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I am recovering from last night plenty of water and a good book. The pub was amazing, it was beautiful and I was one hundred percent impressed. The ceiling has record covers over it, the walls had band posters and the music was amazing. Newcastle's only Rock N Roll bar was incredible, I definitely will be spending more drunken nights in there. Due to difficulities and such the night was short, which was annoying but nonetheless I did get drunk pretty fast. The outing was rushed and there was a lot of waiting around for people but I am glad I went all the same. I am hoing to become better acquainted with the place in the near future, by near future I mean all Summer. The atmosphere was fun, and even though the place was quite small it was amazing. My fourteen year old self which dreamed of 'cool' places like this would be screaming in her converse with excitment. Next time I go I think I will go with people who share the same need of wanting to have fun and possibly dangerously drunk. I really wanted to have the time of my life but if I am honest I didn't, no fault of the pubs of course. But I am sure I will make more memories in there with people who actually want to be around me. I have more photos which I will be sharing in tomorrow's weekly favourites. There was an incident at the end of the night which sobered me right up, we went to get food at Townhouse and there were drunk old guys who creeped me the heck out and well we left before getting food and went our separate ways, which resulted in my spending the night alone in a huge house (even though I invitied friends but oh well) with cans and excess food. What a fabulous night...

Dog and Parrot

Saturday 9 July 2016

Tonight I am meeting up with the girls for a reunion, we are going for drinks and what not so obviously with that comes preparation. For instance last night washing my hair plaiting it ready to take out in twenty minutes for huge hair and more prominent curls than my natural. I have eaten already, something healthy and not too heavy on the stomach. Checked my essentials to bring, and now I am sat on my bed in a towel just finished from a lovely hot bath ready to get clothes and what not. We are only going to a pub so I'm going to dress casual yet still try to look pretty good. However in order to currently feel excited right now I had to pass through the day's moodiness, sadness, the wanting to back out stage and the frustrated phase, which on any day I go out even if its for coffee these emotions are practically part of my routine. I did all the body stuff, like bubbles shaving and making myself feel the best I possibly can. Truth be told sure I am looking forward to seeing the girls, but this will be my first proper legal night out and I am excited, wait no thrilled to drink all of my senses away. I have sleeping arrangments, due to living far from town I will staying at my sister's so I will be less likely to fall asleep on the way home. Just about to start getting clothes on, I will post tomorrow and share all the details, hope you all have a good night!

Preparation Night Out

Friday 8 July 2016