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Previous parts (in order)
Hunter of Hope
Wild One
Wave Of Lavender

Carton of Milk

Do you ever wake up and forget everything? For a long thirty-second interval, you have no idea who you are, or where you are. You're just a stranger in a strange room, no other feelings just distorted. Until your brain winds a little faster and you sink into your reality, that's exactly how I feel at this moment in time. Only my reality is alone in a place I once called home, yearning for some company but holding onto my independence like I am some sort of adult or something.

I crawl across the room, my legs weak. It's the floorboards from downstairs that make me jump to my feet. I hold my breath carefully taking down one step at a time slowly. As I reach the  bottom, I see the dark wood door slightly opening. My heart is pounding it's all I can hear banging against my eardrums. I wipe my damp hands on my bare legs. Swinging my body in the kitchen I notice a milk carton sitting on the edge of the four-cornered table in the centre of my kitchen. As I got closer the smell became familiar, that sweet lavender scent, it was back. I examine the carton, who drinks straight from the carton, especially when it's not even their carton. 

"Sorry about that, I was a little parched." A voice growled behind me, I dropped the carton of milk.

Hunter Of Hope - Carton of Milk

Tuesday 25 October 2016

Previous parts (in order)
Hunter of Hope
Wild One
Wave Of Lavender


The first time I'd ever saw a pack it belonged to my older brother; Lupus.  I would have been just a pup I didn't know any better. I idolised them, they were everything a pack should be. Fifteen individual strong souls, they were never without one another. They had an unbreakable bond, my brother was their leader. I was always so proud of him, but I was young and naive. I didn't know any better.
We used to be close me and him, he taught me everything I know. From hunting to self-defense, those were the good days. Where we would run through fields together, he'd test my speed daily. I wouldn't be who I am today without my brother, but that doesn't make him any less of a dangerous asshole. I miss him sometimes; when I am wandering across the floor boards of my log house, boredom does that. It makes you forget the bad for a moment, it makes you miss people.

These walls are killing my brain, taunting me with memories. Thinking of Lupus and his pack always makes me feel lonely, I wasn't good enough to join them, I knew that from the start. He threw me out, to find my own. Yet I've done nothing but wander in a log house, there is enough room here for a pack, a small one at first, but finding one, better yet creating one isn't easy. That's the long-term goal, screw my brother and his pack, I won't be seeing them again anytime soon.

Hunter of Hope - Lupus

Monday 29 August 2016

Previous parts (in order)
Hunter of Hope
Wild One

Wave of Lavender

The heart in my chest felt heavy, and my body started to feel limp. I was out for too long, and now it's taking a toll on my body.  I arrived back to the wooden log I called my home, it somehow wasn't how I left it. Nothing was physically touched, but it didn't need to be. It was evident someone or something had been here, evident in the foreign scent they left behind. 
I wasn't afraid to search the house; after all the owner of the household must protect what is theirs. I didn't find anything. Needless to say, it was the first time I had come across such a scent, it was dark, almost intoxicating yet refreshing with a wave of lavender, it wasn't the last time I'd meet the scent either.
I would have been annoyed at the anonymous intruder, the one I'd never met since the scent was new to me, but I was annoyed more at myself for not bringing back good game, instead I allowed myself to get caught up with exploring.
Tomorrow, tomorrow I will bring back the best game, and I won't come back until I do. 
Hungrily I made way into the kitchen, eager to find something, anything to eat. Living alone had its perks, like not having to share or bring back heavy loads of game, instead I just wanted to bring home decent game, something more than Ferrell.
From takings I had a small feast, a few gooseberries, a handful of chestnuts  and half a squirrel, I had eaten the other half on my journey today only now I wish I hadn't. 
I felt the need to bath, even though I was a little more tired. Out back was a well, it was small and made of stone. I hardly used it, due to long the Summer the only water it supplied was warm. For a bath it was perfect, with the small pale made of wood and iron I trekked back and forth from the well to my large tin bath. It took me about an hour to fill it, and even then it wasn't even half full. Returning the pale back to its well I got a waft of the intoxicating scent with the wave of lavender.
Immediately my guard went up, and my eyes searched around my wooden log. No one on the street, no one in the fields. The scent was there and then it was gone. I felt the immediate need to return inside, I shook off the moment and went into my little made up bathroom. 
I stripped myself of my clothing and simply sat in the tin bath. The water was warm as I figured it would be,  it felt almost foreign. For a while now I had been accustomed to cold showers, I say shower I mean a pathetic almost rusted pip that runs up my bathroom wall with a little knob that allows water to spurt out. I positioned the tin bath underneath so I never soaked the floor. 
As I sat in the bath I looked at nothing but the water, I sat for a while before I even began to bath myself. By the time I was done the water was almost cold, but I didn't care. I dried myself off with the smallest of towels, I didn't bother putting clothes on. Upstairs I went and climbed into bed, where I'd lay for the next ten hours.

