Where was my goodbye?
For a month you strung me along
And now I'm left wondering why.
I was so stupid to let you in
Why did I allow us to get so close
Wait hang on that's right
It's a one sided thing.
If you didn't want anything serious
Then why play me your heart song?
Surely you knew how you felt
Right from the start.
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I guess I was wrong about you
Fuck I was wrong with him
And her too
I clearly have bad judgment
Giving away chances like I'm some fool.
I look for the best in people
Even when they give them their worst
What a fool I must fucking be
To let you decide my worth.
My mind is a fucking riddle
You only made it worse
Thank you very much for your input
Now that door slammed is shut.
Fuck I was wrong with him
And her too
I clearly have bad judgment
Giving away chances like I'm some fool.
I look for the best in people
Even when they give them their worst
What a fool I must fucking be
To let you decide my worth.
My mind is a fucking riddle
You only made it worse
Thank you very much for your input
Now that door slammed is shut.
Wrong about you
Monday, 2 May 2016
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