Showing posts with label term. Show all posts
It is only 6 days until Christmas. 6 days. I cannot comprehend that right now, six days. The year is almost over, when did this happen? I  have been thinking about this year, and well it hasn't been a bad one really. I feel like it has been balanced between everything. I am hoping to do a count down to Christmas and then to new year.
I've been reading my horoscope for next year, and it seems I have a good year ahead of me. Not many believe in the whole horoscope thing, but I do. It can be pretty accurate at times, and it sometimes even provides explanation for things, with planets and what not.
Having read the horoscope, it isn't certain, nothing ever is. I am feeling like 2016 is going to be a big year, I can feel it. I think maybe on New Year's eve I will do a prediction for 2016, hopes and aspirations and what not.
I'm not sure if I am excited for Christmas yet, I've been pretty hyped for the Christmas holidays mainly for the fact I get two weeks from college. I do love Christmas, all the films and the Christmas dinner oh boy the Christmas dinner!
I'm not sure what kind of audience I have here, if I have an audience even. I post whatever I feel like, but it would be helpful if suggestions are made, as an audience I want to know what you want to read more of.
I don't mind writing for the hell of it, just because I want to, that's great I love doing so. This is all I've got for you for today/tonight. Until tomorrow my friends!

6 DaysTo Go

Saturday 19 December 2015

I always love Fridays. Despite starting the first half of the day with a cold and feeling like tired crap I survived, enough so I could talk to my favourite human, and get more than a moderate amount of work done. It is also the last day of term so it has been chilled, not too much pressure. I usually finish quarter to four on Friday but my film teacher (A GOD SEND) allowed us to about five past three, oh yes! So I went to see my friend, we watched Jezza (Jeremy Kyle) he is hilarious and well you know yourself what those shows are like. We went for Bubble Tea at Bubble Cha, we met up with another friend. It was kind of a goodbye, because she is going away for five months. It was lovely, we drank bubble tea and even had bubble waffles (FABULOUS) it was good to chat, take pictures and enjoy each other's company. I am now ready to relax however I still have bits of work to do which I plan on getting right off my chest tomorrow so I am not stranded last minute. Since it is half term and I'm off for a week I will be posting everyday! SO ITS FRIDAY! I'm listening to music I think I may have an early night or just watch some videos on Youtube, probably sims game-play.


Friday 23 October 2015

So as it seems the Summer has been whisked away and we are starting out in September! A busy month for most if not all! Realization is beginning dawn in that perhaps the summer was slightly wasted and that preparation should be done for another year in sixth form.

I have been taking some time away from writing and the blog, but I am back and ready to type till my hearts content. I kind of noticed that my blog doesn't really have a theme, I just post things from my daily life, my thoughts and whatever I write or ideas. So what this blog is about well, I'm not sure how to categorize it to be honest!

If you are reading my blog, at some random chance, please share as it would help a lot!

Hello September,

September you have arrived again, usually I dread you and wish there was someway to delay you. However, I have come quite accustomed to your arrival over the years.This time I am quite thrilled by your occurance, I am ready to begin a new term in my life. Turn over a leaf if you will, plus I have become quite in love with Autumn and the beauty it brings with it.

I will make this a good September, I welcome you with open arms and ready to take on any challenge you face me with!

Hello September!

Friday 4 September 2015