Showing posts with label reading frump. Show all posts

 Hiya lovelies,

I am aware that I've been a little awol on the blog in recent months, and it's been frustrating me because I want to write but when I sit down to it my brain just empties. I am slowly getting back on track, but this post isn't about struggling to write but rather struggling to find the motivation to read. I've been trying to inch myself back into reading, but I've recently been in such a funk. 

I've been trying to consume books in any format to try and get back into reading: audiobooks and e-books. I hadn't picked up a book in at least a month. I crashed mid-way through The Morganville Series and my TBR pile is not getting any smaller or bigger. 

For the past couple of weeks or so I've been researching ways to help me get back into reading, and the spark is coming back but I wanted to share my findings:

Watching film adaptations of books. I've watched The Hunger Games films recently and they've made me want to reread the books. Also, watching bad adaptations can make you want to turn to the books too, no names Allegiant film.

Start short. So, looking at my TBR pile there are a few hefty books there, some part of a series and that can be daunting if you're looking to rekindle your love for reading. My answer to this? Pick up a shorter novel, I picked up Alice and Wonderland to read because it's short and sweet and was a nice way to ease myself back into reading.

Read reviews online. Book Tok is amazing for this, there's no better way to hype yourself up for reading than hearing other bookworms discussing the same book. You may even find yourself extending your TBR list!

Set aside some time. Life is busy, I know this and you know this. But like anything, setting aside some time in your day or week can really help you get back into reading. I started with an hour a week and extended that to 45 minutes a day (usually before bed).

I hope these tips have helped you as much as they've helped me. Right now, I am reading Florence Given's Girl Crush! I'm hoping to post a review of this book when I've finished. If you've got any helpful tips for getting back into reading, please comment below!

How I Got Over My Reading Frump

Monday 26 September 2022