Showing posts with label sims. Show all posts

A drink in my hand, my snow up against the burning sand...

No sadly, this isn't a rendition of Frozen's song 'Summer' although it is a Disney banger! I have realised between poetry and book reviews I haven't really posted 'other' content on here. This is just a catch up I guess, talking about the Summer and what I have planned, what I have been doing and what the future holds.
Since finishing the Second year of University in May, so far I have been home to Newcastle for a little while and then returned to Brighton to work full time. I don't have a holiday planned this year, but I do plan on visiting some places within the UK. Just something to look forward to. I will be spending the majority of my time in Brighton, which I am excited about. 
I set a Summer goal of reading 15 books, so far I have only managed 2 - tragic but I have just restarted Harry Potter so those numbers will rise. Reading again for pleasure feels so good again, for a while I didn't want to read. I guess when your degree is surrounded by reading books, and a lot of the time ones you don't want to read, you b
ecome reluctant to read in your spare time. So, the reason I set a Summer reading goal is to hopefully fall back in love with reading.  A new book review will be posted within the next few days, so keep an eye out for that.
So far, Summer has been quite spontaneous. I have been to the cinema a few times, I went to see Avengers End Game (twice),  Alladin, Toy Story 4 (twice) and I am seeing Spiderman soon too.  and seen quite a few of my friends. It has been great, I have really been trying this work/social balance. I have also been attending the gym, which has been helping me mentally as well as physically. I have been investing in new gym gear, and I am living for it- NIKE YOU ABSOLUTE BABE. I am really trying my best to feel good about myself, in all ways possible. I am getting there, this Summer is definitely one of self-care. A much-needed addition to my life.
I will be visiting Newcastle near the end of Summer, once I have moved into the new house. When I get back I will be seeing Danny Jones live.
The big thing I wanted to talk about was... SIMS. If you've been around on my blog a while now you will know how much I adore the Sims. And I have recently just collected all the packs for Sims 4, and let me tell you the future is bright. I will be Simming more... on more than one platform. It is early days but it is a new project I will be working on.
The blog here is a due a revamp, not sure when this will take place but soon! I have been going through my social media and just tweaking things, if you follow my Instagram you will have noticed a few changes, especially with my highlights. If you don't follow my Instagram search for me WritingMyHeart! 

What are your Summer plans?

Summer in Brighton

Friday 12 July 2019

I have been playing lots of Sims lately, I have been working on one house for my generation family. Naturally,  I keep tweaking it and changing things around. There are certain parts of the house that I am so inlove with. The house first started basic, for one Sim.

My favourite part of the lot is the Greenhouse I created, infact it may be the best thing I have ever made. The Greenhouse was added in the second generation of my family, one of the twin brothers got into gardening.

I really enjoyed creating this build, I think it is important you create new things when you are working through generations so you don't get bored. Here is come closeups of inside the Greenhouse.

Another favourite part of this house is the little 'inspiration' room I call it. The room where my first sim created her fortune through writing books. I like this room a lot, it's very colourful. It has everything you need to become a bestselling writer and even an internet sensation. I really enjoy decoarating desks, I don't know why but it is my favourite part of building.

Here is a few of my favourite corners of the house, some parts I am still working on so really I am showing you the best bits. I have not used cheats to gain money or to change relationships. I do use the cheat where you can go back into CAS so I can edit new sims clothes but that is about it.

Above is a picture of the front garden, I usually fill this with Sharks. It sounds harsh but I use it to kill townies, like when my Sims marry outsiders I end up getting bored of the townies, so I basically use them to help create babies and kill them off. Harsh but a girls' gotta do what a girls' gotta do.
I never really concentrate on the kids room so I decided to give it ago. I really liked how this one turned on.

This is the room of my lesbian's Sim (third generation) adopted child. I feel like the more packs I buy the more I enjoy building.
As the generations have been going on, I am onto the fourth, I have decided to change the living area as well as the kitchen. I think my favourite stuff pack has to be Vintage Glamour Stuff, I just love everything about it, as you can see by my Gatsby/Jazz inspired living area.

I bought the Romantic Garden Stuff pack, mainly because it was on offer for Valentines day. I decided to try and create a beautiful garden. I also created  a little graveyard, I wanted a place where  I could keep my generations. I don't let them be ghosts, just because I find it  a little weird. Naturally, as I play more the graveyard will expand.

