Showing posts with label spark. Show all posts
It's there
I can feel it
Burning a hole in my chest
Tell me you feel it too?

It electrocuted me
The first time we met
The voltage intensified
And my interest peaked

It's there
In my chest now
Tell me you feel the burning?
I can feel it

At your sight it flares
Your voice makes it roar
It's addictive
Do you have it too?

I was in the dark
Until you were introduced
Low and behold the spark
Tell me you feel it too?


Sunday 8 November 2015

Despite all chances the light ripped through the forest
Have you ever been trapped by darkness, emotional darkness. It's contagious, once you feel is once it tends to stay a little while.  Sometimes it feels like a virus; you're stuck with it for life... It is sometimes camouflaged, hiding in the back of your mind ready to be flagged up at any given time.
The darkness can be overpowering, it can weaken us until we feel like we are nothing, nothing but a waste of space and time.  It's like a constant cloud within you,
You feel like you're falling, falling further and further into nothingness. You feel trapped, uneasy and unable of a single spec of happiness. You believe it will last forever, but you are wrong. It won't last forever, it simply can't. You have to be strong, don't let that darkness drive you. The light will become evident, even if it's just a spark, a singular spark in the darkness. You  better grasp it with both hands, and let it fill you. Soon enough there will be more than just a sparking splitting your darkness in two.


Thursday 28 May 2015