Next Part;

Hunter of Hope - Wave of Lavender

Wednesday 8 June 2016

Previous parts (in order)
Hunter of Hope

Wild One

The air inflamed my lungs, my body aching as I force my legs to carry me forward. I'm not even running yet the twigged ground beneath me is already make me feel dizzy. This is my first proper outing since I began living on my own, it's only taken me two weeks. It feels like two years, I have been out but only to gather supplies and even then that was within two yards of the house. Today I decided to go out further, mainly to scope the place out, and slightly hoping for better game my recent meals have been a little below par. I haven't seen anyone so far either, this place has been too quiet. 

Since the last full moon things have quietened down, no growls past windows, no blood spattered trees. The only violence I have witness has been inside my own head. I cannot be blamed, it was not my fault I was abandoned.  I expect it won't last long, once the new breeds make their way over this side of the river the violence and the packs will be back, they always are. 

The barks of the trees become darker, this means I am pretty far in. My walk turns into a sprint, and I am searched the grounds for wild meat. Instead of pain it feels lustrous stretching my legs and allowing myself the freedom of the forest. It feels refreshing being out in the wild again, after everything I didn't think I would've made it. The last wild one, Hope Dacia, who knew I'd be the only one left? 

Hours later I allow myself to sit near a stream, take in the rocks and tiny fish avoiding them. The water lamely gushing down the narrow road. Looking around the trees were much darker, and the leaves above were down looking like shadows. It was light and now suddenly it's like darkness has taken it in a flash.

Next Part

Hunter of Hope - Wild One

Saturday 28 May 2016

345 days clean. I would say 345 days strong but I’d be lying, each day I grow weaker. The need lingers and some days I come close to breaking my streak, but I am reminded by the glare. That glare of the foul creature that haunts the sky, the professor that keeps me and my kind in order.   Today is the day I am supposed to celebrate, celebrate my secret. The celebration has not started well, I have been awake over an hour and yet I have not moved my sorry ass out off of this pit I call a bed.

Move out on your own they said, stand on your own two feet they told me, it would do me the world of good. Again I am reminded why I probably shouldn’t accept the advice I receive. I wander across the empty floorboards, barefoot ignoring the cold of forgetting to shut all the windows the night before, as usual. The only noises are my own, cracking of my bones as I lazily stretch to the kitchen.

I cannot help miss the smell of thick grease from grizzled bacon on the stove each morning, or the disgusting waft of vegetables anytime the fridge was opened. It’s different now, no one is cooking me bacon and no one is filling the fridge. Independence is a cruel thing, you hunt for yourself and you provide for yourself. And if you don’t? You hear the consequence as it rumbles through you preventing any possible chance of sleep.

Parts in order;
Wild One
Wave of Lavender

Hunter of Hope

Thursday 19 May 2016

 Teen Fiction and Romance with a sentiment of humour.

"I dare you to make someone fall in love with you." He smirked, the way his lips curved took all control from me.

