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Why do we ask questions that we don't want the answer to? We know as soon as the words are said that predicted pang in your chest strikes you and the overthinking begins. It's like we know things will hurt us, yet we let it do so anyway. I wish I could tell myself no, allow myself to let go but I just cannot. I ask the questions, get wounded, and then feel annoyed at myself for doing so.

ask questions

Wednesday 7 December 2016

If you could be anything in the world
with no barriers or hurdles
what does your heart desire?

If you could be anywhere
right in this second
where does your feet take you?

anything anywhere

Saturday 24 September 2016

Why would you do this?
You took her and altered her
Who told you could?
You shook her and scarred her.

Who are you to do such things?
You showed her the good 
Why her?
You pushed her into the bad.

Why is she left needing?
You ruined her innocence
Who will fix this?
You have left her with this constant feeling.

Who deserves to have this done to them?
You had no right
Why mess with her fairytale naivety?
She was fine until you came along.

Why You

Saturday 20 August 2016

It's howling
can you feel it?
It's thrashing
can you hear it?

It's as cold as bones
tell me you see it?
It's shaking the trees
tell me you taste it?

It's roaring and scaring
will you stand still?
It's strong and dangerous
will you replace it?

The Wind

Monday 1 February 2016

Hello. I have been looking at some of my poetry, and well I'm kind of going to recycle it. Basically with the words or ends of lines I am going to create new poems, I'm not sure if this has a proper name but I have been doing a few in my diary I thought it would good to share it here on my blog.
This will be the only time I will tell you where this poem came from, if you read future ones you could easily make links to which previous poems they came from.
This was my first attempt with my poem If, and this is called ?

Control me
make me do?
effect my emotions
make me feel!

Let you in
you let out?
I loved you
me too?

You my tears
show me?
before you
you see?

Both ways
me to do?
you everything
me that too?


Monday 28 December 2015

What is Creativity?
 I personally believe creativity coincides with your imagination. Creativity is the true expression of yourself. It is an escape, and an indistinguishable feeling.

Are you creative? If so how and why?
I am creative. My imagination is my portal into other worlds, its my ticket to adventures and expressing myself, truly expressing myself. Creativity takes me from everyday life, it pulsates through me as my hand moves twenty to a dozen with a pen across a page. It's my never ending thoughts and day dreams where I am never really truly present, instead I am thought deep is stories and imaginative plots.

Where do you write?
I physically write whenever I feel like it, if it be when I am in a library, on a bus or my usual place of thought in my bedroom. My writing is in journals, my blog, many word documents and wattpad. My laptop gives me access to all of it.

When is the best time for writing?
The best time for me to write is usually midday, it isn't too early nor too late. My inspirations and inklings of ideas same to reach almost always around midday, plus it is when I feel best.

How often do you write?
I write on a daily basis, pretty much most days. If it be a blog post, a journal entry, or even a paragraph or two on one of my stories. Writing plays a huge part in my life and happiness, so I try to do as much as it as I possibly can.

Some questions I answered, all personal answers. If you were asked these questions what would be your answers?


Thursday 24 September 2015