Showing posts with label quizzes. Show all posts
I have recently found myself taking Buzzfeed quizes a lot, they're fun and a good way to pass time! I did this particular quiz and I found that it is true, and it's weird that the quizzes conclusion was in fact correct!

The Pictures You Choose Will Reveal A Deep Truth About Yourself

  1. You got: You’re afraid of being a failure

    You hate the idea of failing, and often temper your ambitions so that you do not have to face up to the possibility of reaching for something you really want and not quite getting it. This means that you sometimes need encouragement from others to push yourself to achieve your full potential – you know what you are capable of, but it helps to hear it from other people too, and then can push you to take these risks. You go into a lot of things with the idea that you’ll fail as default, so that you’re not as disappointed if you actually do, even though deep down you know you’re just trying to kid yourself.


Sunday 7 February 2016