 He was breathtakingly dangerous, the thing that got me the most was that he knew. He knew perfectly well the effect he had on me. 

But I would never back down from a dare, no matter the consequence, and he knew that too...

Hug Me Kiss Me Love (Wattpad - WritingMyHeart)

Wednesday 13 April 2016

This week has been pretty amazing for the last week, jammed pack with work but I enjoyed it. I've always enjoyed the week before being off, it's like finalising things, meeting deadlines and throwing out the rubbish bits of the term. It is only half term but it's been a short but pleasant one.  Things couldn't be better for me right now (Unless I was to publish a book or meet Danny Jones, but that's unlikely.).  Lately, I have been finding so many inspirations around me, like I have taken my city from granted; and how I love travelling on buses and watching surroundings change.
Also, I have something quite exciting to share, I have a new idea for a story, I am really passionate about this idea. In English we are studying Charles' Dickens Great Expectations, (spoiler if you haven't read the novel) there are convicts in the novel who play a very important role. With obviously studying the text we have to study the society at the time the novel is set and written. We looked more into convicts and how they were shipped off to Australia and weren't allowed to return, well this sparked my inspiration. I want to work on a convict novel, set in the times of shipping prisoners off, maybe even have an old school pirate kind of thing going on. I am playing around with titles and so far maybe calling it 'Captured'. This will obviously take time, I have to carry out research and not dive in this with eyes closed! Since this is my blog and my favourite place to write I want to make it exclusive here. So after I've written a chapter (and edited it) I want to post it here or at least post it somewhere else and link it here. Due to the nature of how long chapters take and what not, I am hoping maybe posting once a month. I think it's a good idea, again this is inspired by Dickens. He used to release his stories in parts in newspapers and people would have to wait for the next part, I find this quite lovely.
As you may have noticed I have been doing quote of the week, which is pulled from my weekly planner. I wrote those quotes in my weekly planner for each week and well I want to share the motivational positivity.
I am having nine days off, admittedly I have to spend some time work to do but I will definitely be writing more and reading more! I aim to check off at least one of my books from my reading wishlist as well as update at least one of my stories on Wattpad!
P.S Hello to new readers who may recently found my blog; it's really appreciated!

Half term

Friday 12 February 2016

I'm working on a short story and I've been writing it and well  I thought  I'd  share en exclusive small sample on my blog;

With a face as delicate as petals, eyes as pretty as love, a smile red like a rose. The beauty trapped in a glass house.

Short Story Sample

Tuesday 17 November 2015

If you think outside of the box there is no such thing as square one 

We as humans limit ourselves, we are constantly following blueprints, we are sticking to the lines we are told to stay on. We are trying to exceed other people's expectations. I understand as a community we need to conform somewhat, we need something to follow or have an example of. However, we may be guided it doesn't mean we have to stick to it. Over the millions of years of our evolution we have not come all this way to not be independent. We have developed into something beautiful, we have our own minds, personalities and abilities. There are no two minds that are the same, so why should we act and do as everyone else? We are capable of so much than we allow ourselves to do. 
Have your own thoughts, think what you like. Do what you want and not what someone else tells you. We won't learn and continue to grow if we don't take risks and step outside the line. We will not learn if we don't go on adventures, we won't meet the unknown if our heads are clouded with what others want us to think. We hold our own pens for life, each and everyone of us. Pen cannot be removed, you don't want to reread your story and realize you were never telling or living for yourself, instead you allowed your pen to be influenced by another. It's your pen, you can scribble outside the lines all you want, it will do you all the good in the world. Hold your own pen, make your own mistakes and by god allow yourself to learn and evolve, your way. 

Scribble outside the lines

Saturday 5 September 2015

Writing My Heart

I am a thinker, more like an over-thinker. Anyway, I have so many thoughts and sometimes they turn into ideas, and other times just random rambles. This book isn't really one specific thing, as there will be book ideas, diary entries, book reviews, poetry, anything and everything!

