Showing posts with label rage. Show all posts

 Right here, right now

this is my stage.

To share with you all of my rage,

rage fucking rage.

My rage is because my body is a topic,

it almost feels like it doesn't belong to me.

Everyone seems to have an opinion,

too fat, not pretty, she must be lazy.

Fuck you, that's not the real me,

but you see what you want to see.

I live for me, and only me.

My rage is for my period,

for wanting it to stop.

I don't want children,

but I am told what if?

I shouldn't need a reason, 

I shouldn't need an excuse.

Don't project your ideals onto me,

for my life is happily childfree.

My rage is for men's opinions on abortions,

you don't have a vagina, you don't get to talk here.

"But a bloke should have a say?"

Why should a woman give birth if she doesn't want to,

spill your sperm somewhere else,

a child shouldn't be left to be a woman's burden.

Just say you hate women and move along.

I rage because as a lesbian I am not taking seriously,

apparently, I just need a bit of dick inside of me,

I'm not sorry sir, I'm not attracted to tools,

even if I wanted dick it wouldn't be from a fool.

Leave me be, I am a woman loving woman.

I rage from the top of my lungs,

knowing it will never be enough.

Our struggles, our bodies always the topic,

fuck that, now drop it.


This is my response to WritingMyPrompt August's prompt.

Rage On A Page

Tuesday 31 August 2021

Everything's fine
you're mine.
You love me
I set you free.
For weeks we are happy
you come across as one nice chappy.
It doesn't last
everything has gone so fast.
You go into this rage
I'm trapped in your violent cage.
You start to swear
with an evil glare.
Everything's fine
you're mine.
You love me
I set you free.
For weeks we are happy
you come across as one nice chappy.
It doesn't last
everything has gone so fast.
You go into this rage
I'm trapped in your violent cage.
You start to swear
with a viscous glare.
The heat begins to rise
every part of you I despise
You make me cry
wishing I would die.
Everything's fine
you're mine.
You love me
I set you free.
For weeks we are happy
you come across as one nice chappy.
It doesn't last
everything has gone so fast.
You go into this rage
I'm trapped in your violent cage.
You start to swear
with a deathly glare.
The heat begins to rise
every part of you I despise
You make me cry
wishing I would die.
Here comes a punch
consequently follows a crunch
here flows blood
I never thought you would!
You go into this rage
I'm trapped in your violent cage.
You start to swear
with a sorrowful glare.
You beg and plead
safety is what I need.
You tell me it's in the past
that punch was your last.
It wasn't the last one
I need to find a gun
You lied and I'm hurt
my blood seeping through my shirt...
You go into this rage
I'm trapped in your violent cage


Saturday 24 October 2015