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I don't know about you but most of my friend's birthdays are near the mid to end of the year, so this is the time I start thinking about gifts and things they perhaps would like as well as something meaningful. Quite a few people in my friend group are booklovers, they are some of my favourite types of people to buy for! I thought whilst I am currently looking for their gifts I would write a post for you guys: 6 Tips for Buying Gifts for Your Bookworm Friends.

1) Your favourite book - I know this sounds a little odd but I personally love reading my friend's favourite book, not only does it make me feel closer to them but I believe it gives me more of an insight into their personality. It also gives me a chance to see what we both had taken from the book, did we like different parts, which character did we both relate to? I think it's a beautiful idea to get to know someone better. 

2) Informed Book Purchase - have you seen the types of books your friend likes? Go hunting for something that they perhaps haven't read before, or if you have been out shopping with them did you notice they picked up a book that they seemed interested in but didn't buy? Maybe go back and purchase it. I have received a few books that my friends have noticed me looking at, and not only did I feel incredibly grateful and lucky but also amazed that they paid attention to what I was doing, it really meant a lot. Another way to approach this may be your book-loving friend has an amazon wishlist? That is always a good place to look for when searching for a book to buy them.

3) Book Merchandise - Do you know their favourite book? You could find gifts relating to their favourite book or character. Places like Etsy and Redbubble are amazing for finding bookish things such as badges, stickers, mugs, posters and the list go on. You will more than likely be supporting a small business along the way.

4) Gift Card - Sometimes it can be hard buying for your book lover friend, they have that many books and their TBR list is piled high maybe you're unsure of which book to pick. You could get them a gift card for Waterstones or other bookshops, then this way they can pick the books they want. They will appreciate being given the option. I know sometimes gift cards can come across as impersonal or not thoughtful so why don't you team this up with a little book date? Take your book lover for a coffee and hunt for a new book together. 

5) Book Box Subscription - I have shared a few of these on my blog in the past but you can get a subscription or a one-off box of a book box. Usually, you get a book based on the theme with quite a few bookish goodies alongside it. It's fun and your book lover friend may continue buying them. You get all sorts of bookish goodies!

6) Write for them - This option is one of my favourites, it is a little more time consuming but as a writer it is fun for both me and the friend. You don't have to spend loads in fact this option is little to no cost. Is there a book or chapter your book lover likes or feels strongly about? Rewrite it, make it more suited for them or extend the ending to their favourite book. You could go as far as writing your friend into a scene, sort of like fanfiction but more personal to your friend. This is creative and plus which bookworm hasn't imagined themselves into their favourite novel? 

No matter what you decide to buy your book lover friend I am sure they will appreciate it, all the same, after all it really is the thought that counts. My heart melts when anyone remembers my birthday, and I am sure they will be pleased you thought of them. Next week I have a post about my new job! Is there something that you think should be added? Please let me know in the comments!

6 Tips for Buying Gifts for Your Bookworm Friends

Friday 16 July 2021

Yesterday afternoon I revisited one of my favourite shops in Newcastle, Flying Wizard. The shop is relatively new, it wasn't here when I was last home at Easter time. Today was the second time visiting. The first time was back in July when I picked up part of a friend's birthday present. This time I came back with my mother, who is also a Harry Potter fan, and we both splurged a little. Before I discuss the purchases let me tell you about the shop itself.  Sadly, I didn't take any pictures inside of the shop because I am not quite sure if we were allowed to.
The shop is not just Harry Potter themed, even though you would think so by their shop window. It also sells merchandise from Star Wars, Game of Thrones, Marvel Universe etc. it is a pretty well-rounded shop. It is mainly Harry Potter themed though, you can tell by how when you walk into the shop you can see their television which plays all of the Harry Potter films on loop- what a dream?

The staff are so friendly and welcoming, it has a really good atmosphere inside. Naturally, I am quite the fangirl whenever I visit. It takes all my will to not buy everything. I was only supposed to go in and have a look but I figured it would be rude to not something... right?

I have only been in one other Harry Potter shop before and that is Oliver's in Brighton- I may do a post about that shop when I am back in Brighton next month!

I was so thrilled when my sibling told me that a Harry Potter shop had opened in my hometown, and it is everything. I am ready to hand them all my money!

Above is the first thing I ever bought from Flying Wizards. An amazing quidditch set, I bought this for a friend. I am not sure who loved it most, her or me? I am genuinely impressed by my eye for giving good gifts. Sadly, I went back to buy another one for myself and they're waiting to get more in. Naturally, I am slightly gutted!! Underneath the Quidditch balls is a key for the lock as well as a really cool poster.

Today I purchased a butterbeer, I adored this when I tried it in Brighton. It was a little cheaper too here, bonus!
A new notebook- I AM LIVING FOR IT!! Lately, I have been obsessed with Dobby and I just couldn't help but fall in love with this notebook. I am fully aware  I have quite a few HP notebooks, which haven't been written in, but I just couldn't say no. This was my favourite purchase of the day.

A pack of wizard cards, they're just like playing cards but have pictures of wizards and witches on them. I know it's geeky but I just found them pretty cool, who knows if I will actually use them? They look good though.

My mam bought me the Slytherin tin, I didn't know until we were out of the shop. This was super cute.
I also bought a cool badge, I am not usually a badge person but I thought it would round off my purchase. There is a better picture to the side.

My mother bought some cool stuff too. I am envious of her new notebook, I almost bought a similar one but in Slytherin crest and colour, maybe next time! My mother also hoards notebooks like I do, I know already neither of will be writing in them any time soon. She also purchased a Marauders purse and a little Gryffindor tin.

I would 10/10 recommend you visiting Flying Wizards if you're ever in town or just visiting Newcastle. It's definitely worth a neb!!

Flying Wizards

Monday 27 August 2018

I'm venturing out today, I have an orthodontics appointment. Sadly two days before Christmas,I hope to god I'm able to eat my Christmas dinner. Yes that's my main worry, I'm not even joking.
I'm also doing a bit of last minute shopping afterwards, for one present. So I predict I will be pretty irritated by the time I'm finished.
Also I feel since its Christmas I should spend time seeing family, so tonight I'm heading over to my sister's house. I'm staying the night so I can see her and my lovely little niece. Then tomorrow I plan on getting the early bus into town then home. Then let the Christmas fuss begin!!
I probably won't be watching Home Alone 3 tonight as planned but it's okay.
I thought I ought to post now as I'm getting ready in case I can't post later!  Happy Christmas eve eve!

2 Days To Go

Wednesday 23 December 2015

This week has been incredible. Yesterday I spent pretty much most of the day with my family, it was nice and very different. We did however did a little shopping, when I say little I mean the boot of the a car bursting with bags. I'm so blessed and thankful that my parents have bought me a laptop, truth be told it is my first. My first laptop that I have all to myself, I don't even have to share!  So needless to say I will be writing more, plus it makes it easier to do my college work! Today we are going out again, no doubt more shopping ~ I more or less dislike shopping, my girlie side just doesn't enjoy it!

It's a beautiful day

Saturday 13 June 2015