I really want to create a Sims youtube account, but I am not sure if I should. What are your thoughts? Thank you for reading, and below is a picture of the outside lot. This house was originally Cool Cabana. 

New Builds (March 2019)

Tuesday 5 March 2019

When I first started playing Sim 4 build mode was a genuine nightmare for me, it took me a long time to actually get into it. But, now I know what I am doing (sort of) I have found things I enjoy building and decorating as well as parts that I don't.  I want to make this a series type of thing, and I want to start off with something I enjoy decorating and that is desks!

A person's desk can tell you a lot about them, so in game, I like to make my Sims desk reflect their personality as much as I can possibly do so. Plus it is cool the amount of desk clutter CC you can find online. I love playing around with different items. There is also a running theme with the majority of my desks, I love using the base game plumbob lamp. It is my favourite item in the game, I kind of want one in real life...

Build Mode #1 Sims 4

Monday 2 April 2018


I feel like it has been a while since I just posted a talk/thought kind of post. So yesterday I posted a new poem,a spoken word poem which I did a video reading which I attached to the bottom. It wasn't spectacular but it something I hope to do more of in the future. It's fun and something new. 

Yesterday something else happened to me to; realization struck me during a heart to heart with my sister, I've been wanting to leave home for Uni since I was twelve and it sunk it that in four months time I will be doing just that. I cannot believe I am actually this close, it is frightening.  I am excited but absolutely bricking it at the same time!

I am also addicted to The Sims 4 - I spend all my free time on it, it is probably getting out of control. I am doing The Legacy challenge, which is challenging to say at the least. It's making me play Sims in a whole new way, so that is enjoyable.

Things are okay, I'm not bursting with happiness but I'm not crying myself to sleep either. I am okay with okay.


Wednesday 26 April 2017

I forgot to share this but I completed my main Summer goal during the Summer (obviously) and well as you guys may (or may not) know I adore the Sims. I'm addicted, I play the PC game and every time I do its like 8 hours at a time. I wanted this a while and near the back end of Summer I just thought why not!

Summer Goal completed

Tuesday 13 September 2016

Weekly Favourites

Sunday 5 June 2016

As some of you may know I am a huge fan of Sims! And well my favorite part of the game is creating the Sims. I like to think I'm getting pretty good at it. And well I decided to make an instagram for my Sims creations (don't judge me) my user is; Serious_sims_addiction please follow me and I take requests I'll attempt to create you!
Here are some of the ones I've posted


Tuesday 24 May 2016

A video/photo summary of all my favourite things this week! Pictures all my own I have put them into two collages! I hope to do weekly favourites at the end of each week!

Weekly Favourites

Sunday 20 March 2016

So this week has been one of poems, I have been busy but I've been trying to keep up to date. As you know if I miss days I will catch up and post how many I need to on the following days. This is just a chatty post, bits and bobs and whatever else comes to mind. 
I'm 18 in 10 days - I cannot believe it, like at all.
65 days until my first exam, which is film.
116 days until I break up for the Summer.
124 days until pride!
What an exciting time to be alive.
I have been thinking about my future, exciting and scary prospect of life, and well after college in 2017 I think I want to go to University. Due to not doing so well last year I am obviously redoing my first year, which means my friends are going to University this year. I don't mind too much that I will be going later, at least I am on the track to bettering myself and getting where I want to in my own time. I've been looking about for Universities and courses, I kind of always had my heart set on Newcastle Univeristy, it's close to home and their library is amazing.  However, growing I realise I need independence, I need distance from the norm, I need to stand up on my own two feet. So I have been looking at places away from home. I know I want to write, like that is a must. So my English teacher helped me and I found the perfect course and the perfect University - Brighton University - English Literature and Creative Writing. I've always wanted to go to Brighton, it's stunning, alternative and kind of old fashioned, apparently a lot writer's live there. That is where I aiming to go, I understand that there is higher universities on the league table but that kind of doesn't matter. I have to take the place into consideration, I don't want to go to University where I don't like the location. So I am aiming for Brighton, I have to keep looking around as for Ucas you have to put at least three maybe five. Next on the list would be Bolton, admittedly that may just be because I am a sucker for the accents and it's where Danny Jones is from (he turned 30 yesterday, still my favourite, and he's still attractive as ever!) but you know, we will see what happens. 
What's next on the agenda to talk about? Snapchat. I have discovered the new Snapchat filters on my phone, it's an android and I kind of assumed they were only available for iPhone. I was wrong and now I am addicted, my niece adores the doggy one, she loves it. They're fun and personally if I feel a little crap and look a little rough then puking rainbows or drag filters take that worry from me.
I've been playing a lot of Sims lately, I am even considering getting the Sims sign (plumbob) tattooed behind my ear, it would be super cute. 
I am kind of full of cold, which sucks. But I am drinking plenty of tea, and I would say keeping myself warm but I am wearing ridiculous multi-coloured leggings and a white vest. 
I have been thinking about what to post so here is a list of things for you to expect within the next week or couples of weeks
- 17? Reflection on growing up.
-18? Officially an adult.
-Film review - The Green Mile
-Book Review - Fangirl 
-Film Review - Shawshank Redemption
-Outfits of the week - Attempt to look somewhat girlie.
- Favourites of the week - foods, drinks, items, songs and other stuff

