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As of a couple of days ago, I handed in my last bit of Uni work, and I have now finished my degree! Three emotional years, it’s been such a wild ride. For the past three years, I have been studying English Literature and Creative Writing at the University of Brighton.  I have learned so much in the space of three years, things about my degree and many things about myself. I have met so many amazing people, new friends and I have experienced so many new things. University has been the best time of my life so far, granted it has not been easy. At times I just wanted to give up, sometimes I felt like I would rather be anywhere else. The friends I had made in Brighton have really kept me going, and have quite frankly kept me sane.  From Maccies drives with my number one to Ramen nights' with a housemate. Everyone I have met has really contributed to my time in Brighton. There has been a lot of laughter and a lot of tears. Yesterday, I celebrated with a small get-together (following lockdown rules) and popped a few bottles of champagne. I never had champagne before and can confirm it does not taste so great, two bottles almost to myself did get me a little tipsy. It was a lovely celebration with family when it all calmed down and I had a moment to myself I felt emotional. It finally hit me that I have achieved something so great and now it is all over. I am sad that we could not end the year with a massive celebration due to Covid-19 but we will all see each other again at our graduation ceremony in February.  A chapter of my life has ended and now it is time for my next adventure, a new chapter awaits me!

Class of 2020

Sunday 14 June 2020

Hey guys, so most exams begin this week for A Level as well as GCSE. It's stressful I know this and you know. Sometimes when I'm tired of highlighting pages and creating endless mindmaps I just need something fresh to look,  a new approach. I like to use the internet and be on my laptop a lot, so at the beginning of the year I found a little website that I wish I told you guys about sooner.

This little gem of a website allows you to search for your subjects, your exam board and specific aspects to the course, and that isn't even the best part. You can see mindmaps, revision cards, powerpoints and my favourite Crosswords! It makes revision a little less tedious, plus you can create your own resources so that is always a bonus! It has endless amounts of subjects, plus most of the content is from fellow students who have previously done the subject who are currently. This isn't a sponsered post or anything, I am just trying to help out fellow students. Good luck with your exams!!

Revision Website

Monday 16 May 2016


So this is my Tuesday summed up with pictures; a busy productive day!

Tuesday in pictures

Tuesday 15 December 2015