Sometimes I just write random things, usually I keep them tucked away but lately I feel like sharing all these things, a place for my thoughts.

Main Content so far;

(Some not all)

Reality - A teen dramatic monologue series
She's Just Like Satan, But Sexier! - Alternative Endings
Falling For The Geek - Alternative Ending - Crushed By The Geek
Me and My Geek - Bonus Chapter - A Final Goodbye?
Book Reviews; Divergent Trilogy, Four Book and The Hunger Games Trilogy.

Writing My Heart

Sunday 9 August 2015


We met briefly at a young age, I was a fan and he was my hero. I showed a little more than my heart, and  he sang his way through my thoughts. 

Years later we met, and oh how he changed my life. We didn't meet at a concert, or in the street instead we met on a chat show, he was no longer the only one in a band, I too had reached his level. I only ever wanted to meet him, I never knew I'd actually be working with him. 

There was a lot more to Danny Jones than I ever thought...


Saturday 8 August 2015

Hug Me Kiss Me Love Me

"I dare you to make someone fall in love with you." He smirked, the way his lips curved took all control from me. He was breathtakingly dangerous, the thing that got me the most was that he knew. He knew perfectly well the effect he had on me. But I would never back down from a dare, no matter the consequence, and he knew that too...

Hug Me Kiss Me Love Me

Friday 7 August 2015

Modern Vampire
Modern Vampire

A whole week is missing from Crystal's life, only in that week her life transformed into something different... She woke up to realize the last place she was awake was in an alley but somehow there she was in her bed at home.
Change is heading her way and she is oblivious to the reasons behind it. Obstacles throw themselves at her one by one, if she thought her life was bad as a normal teenager it just got worse. She underestimates just how insane things are going to get, on top of all of this she still has school and generally has to make sure no one finds out about her little secret. Crystal learns some people just aren't who they say they are.The consequences of the past before her time comes to life and destroys all normality... She won't get her old life back, but will she accept and control the roles of being the Modern Vampire and all the problems that come with it?

Modern Vampire

Thursday 6 August 2015

Some hearts travel alone, some stay tucked up where they are. As for us we are broken, we are scattered here and there. Never in one place for long, instead we wander picking up the tiny pieces, trying to put ourselves back together.
At first there was just one, but as the jigsaw was slowly pieced together a haven for the broken had been created. Simultaneously the hearts beated, cried and most of all survived...
Once you find all the pieces, and recklessly manage to stick them back together, what do you get? Something that was once broken, but the proof of the hollowness and the past will still remain. Is there really a way to be fixed? Or is that once you're broken you are damaged for good?

We Are Broken

Sunday 2 August 2015

hmmm maybe not.
Hello, humans I come in peace?
The Weather? Such an interesting topic, doesn't it just tickle your fancy. No. WHO EVEN TALKS ABOUT THE WEATHER I MEAN WHATT?? Well apart from weathen men or women then I s'pose that is acceptable.
Seriously is there anyone who has ever had a full on convo about the weather? I MEAN WHAT IS THERE TO TALK ABOUTT EXACTLY?
Norman (idk first name in my head); the weather is lovely!
Brenda (shush is this roleplay); Oh I know it's just luvely, the weather is finaly looking up!
Norman; I know it's been rather grumpy lately, with all that rain!
Brenda; I know it's been terribly honestly I haven't been able to hang my knickers up on the line!
AWKWARD. Where can a weather conversation really go? Norman and Brenda know exactly what I am talking about, their convo is lasting long they will probs end up talking about food nexts and then puppies, the weather won't come up again.
I s'pose when ya really think about it when the weather is concerned it's only ever in small talk, probably because there is small to talk about it.
Now I'm thinkin why on earth have I written an entry on weather? I AM INSANE OR NOT RIGHT IN THE HEAD? Shush don't even think aboout answering it, cheeky sod. I mean writing about weather who even? ONE THING IS TALKIGN ABOUT IT BUT ACTUALLY WRITING, I'm crazy. This isn't even healthy.
What even is weather, I don't think I have stepped out the house since 1990. I WASNT BORN THEN BUT NEVER MIND. I should really go out and enjoy the 'weather' cause I mean NOTHING sounds more appealing than breathing in poisoned polluted air, I mean dream come true right there.
This isn't really a post, but it's something. SOMETHING ON MY MIND, woo you are inside my hollow head mwahahha. You should leave before you're trapped in here forever, trust me pal you wouldn't want that. If there was a possible escape route I WOULD BE GONE!
Yeah so hows the weather?

