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Roads. They seem never ending, they just go on and on. How long would it take me to get to the end, and where would it take me; the edge of the earth perhaps? Maybe there is no end, it could just go on and on.
You can carry on straight ahead, go where the concrete lines want to take you, or you can stray from the main route; take the next left and maybe a right then straight on.
Signs pass in a bur, maybe sometimes we know which direction to move to, or perhaps the roads are just too stubborn to even consider directions.
Roads are like that sometimes. You're alone, maybe by choice or you've been desserted. The roads are lonely, miles into the unknown. You're either taken to somewhere new or you just carry on going; on and on.
Maybe life is like a road, sometimes you know where you're going, but a lot of the time you have no idea!


Saturday 29 August 2015