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It has finally sunk in, that from tomorrow I will be an adult, I will have responsibility and well it means it is time to grow up. It also means cheeky pints and being able to get served, but mainly grow up.
I have spent years, especially these last few months, wishing the days would hurry along and I'd be 18 already, and I am a couple of hours away I want to put time to a halt and breathe and let everything sink in. Nonetheless I cannot stop time I just have to carry on.
I believe the past 17 years have been good, there were challenging times and battles with myself along the way. I am grateful that nothing too tragic has hit my path yet, and I am lucky. I've had a good childhood, my parents have always done their best for me and they've made as happy as I can be.
I am excited, is it weird that today I feel I am moving out of this stage of my life. I am transitioning into a new stage and I'm ready for an adventure and owning whatever comes my way. I feel a new found confidence on my shoulders, I feel good, finally me maybe?
Tomorrow, I will be 18 and I feel like I will reborn into an adult. Goodbye childhood and hello responsibility and alcohol (joking... maybe)
See you on the other side.

Time to grow up

Tuesday 22 March 2016

It fills you completely, it hovers above you like a cloud. It corrupts your thoughts and feelings turning everything sour and negative. It's a feeling we have all felt before maybe some more than others. There is no time limit on it.
It can be caused by many different things, it could be because the loss of someone, maybe heartbreak or an event that has happened. It could occur because of bullying, anything can cause it. Maybe sometimes there isn't a reason for it, maybe there just isn't anything to be about happy about.
Sadness. It could lead to many things, like most things it can lead to bad things. It could leave you lonely, sadness could make you push everyone away. It could force you to do things you wouldn't normally do. It can lead to depression. It can lead to self harm.
It doesn't last forever, because after a storm there is always sun. Sadness is a milestone you just got to get back up from it and show sadness you are stronger. But being sad doesn't make you weak remember that you just got to get over it, life goes on!
I could have picked a million other feelings but I thought no this one because I think sadness is a common feeling and everyone has felt it at some point and perhaps people don't realize how sadness can effect people.
Next time you see someone sad, don't kick them while they're down instead offer a shoulder or a small talk it could make a difference. And if you're currently filled with sadness trust me it won't last forever, and there is always someone you can talk to!


Thursday 13 August 2015

Hug Me Kiss Me Love Me

"I dare you to make someone fall in love with you." He smirked, the way his lips curved took all control from me. He was breathtakingly dangerous, the thing that got me the most was that he knew. He knew perfectly well the effect he had on me. But I would never back down from a dare, no matter the consequence, and he knew that too...

Hug Me Kiss Me Love Me

Friday 7 August 2015

Standing on the golden sand
Here I am on this foreign land.
A place that I do not know
But it seems that I have nowhere else to go.
Everywhere lays wood and plank.
It's useless, it is ruined with dank.
The ship is in pieces
my friends, my holiday in ceases.
Hovering trees
But here I am begging on my knees.
How did I get here
So riddled with fear.
How can I get home
In the distance I think I see a storm.
Quickly I need to run
But these wet clothes weigh a tonne.
I need to be warm
Before death travels with the swarm.
I'm desperate for food
even if it is crude.
I am tired
but my brain seems to be wired.
I need to stay awake
I have to fight the ache.
There's somewhere to hide
I have to be careful with every stride.
Still in sight is the ocean
it moves in a circular motion.
I need to be found
I refuse to let myself drowned.
Not a person in sight
I think I might be ready to give up the fight.
Days go by
I've done nothing but cry.
Nothing no one, but me
and the boring sea.
Is anyone looking
I'm hungry I need to start cooking.
The fire roars
my heart still pores.
I am stuck
this is just my luck.
When will it end
I could do with a friend.
I think the others are dead
or they have managed to fled.
But here I am trapped
I wish I had this place mapped.
Wait what is that
it is rounded and flat.
It is coming closer
please don't let this be a poser.
Here they are
they aren't even that far.
Am I being saved
for this moment I have craved.
I am being lifted from the ground
thank god, I have been found!
I am going home
free from this shipwrecked dome...


Tuesday 4 August 2015