Reality; The Weather?

Thursday 23 July 2015

She's Just Like Satan, But Sexier

Looks can be ever so deceiving... Jackie is not your usual girl, she has a habit of running into trouble, a lot! She's a tomboy and is interested in both genders. She has been taken in by her group of friends, who are all overly protective about her, and they are all male. Her eye catches this one girl and she wants to get to know her but looks can be so deceiving. A girl who is determined, sexy, and most definitely unforgettable. Will she ever realize how much trouble this chick has been involved in and will cause her?? Who knows what a bit of harmless fun can turn into? An amazing love life but as what expense? Tragedy, sorrow and even death. Perhaps there is more to it than meeting a hot girl in the local club. (GIRLxGIRL,VAMPIRE)

She's Just Like Satan, But Sexier! - WritingMyHeart

Tuesday 21 July 2015

Me and my Geek - WritingMyHeart

Falling For The Geek; The Sequel! In the first book;Falling For The Geek, the two unlikely lovers Bad-Ass Ethan Blake and Geek Bella Edmonds, fight through a battle of hate, ex's and drama to find what they never knew existed between them; Love! After everything surprisingly they were happy, ran away together and living the life they both dreamt of together! It comes to their dream life but what happens when their past comes back to taunt them? Ethan and Bella are happily together living the dream, new place, new friends, new jobs what more can you ask for? Everything is finally going great, and things are starting to settle, but how long will this really last? What happens when trouble bubbles in the new life, people turning back to their old ways and feelings are corrupted. Do you think they will finally live the happily ever after they always dreamed of or will it will shattered and ruined by their not so kind past? Will the drama, cheating and lies finally break them, even sun sets in the city...

Me and my Geek

Monday 20 July 2015

I wrote this story three years ago! On wattpad it is currently at 140k reads, it is my biggest success on wattpad. Even though now that I read it I cringe a little, I even question what was going through my fourteen year old self's head!

Falling For The Geek -WritingMyHeart
Welcome to the life of teen fiction and teen romance be prepared to meet the mind of the younger generation... Well the extreme side anyways ;)

Cool guy, Geek girl. Is this real? Uh oh here is another one of those stories... well I wouldn't go down that lane just yet.

Seventeen year old Ethan Blake, popular? Yes. Bad boy of the school? Obviously. No flaws? well so everyone thinks, there is always more to than what meets the eye. There is something in him, something that is dying to be released, a side that no one has ever seen before. Fifteen year old Bella Edmond. Unpopular? Always. Freaky geek of the school? Most definitely.  You probably hear this all the time but she is honestly not your usual geek, she wants to beat that cliche label she is given. There is always something hidden beyond the brains. 

Ethan is surrounded by hot chicks and bad boys you know the usual, sex drugs and constant partying, whereas Bella is surrounded with one friend and a world full of knowledge. He gets what he wants; always! She's comfortable with life, and that is how she likes it, taking risks definitely isn't her thing. 

Ethan is forced to improve his grades by his parents and they are determined for him to start pulling his life together, will his plans of life come together or once again will his world rest in the hands of another. What will happen when Ethan gets Bella mixed up in his crazy world, what will she get out of helping him? It could shatter his reputation and it could ruin her life.

Will things go the way they want it? Well telling you now would be no fun at all. Read as the pair rumble and rock as change stretches across them both, will change be for the better or for the worst?


Falling For The Geek

Sunday 19 July 2015