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I'm venturing out today, I have an orthodontics appointment. Sadly two days before Christmas,I hope to god I'm able to eat my Christmas dinner. Yes that's my main worry, I'm not even joking.
I'm also doing a bit of last minute shopping afterwards, for one present. So I predict I will be pretty irritated by the time I'm finished.
Also I feel since its Christmas I should spend time seeing family, so tonight I'm heading over to my sister's house. I'm staying the night so I can see her and my lovely little niece. Then tomorrow I plan on getting the early bus into town then home. Then let the Christmas fuss begin!!
I probably won't be watching Home Alone 3 tonight as planned but it's okay.
I thought I ought to post now as I'm getting ready in case I can't post later!  Happy Christmas eve eve!

2 Days To Go

Wednesday 23 December 2015