Thank you, and I'll see you in tomorrow's post. Recommendations are always welcome, thank you and have a good day.


Sunday 13 March 2016

Admittedly I spent most of Tuesday playing Sims, before my lessons and even after. I spent a whole two hour free drinking tea and playing Sims with a friend, I created her and her boyfriend and we started building a house, we are continuing next week.  I do enjoy The Sims, I play Sims 3. In the future I want to a Sims gaming videos, it will be fun, I may even do a whole post about Sims later. So I only had Media on Tuesday so I played Sims a lot, and then decidied one of my case studies will be on the Sims. Later Tuesday I introduced my niece to the Sims. She created the funniest Sim ever she named him 'boy' he wears an orange funky 80's shirt and a beach shorts for a casual day, gosh I do love her creativity!
This week has been my Sim week, I've been stressing and busy for weeks with coursework and things and this week of being chilled has been needed.

Tuesday - Sim Addiction

Wednesday 9 March 2016

You guys have no idea how much I have needed it to be Friday! This week hit me like a brutal wrecking ball, I wasn't ready nope. I wasn't read for an ear infection, or going back to college, or the three mock exams, or the sleepless nights, or just emotional feelings, I wasn't ready what so ever.
Friday did pick everything up though, the last mock was today, also my ear infection is pretty much nearly fixed thanks to ear spray and painkillers. The first week back from being off for half term always throws me off a little.
As expected of a Friday it well and truly cheered me up. I laughed, I got butterflies and had a blast. My college life is moving forward, slowly but surely but I'm getting to terms with things and I'm ready to not have a rerun of last year.
I'm currently enjoying some music, which is good to wear earphones without being muffled or hurting my ear a lot.
Tomorrow should be a good day, I plan on attending  a writing group, which meeting other writers in my age range is always a blessing. I have good vibes mainly because I really get along with creative people and our ideas bounce off one another and well sometimes that's all the inspiration I need!
I may stay up late too, catch up on my Sims and just chill. It is the weekend, it is well needed!

Wrecking ball

Friday 8 January 2016

Admittedly I haven't really done much today, I have spent a lot of hours on Sims. It's pretty addictive! I am now settling down for the night, and tonight's Christmas film is Home Alone! Yes, everyone knows of the infamous Home Alone films.
 I was once left at home, not for a long period of time but we were moving house and as a kid I liked to check I left nothing behind in my bedroom and then when I returned downstairs it was empty, no one there. I stood at the front door, which was now locked sobbing my little heart out, luckily enough my family noted my absence several minutes after before driving away. I laugh now, it is funny. At the age I was (I cannot remember)  fear struck. I didn't want to be trapped on my own, I still don't now, obviously. 
When you're young you're naive, fearful and very close minded. Well I was, I had the most outrageous fears and I still do now, like my huge fear of ghosts and being possessed. 
I hope you liked my little true anecdote, and well happy four days!

