Showing posts with label september. Show all posts
Summer is coming to an end, and I couldn't be happier!
It means I only have a couple weeks left of working full-time, and University starts again. Summer has been long, I spent most of the Summer working  which lead to lots of time at the pub. I haven't been as creative as I would have liked to be, working sucks the life out of you. I did get a few books read, and I started my Sims YouTube channel - this  is still very productive and I am super proud! Summer was the start of  a new creative outlet.
Pumpkin Spice Lattes' are back and those autumnal feels are hitting me in every direction. Conkers falling from the trees leaves on the floor and the weather is getting colder. Autumn is heading our way and I am ready to snuggle in jumpers watching Hocus Pocus.
This will be my final year in Brighton, this time next year I will be in a whole new city. One year to make the most of this seaside town. I am more than ready for a new adventure.

Hello September > Hello Autumn

Sunday 1 September 2019

As Universities send me offers that frightened ball in my stomach gets stronger. The fear of leaving home, and not seeing my family for twelve weeks at a time. There nothing more that I want than independence and to pursue my dreams. I cannot help but worry about my niece, how I will go from seeing her most days of her life to not seeing her for weeks on end. Or when I go home at the end of the week my pets are excitedly waiting for me, what happens when I do not return at the end of the week? Instead I return for Christmas? It's weird, my family have helped me this far in life and when September comes along I'll be leaving. I am excited, I cannot wait and I wish it would come sooner but there is always that daunting feeling in my stomach.

when September comes

Saturday 19 November 2016

I feel as though September has been good to me, it has brought well needed change, new friendships, goals, opportunities and of course the beauty we call Autumn.
I greeted the last day of September gracefully, as Alice fell down the rabbit hole, I Lauren fell through the shortcut, it was quite the giggle.
I'm confident to say that September has made me hopeful, determine and sure that this year ahead of me in college will be a good one. The only downfall of septenevet is my found love of Chinese, so maybe October I will keep up my hard work ethic and figure a way to work just as hard on my body.
My September favourites;
- New black boots - Cute, Girlie and sensible!
- New College - A new step in my life, ready to embrace the change.
- A Writing Spark -  It seems I have found a love for this blog and writing daily.
- The season change - Misty mornings. Cuddle mood nights and beautiful Autumn days.
- Acquaintance - Since the change I'm meeting new people, talking to different people and I'm absorbing it all so well.

Goodbye September

Wednesday 30 September 2015

Today was the last official day of this college year, I am now off for the Summer. With the exception of a few meetings and trips of course, but work wise I am done until September. What a relief it is! However, it feels too good to be true. After an exhausting, and changing first year of college it is suddenly Summer, when did that happen?? I am glad though, no more early mornings and having all the time in the world to myself!

I wanted to do a reflection on the year but I think I will leave it until results day, then I can talk about how I did and what happens next!

Done for the Summer

Wednesday 24 June 2015