Showing posts with label spoken word. Show all posts
I keep having this reoccurring dream...
it plays over and over in my head through the day
like a spinning record, the needle dragging itself along the lines
your heart close to mine 
and I wake up with butterflies in my face and fire in my stomach -

I do not know if it is love or just lust or love
but when I see your face the pandemonium inside swells
scaring me, making me frightened that my heart will burst -
like a pin prick stabbed into a child's balloon

I think about your smile and laughter
and how your eyes are an intensified beauty
and I think about my own boring brown windows
and just do not see how they could ever meet

I want to tell the world
just how much of a good person you are
but; like a harsh wind, I push my feelings into a cage of silence
closing the curtains on them to block out the outside world.
how could anyone simply understand?

I have this desire to pour my heart to you
but this ghost behind me taunts me you will only get hurt, again
like every other person I touch falls apart
taking pieces of me with them because... I am no longer whole

I want to ignore the clouds of dread that hang above me
but that ghost keeps yelling you will never love me
and as I feel this need to repel from the lost spirit
I am simply pulled back to it like a magnet

I am encouraged to speak my mind by my friends
and that should be enough, but that voice whispers you will never be enough
and I curl these feelings for you into a hot fiery ball
and I will take them with me wherever I will go...

wherever I will go

Wednesday 5 July 2017

I am a part of the generation,
where pouting is a second nature.
The numbers on my gram
decide on my self-worth of the day.
I don't feel pretty
until somebody tells me that I am.
But then I respond to compliments
with self-deprecation.

I am a part of the generation
where I hate myself
but I am also madly obsessed with my selfie.
I'll swear to you I am self-conscious
but, show myself off like I am the epitome of confidence.
Call me self-conceited, or a fake
I'm just trying to survive in this world full of hate.

I was raised in the generation
where beauty comes first
but amongst the other contenders
I'm simply a pretender
hand me a book
 rather than cover me in lipstick
show me worlds of imagination
not beauty guru's imitations.
I care more for my thoughts
than I do of my looks.

With this generation
I aim to impress
but surely I can do that with more than how I dress?
My voice and opinions should not be limitations
For I am a person
worth more than numbers or hesitation
why should I conform to the role of my generation?

This Generation

Tuesday 25 April 2017

I am a rock star
I do my own thing
So just walk afar
I don't need no king

I work hard on my own
I'm rocking and having fun
So please leave me alone
I don't need to be with someone

I'm good as I am believe what I say
My huge thighs and smile
I'll rock my own way
I don't need you looking at my ass 
Go walk a mile
In a different direction
And don't take a  pass.

I'm happy
Why don't you see?
You just make me feel crappy
Don't you have somewhere else to be?

Rock Star

Monday 6 June 2016

Where was my goodbye?
For a month you strung me along
And now I'm left wondering why.
I was so stupid to let you in
Why did I allow us to get so close
Wait hang on that's right
It's a one sided thing.
If you didn't want anything serious
Then why play me your heart song?
Surely you knew how you felt
Right from the start.

My goodbye?

Tuesday 3 May 2016

I guess I was wrong about you
Fuck I was wrong with him
And her too
I clearly have bad judgment
Giving away chances like I'm some fool.
I look for the best in people
Even when they give them their worst
What a fool I must fucking be
To let you decide my worth.
My mind is a fucking riddle
You only made it worse
Thank you very much for your input
Now that door slammed is shut.

Wrong about you

Monday 2 May 2016

Waiting around all day long
wondering if you're really alone
rereading every message like it's my favourite song
I keep looking at my phone
when did I become this girl?

Instead of doing my own things
I'm racking my brain for a clue
I am here trying to work out these strings
is it time to call you my boo?
when did I become this girl?

This girl

Friday 22 April 2016

(TUESDAYS POST - Also my first attempt at spoken word.)

I am not your lady
so don't call me baby
you compliment my beauty
but that I already do see
talk about something you don't see;
the real me.

Tell me that I am smart
look at the little things
show me your real heart
I don't want no loose strings
I don't want to play stupid games
you want to be with me?
make me believe

I need a man
someone to grasp my hand
hold me through the tough times
not some childish boy
to throw me away when you're done
I aint no play toy
so you best hold your tongue.

Hold Your Tongue

Wednesday 30 March 2016

Videos I believe everyone should see

Monday 28 March 2016