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Hello, back this week with a post about none other than the Nintendo Switch game Animal Crossing New Horizons. This game was released back in March 2020, 3 days before lockdown to be precise. I was gifted the game for my birthday from my parents on March 23rd, weirdly the first day of lockdown, and to be honest I didn’t know at the time how helpful the game would be for my mental health during the lockdown.  It may sound a little dumb but it helped me, it gave me something to put my time and attention into. I played that game every single day of lockdown, until I had to work again. Admittedly I didn’t play as much between that time and now. I’ve rekindled back into the game with the winter season and falling in love with it all over again. 

As my little character roams over Flo (my island) I see the snow falling on all my creations. In lockdown I wasn’t able to visit my favourite places like bookshops or cafes so I reinvented those into my game. My bookish area is my favourite thing on my island:

I started off with this library at first, still my favourite area on Island Flo. My villagers never really use it or care for it but like any other Animal Crossing player and/or creator we create this things for ourselves more than anything else. I decided to get creative with tiki bars and camping corners. Needless to say, I have spent many hours on the game.

I love creating  reading nooks around my island, a little book world of my own. I think the thing I love the most about my island is I’ve made so other people can visit, I had friends visit me virtually and we tour each other’s creations. I created my own Starbucks, a personal favourite of many of my visitors. I liked that game allowed me to be creative because truth be told I didn’t do a lot of writing but was able to be creative through the game. Lockdown was mentally draining but without this came I fear it would have been even more so. Below my little cage:

I have to say the best thing I have ever created (as is very on brand for me) is my Shrek area. I tried to hard to recreate one of my favourite films. It’s not exact but you can see the vibe I was going for. I think Hippeux is the only villager with his own special area:

Is there a game you’ve been playing that has helped you through this year?

A quick screenshot of seeing the New Year through on the game! Happy new year! Nintendo has kept up thoroughly entertained with countdown day, toy day, fishing tournaments and bug catching tournaments. If you wish to visit my island via dream code here it is: DA-4598-3101-8015.

Island Flo - My Bookish Island

Monday 4 January 2021

Top Ten: I Want To Do Down South

I have been down in Brighton for just over two years now, and I believe this will probably be my last year. I plan on moving further up North, but I want to make the most of my time down here whilst I live down here. I already checked a couple of things off my list such as see Wicked, visit Cornwall and London.
I guess this is more a reminder for myself, for me to look back on and say hey I achieved all of the things I wanted to do down here. The list is in no particular order, although number 1 is my ultimate goal.

1) Visit Harry Potter Studios in London
2)  See my first Drag Show/Performance
3) Go on the Eurostar
4) Visit Marwell Zoo
5) See Stonehenge
6) Visit the UK's biggest Primark in Birmingham
7) Go on the i360
8) Visit the Upside Down house
9) See Hamilton in London
10) Visit Shrek Adventure

If you think I have missed any cool things off, or you have recommendations please comment below so I can add them to my list!!

Top Ten Things: I Want To Do Down South

Monday 28 October 2019