Showing posts with label reading list. Show all posts
Happy new year!

The first post of 2022 is sharing a list of the books I plan to read this year, just to name a few off the top of my head. In case you missed my last post, I said I was setting myself the goal of one book a week. So, a grand total of 52 books for the year ahead. Due to side effects from the booster, I haven't been able to read a physical book this weekend but I did manage to listen to the audiobook of Harry Potter and The Philosopher's Stone and now I am listening to Chamber of Secrets. 

I have purchased some of the books listed below already, they've been waiting patiently on my desk and it's been hard trying not to read them. Now we've entered 2022, I can't wait to meet all the new characters that live within the pages. 

One of my 2022 goals is to make my reading more sustainable, so I will be trying to buy second-hand books as well as reading more kindle versions and audiobooks. So far, I have been loving purchasing books from World of Books, they sometimes have old books that are no longer in circulation! This website was a godsend during my degree, and last year I bought a few books from them I couldn't find anywhere else.  I am going to use this website more often, they've got books I haven't seen on shelves in years! 

Here's a list of books I want to read in 2022:
  • Witch - Finbar Hawkins
  • The Ex Hex - Erin Sterling
  • Medusa - Jessie Burton
  • Girl crush - Florence Given (preordered)
  • The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes - Suzanne Collins
  • In At The Deep End - Kate Davies
  • A Witch In Time - Constance Sayers
  • Red White & Royal Blue - Casey McQuiston
  • It’s about bloody time period - Emma Barnett
  • Rough Around The Edges - Crystal Chard 
  • Change of Heart - Clare Lydon 
I am hoping to read more queer fiction, if you have any recommendations please comment below.

I am aiming to share weekly posts on the blog here, and hopefully, two of those will be book reviews! I am trying to write more creatively too, I am currently exploring self-publishing a collection of my poems. 2022 is looking promising. Once I am feeling up to reading again I will be starting with The Ex Hex from my reading list! What are you deciding to read this year?

Books I Want To Read in 2022

Monday 3 January 2022


This year I have been able to read a few books already, at the start of the year I decided to not set a goal as I didn't want to put to pressure on myself. I am currently reading Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice. I read this book for the first time a couple of years ago and I just really wanted to reread it again. I am loving every page of it! I really enjoy the comfort of reading something you love, the pages and characters welcoming you back like an old friend!

Every and any bookworm has a list of books that they would like to read, I have a huge one in the notes of my phone but every time I look at it it scares me! I decided to narrow it down to books I would like to read in the near future.

I thought I would share this list with you guys:

  • American Psycho - Bret Easton Ellis
  •  Swing Time - Zadie Smith
  • The Green Mile - Stephen King
  • Jack of Hearts (and other parts) - Lev A.C Rosen
I do have all of these on my bookshelf, this year I am trying to read more books on my shelf rather than going out and purchasing new books. These are books that have been on my reading list for quite a while and I want to tackle this list. Again, I won't be putting too much pressure on myself. What is currently on your TBR list?

Books To Be Read

Tuesday 30 March 2021

There are endless amounts of books that I want to read, some I've already read and want to read again some I have come across recently and just fancy something different. I am trying to find more time to read, and I thought I ought to share my reading wish list with yous;

1) Warm Bodies -  Isaac Marion - Watched the film and adored it so it's about time I read it!
2)Let the right one in - John Ajvide Lindqvist 
3) To Kill A Mockingbird - Harper Lee (Again)
4) Go Set  A Watch Man - Harper Lee 
5)Horns - Joe Hill - FYI he's the son of Steven King
6) Paper Towns - John Green - retry, the first time I gave up after the first chapter
7) Is It Just Me? - Miranda Hart (again)
8) Cat O'nine Tails - Julia Golding (again)
9) Frankenstein - Mary Shelley
10)The Chronicles of Narnia - C.S.Lewis 
11) Face - Benjamin Zephaniah  (again)
12) Fangirl - Rainbow Rowell
13) Harry Potter books - JK Rowling  (again!)
14) The Perks Of Being A Wallflower - Stephen Chbosky
15) Divergent Trilogy, plus Four - Veronica Roth (again)
16) The Hunger Games - Suzanne Collins (again)

That's all I can think of at the moment, I will obviously put the books I haven't already read as priority. A month from now I will make another post and we will see if I've ever many (or any) of the books on the list. This my reading wish list, what about you?


Wednesday 3 February 2016