Showing posts with label results day. Show all posts
As you may have read in my little prose earlier - I was petrified of not getting into University. I had self-doubt up to my eyeballs.  I managed to get to sleep after about half 3ish. I woke up at seven-ish. And by ten past I had the answer blaring at me through the screen of my phone.

I got into my first choice - The University of Brighton. I am still ecstatic. They emailed me first thing this morning telling me I was accepted. This made going in for my results much easier, a huge weight had been lifted off my shoulders. I still cannot believe it, I get to call Brighton my home for the next 3/4 years- that is taking sometime to process. I am so thankful and proud of the support around me, my friends and family mean the absolute world to me. Not only am I proud of myself, for actually doing something I believe in and chasing my dream, I am proud of my friends for chasing theirs.  A Levels were hell, break downs and endless amount of work but we got each other through it. Even if it was sharing a passion for hatred towards a lesson or little positive compliments that would make you smile after a rough day. Moving to Newcastle Sixth Form College was one of the best decisions I have ever made. I am so thankful and grateful for everything.

It's such a relief knowing I can enjoy the rest of my Summer without the worry of not knowing my place. I am excited about the future. I'm sure moving so far away from home will come with many challenges but there is nothing that I am not willing to overcome. A Levels have taught me a few things, other than media institutions, camera angles and the use of caesura.  I have learned that if you don't do something right the first time, try again until you do. I am glad I didn't give up in September of 2015; when my old sixth form told me I shouldn't  pursue English. I have learned that independence is an important quality. How good it is to have people around you, and be able to depend on - it is just as important to be able to depend on yourself and have faith in your decisions. I have also learned that it is important to let go, this I didn't learn directly through lessons but more so through personal events that happened towards the end of my time at NSFC. Not everything needs a reaction, but also it is okay to feel everything and nothing. It's okay to not have your shit together, you should have to do what is best for you - even if it makes no sense to anyone else.

I want to thank especially Olivia - you are my actual rock, and I am glad I met you, thanks to NSFC I have a friend for life! Christine and Paul - you two are the life of NSFC, your support has meant the world to me and I cannot thank you enough for making the experience of A Levels better, good luck for the future - Christine with your amazing bodycombat teaching, and Paul with bringing a new life into the world, you will be an amazing parent! Carolyn, the wittiest woman I've ever met 'throwing shade' every lesson, never failing to make every lesson the best. Angela, last but not least! Thank you for believing in me and my writing, you encouraged me to write more and inspired me to put my work out into the world- and I cannot thank you enough! Good luck with your writing!

I am so grateful and relieved that A Levels are over, a chapter of my life has come to a close and I am ready for the next - whatever it may be.


Next Chapter

Thursday 17 August 2017

This Summer has been weird. So far, at least. I have been anticipating results day which is exactly 5 days away. It is difficult to enjoy your time off when you have the nagging worried feeling in your chest that you may have messed up your chance to go to Uni in September - fun right? Despite my wonderful friends and family showing me their endless support I of course still have plenty of doubt.
At the beginning of Summer, I roughly had a plan of things to do, which is still coming along nicely. I have been to gigs, nights out, seeing friends, even did a photo shoot (will post pictures later in the week) and I have been writing a novel. It is early days but I am quite happy with how it is coming along nicely-  I will post more details in the months to come. I have also been obsessed with Celebrity Big  Brother this year. I never watch it but as soon as I heard that Trisha Paytas (my favourite Youtuber) was going on, I have not missed an episode. I am living for her and the show.
Despite, results day dawning upon us next week I am still excited for the weeks ahead. My last shift at work is in 17 days and in 18 days I am away to Spain for two weeks. And then, hopefully, results day goes well I will be moving to Brighton in 43 days.
This Summer me and my best friend Olivia have put down a deposit for a holiday next Summer - eleven days in EGPYT!! Excited would be an understatement. I will be blogging both on my holidays Spain this year and Egypt next year, may even do some video stuff - so keep eyes peeled. 
There will be more Uni content after results day so hacks and advice and naturally my experiences to come! 


Summer Update

Friday 11 August 2017

Yesterday was A - level results day, I got my AS results (again) and this year I did very well compared to last year.  I believe this resit has worked on very well. There is work I can do to them, but the future looks bright. Happiness was all around, my friends were happy with their results, for once I didn't compare because I felt good too. It was a lovely feeling, plus I caught a Wartotle which is always a bonus. I celebrated results with Jane at lunch, it was delightful.

Future is Bright

Friday 19 August 2016

Results day is tomorrow
Everyone is feeling something
So much thought and feelings
Until tomorrow you won't know
Luck doesn't play a part
The results are completely up to you
So are you ready to see what you deserve?


Wednesday 17 August 2016