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I have been thinking a lot about negative book reviews recently. There has been some buzz around them online. Some people think they should be shared whilst others not so much. I have my own little dilemma.

I recently read The Green Mile by Stephen King, and I didn't have the best time reading it. I wanted to read it because I have always enjoyed watching the film, so naturally, I thought the book has to be better? That is usually the case. Turns out, I didn't enjoy reading it at all. I was hoping to review the book before I started it so that's why I continued to read it. I have written the review but I haven't posted it. I am not entirely sure if I should.

I am within two minds because on one hand, it is important we give honest reviews and make sure they're helpful for people who potentially want to read that book. But on the other hand, I didn't have many positive things to say, therefore is it necessary to share something with a lot of negativity. It's an inner battle of what is right or wrong. I don't like spewing hate online, it's unnecessary but I also like to be honest. Surely as a book reviewer, you can't just only talk about the books you love, right? 

I think one of the reasons I want to share the review is because the book wasn't short, I invested a lot of time into it and it really enraged me. It took me a good week or so to get over it and stop thinking about it. I really needed a place to put all my thoughts, hence the book review. I love sharing my thoughts on books with you guys, what do you think I should do?

I now know one thing after reading it is that I don't have to finish a book if I am not enjoying it. I should have put it down the moment I got red flags instead of hoping it would get better. 

Note to self: if you aren't enjoying a book then put it down and don't pick it back up!

Has a book ever made you feel this way?

To post or not to post?

Tuesday 3 August 2021

I am back and I have been reading some very lovely books this month. The last day of the month (every month) I will be sharing a list of all the books I have read that month and will be rating them out of 5 stars! You will recognise a couple from my reviews! I don't want to post a review for every book I've read, just because sometimes the books are short or that I don't have a lot to say about them. I do share reviews for the books I think you guys would be more interested in! So let's get started:
  • Breakfast at Tiffany's - Truman Capote - ★★★★
  • Diamond Guitar - Truman Capote - ★★★
  • Faithless - Brian Azzarello - ★★★★★
  • Memory of Christmas - Truman Capote - ★★★
  • House of Flowers - Truman Capote - ★★
  • Secret Garden -  Frances Hodgson Burnett - ★★★★
  • Woman of no Importance - Oscar Wilde - ★★

I have read and listened to some pretty amazing books this month! I am going into February reading Ripley's Game by Patricia Highsmith and Carrie Fisher's Wishful Drinking read by Carrie Fisher herself! A very interesting start to February. If you want to know more about the books I have read this month comment below and we can have a chat!

Rating the books I have read this month

Friday 31 January 2020

So it 20th February, we are 51 days into the year 2016. It's crazy right? Of course it is.  This will be just a talking about everything or just general stuff kind of post. You may have noticed I posted twice already today, but on Thursday for some reason I couldn't post the quote of the week. Yesterday I spent the whole day reading Warm Bodies, I didn't want to skip over those days so I caught up and even posted a book review for Warm Bodies for yesterdays' post. I will keep on track and if I miss a day I will just post twice the next day etc.
It is Saturday evening, and I return back to college on Monday. I am not prepared at all. I did do my media work, my enrichment work too. I have free lessons during the week where I plan on doing my English work. Tomorrow I plan on doing all of my film work so that will be out of my hair.
If you haven't noticed I am doing some set weekly stuff -
Thursdays - Quote of the week
Fridays' (or maybe every other Friday) -  Book reviews
Sunday - Film review

I like to have set things sometimes, it keeps things in order and you guys get to read my thoughts on things. Is there anything more or less you guys want on my blog? I am open to new ideas. Would you guys like me to write about recommendations on my favourite things? Or more poetry? Or creative writing. I'd love to hear from you (if you're reading this) please comment, and thank you!

51 Days into 2016

Saturday 20 February 2016