Showing posts with label quayside. Show all posts
Today is one of my best friend's birthday, Lou. Finally eighteen. She is gold, so funny and I am glad that we became friends last year, probably the only good thing tutor ever brought me; real good friends. We've had some good times so far, Edinburgh, weekly Bubble Cha during our only free, and many more to come.

Due to Lou's birthday being today, that didn't leave room to do much celebrating together as a friendship group due to sixth form tomorrow. So we celebrated together last night,

We went for a gorgeous meal on the Quayside (Check my Instagram for pictures) it was hilarious. I got absolutely drunk on this incredible drink called the Mad Hatter. It is for six people but I drank the majority of it, oh what goodness it was. Naturally, drunk Lauren got a slight bit disastourous. Fawz arranged a candle in Lou's dessert where we all got to sing to her. By this point, I drank the majority of the hat and as we were singing (out of tune) I sang the birthday song to Fawz, I was looking at Lou but well drunk Lauren doesn't think. Naturally, we were all howling, and Lou thought it was the best part of the night. I am forever making a tool of myself. Some other stuff happened which was super embarrassing but I'll leave that for another time.

After the meal we went back to Lou's where we drank further, played Cards Against Humanity and eat the best cake of my life. It was such a brilliant night, it was the most fun I have had in a long time.  Thank you Lou <3

Mad Hatter

Sunday 9 October 2016

Weekly Favourites

Sunday 24 July 2016