts with label tinder advice. Show all posts
As my blog has previously become aware, I am a Tinder user, and it's not a secret I have the the worst luck. By worst luck I mean I  attract all the wrong people, like fuck boys, weirdos and guys who just want sex. I'm not even sure why I attract such people, my profile isn't sexualised in anyway, not even any of my pictures who cleavage, which truth be told I don't have much of that to begin with.  Over time I've accumulated some advice or things to look out for whilst on Tinder. I suppose this could help your experience (if you're unlucky enough to be in a similar situation as myself).  So I'll be giving advice on what will make your Tinder better or guess it what I look for when I'm swiping I guess.
1) I'm probably judging you on your selfie skills, there is nothing worse  than person who can't take a good selfie. I'm not asking you to model photo shoots but please pick better angling, seeing a low photo pointing  up showing your underchin will not help you at all. Maybe this is on me, because I'm slightly self obsessed I love taking selfies and I've mastered the angles and things over time. This is also important because people love taking photos with their partners it's adorable and potentially I need to know you're down for that.
2) Bio - there are three pieces advice I have for this.  First being, read the persons bio you're swiping right to, especially before talking to them. A lot of people put their intentions or what they're essentially looking for in their bio, this you can play to, read what they want and see if it's what you want. Do not ignore what they're bio says, so my bio for instance states clearly I'm not looking for one night stands yet guys still swipe right and ask me if I want 'fun' this is ignorant and hell of annoying even if he was actually was adorable and had a puppy in his picture with him. Second advice, be honest with what you say, include some hobbies. Sometimes if conversations get dry bios are the biggest help, seeing what a person likes allows room for conversation and something to talk about if you don't know what to say. Plus it shows you're paying attention and taking and interest in them.  Third piece of advice on the bio situation, try and be unique, I swear the whole of Tinder is travelling the world or is a Chef. Really? Cool what makes you different from the last 5 cooking travellers I just swiped left on?
3) dry talk- I understand first conversations can be awkward but you could at least try and engage in conversation instead of throwing out the 'hey you okay?' Or 'what's up' those essentially aren't going to get you very far. This could easily link with the bio, the bio helps you! Start a conversation differently, recently I've had experience of guys starting with gifs yeah it's odd but it's amusing and different. Chat up  lines, people usually tell you to stay away from them but I personally love them, not because they work (because they don't) but just how they're so bad and hilarious, I love laughing so those amuse me dearly.
That's all for today, I'll see you soon and maybe in the future you'll get some more Tinder disasters from me, it seems they're never ending!

Tinder Advice

Monday 19 September 2016