I wish I could tell you, tell you where I've been. All the times I've been away, the excuses I've thrown your way. It hurts me it does, the guilt always lingers but I just can't stop, no matter how hard I try I just can't seem to let him go. I love you, but I think I love him too. His arms his smile the way his fingers trace my skin, it's not fair on you but I can't let you go. If I tell you, it breaks two things. Your heart and the passion of secrecy between myself and him. As I watch you sleep next to me I wish he was entwined with me. I'm not coming home, at least not tonight. I look you in the eyes, and tell you you're all my heart desires, but I'm looking over your shoulder lusting for him. I can't keep you close but I don't want to let you go. You know, don't you? I don't mean to though, you mean a lot to me. It's a crime of passion, the kind I've only read in books and I just can't let it go. I wish I could tell you, but I won't. Neither of you I'll let go...
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Dear Fuck Boy,
What on earth do you think you're doing? Messing with a girls head, alluring her into a false security and then getting what you want and just vanish like nothing happened. First, you find a girl, and you tell her your intention, not your true intentions of course, and you get her to like you, you go on several dates and you get to first base, even second and then when third comes into the game? You hit it and then leave. This is not okay. You can't just tell a girl you want to be with her, that you like her and then only use her for sex and end the game. It's cruel, but you know what you're doing and you don't care, that's the worst part. You do this to one girl, and then another and then not long you've got a line of girls behind you who feel used and are hurt, but why would you care? You have yet another notch on your bedpost. Well not this time, she caught you out. She didn't believe a word you said, allowed you to barely hit second base before she caught your ass out. How stupid do you feel now? She escaped before you could even hit the ball. Fuck boy, you didn't get to fuck this one, I just hope no other girls get stuck in your game.
What on earth do you think you're doing? Messing with a girls head, alluring her into a false security and then getting what you want and just vanish like nothing happened. First, you find a girl, and you tell her your intention, not your true intentions of course, and you get her to like you, you go on several dates and you get to first base, even second and then when third comes into the game? You hit it and then leave. This is not okay. You can't just tell a girl you want to be with her, that you like her and then only use her for sex and end the game. It's cruel, but you know what you're doing and you don't care, that's the worst part. You do this to one girl, and then another and then not long you've got a line of girls behind you who feel used and are hurt, but why would you care? You have yet another notch on your bedpost. Well not this time, she caught you out. She didn't believe a word you said, allowed you to barely hit second base before she caught your ass out. How stupid do you feel now? She escaped before you could even hit the ball. Fuck boy, you didn't get to fuck this one, I just hope no other girls get stuck in your game.
Dear Fuck Boy,
Tuesday, 23 August 2016
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