4 Days To Go

Monday 21 December 2015

This weekend  I haven't been feeling so well, a head cold and just generally feeling a little low. To keep myself busy I have been staying warm as well as spending some (much needed) time on Sims. I have been creating  new Sims, and I'm getting better and better at it. I have even taking to uploading my Sims onto the Sims exchange.  I have  to say I'm pretty impressed with myself.
Today I feel much better than I did yesterday, I slept a lot yesterday! Monday tomorrow, I'm looking forward to film studies. I downloading editing software today and I'm thinking about my coursework and I'm looking forward to it. This weekend has been chilled, but I have needed every second of it!

Sunday Funday

Sunday 6 December 2015

I returned to sixth form today, it turns out yesterday was staff training and there were no lessons, only I didn't know this until I got to sixth form. After a wasted three hours of travelling I returned home and decided to play sims. Last night I checked how many hours I've spent playing the game since I installed it (which was Saturday) and so far a good twenty hours. Kind of obsessive but I loved every minute of it.
I am spending the next two hours reading PowerPoint's and revising, it seems I could possibly have a mock exam today for Media Studies, so I am using the free time I have wisely. I just finished a cappuccino and truth be told I feel a little light headed, and perhaps staring at a computer screen (like I have done for the past three days) isn't the best idea, but low and behold I am going to continue to do so anyway.
Today will consume of Revising, Exam, Chinese and later spending time with my niece. That is what I like to call a well rounded productive day!

Mock Exam

Tuesday 3 November 2015

Meeting the first day of November has been calming, sweet and comfortable. Despite waking up with a headache today has been delightful. I feel relaxed and ready to take on any challenge that presents itself.
Admittedly I have spent the best part of eight hours (so far and today alone) playing on Sims 3, it got delivered yesterday and even yesterday I was on it for hours. So I'm gaming more now, I might video some sim footage who knows. I am enjoying the simulation world again I must say.
I shall be starting sixth form again (half term has went with a flash) nice and early and ready to work hard.
So November, please me good to me and I will be good to you.

Hello November

Sunday 1 November 2015

I have become obsessed with The Sims lately, after spending hours of watching Sims gameplay and hearing my friends in college talk about it nonstop, I finally ordered it online. I'm currently waiting for it to be delivered, and the whole simulation world got me thinking. I've been wondering why myself (and thousands of others) have been drawn to The Sims like a moth to a flame.  I cannot speak for everyone of course, so I have contemplated he reasons why I am so drawn to it.

1) When you're creating Sims, styling them, picking their traits and more or less writing their destiny, it gives the feeling as though your the hand of God, and you have complete control.

2) Designing, I adore the whole making your home in buildmode part of the game. In real life I wouldn't be good at it probably, however on Sims I feel like I'm the best (big headed much) something about being able to place a wall here and allocate a window there, and picking every piece of furniture, it is exciting.

3) This I believe is the main reason for me being drawn to the Sims; Recreating myself, I like to create my future self. Everything I want to be, do and live I can recreate in the Sims. It's almost like a life plan but in a game, also I can make the Sim version of me ideally how I want to be as well as make their life way more interesting than mine.

So I thought I ought to share this with you guys, before the game comes and I spend hours in front of a screen (yes more than usual). Think about something you like, a game or a film and ask yourself why are you so drawn to it?


Tuesday 27 October 2015

I always love Fridays. Despite starting the first half of the day with a cold and feeling like tired crap I survived, enough so I could talk to my favourite human, and get more than a moderate amount of work done. It is also the last day of term so it has been chilled, not too much pressure. I usually finish quarter to four on Friday but my film teacher (A GOD SEND) allowed us to about five past three, oh yes! So I went to see my friend, we watched Jezza (Jeremy Kyle) he is hilarious and well you know yourself what those shows are like. We went for Bubble Tea at Bubble Cha, we met up with another friend. It was kind of a goodbye, because she is going away for five months. It was lovely, we drank bubble tea and even had bubble waffles (FABULOUS) it was good to chat, take pictures and enjoy each other's company. I am now ready to relax however I still have bits of work to do which I plan on getting right off my chest tomorrow so I am not stranded last minute. Since it is half term and I'm off for a week I will be posting everyday! SO ITS FRIDAY! I'm listening to music I think I may have an early night or just watch some videos on Youtube, probably sims game-play.


Friday 23 October 2015