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In celebration of father's day, I thought it would be cool to celebrate some of the best fathers in literature! I’ve spent the day with my own father, which has been wonderful! A little appreciation photo of us to the side! Thanks for being amazing dad!!

Today, I couldn’t help but think of the cool dads that I have met in the books I’ve read.
Arthur Weasley, one of my favourite fictional fathers! Arthur belongs to the Harry Potter series. He is such a loving dad with an exquisite mind. One of my favourite things about this wonderful man is he is a dad to all of the golden trio. Not just his own flesh and blood but Harry too, he didn’t think twice about protecting him. Arthur, this one is for you. Being a decent bloke to all!
Atticus Finch, from Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird. A very wise man in the literature world, I particularly like his quote from the novel “You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view - until you climb into his skin and walk around in it” the whole novel is smashing but Atticus is a marvellous father figure.
Sometimes you can have a man in your life that isn't exactly your father by blood but is as good as. A perfect example of this Joe Gargery from Dicken's Great Expectations. Joe is such a loving man towards Pip, he is the father Pip never had. He loves Pip even when he is acting out of character, he bails him out and loves him as his own. Joe is such a lovely character, he truly deserves the best. This one is for the non-biological dads.
Another example of men who step up is Uncle Ben from the much loved Spiderman comics and films. Uncle Ben cares a lot about Peter and would go to the world's end for him. His death is a tragic one which I cry at every single time.
There are many fictional father figures, these are just a few of my favourites! Do you know and love any that you think should make the list?

Fictional Father Figures

Sunday 21 June 2020