For many weeks now I've been involved in a creative writing enrichment. It's been interesting, to say at the very least. It's been different working in a writing environment. Being amongst creative like-minded people, however each person unique with their own words and stories. The atmosphere has been exciting, each week I feel eager for the sessions.Week in week out ideas bouncing from one writer to another, each week we are encouraged to write. Working with New Writing North, and the individual writers that has attended, has become somewhat of a muse for me. Before these sessions I had stopped writing poetry, I hadn't wrote a poem in over a year and a half ago. And now? It seems I'm writing several poems weekly.
Before these creative writing sessions I had contemplated joining/attending a writing group. I was filled with fear; fear of judgement and the fact I felt as though I wasn't good enough. I can gladly say due to this I have gained confidence, confidence in myself, in my work and in my peers. So I have decided on the 9th January I will begin to attend Cuckoo/New Writing North writing sessions, and I am excited! I've made friends and met people I probably wouldn't have been able to meet otherwise.
After weeks of dedicated work from the whole class, today we celebrated, we shared our work and enjoyed our final session together. Our work has been published into little booklets, which look amazing!
I kind of needed to write this for myself, and just get this out there somewhere.
Thank you Angela, you're a wonderful woman! None of this would have been possible without her, she got this going and believed in every single one of us. Before the celebration happened I had a break down and quite frankly if it wasn't for this woman's encouragement I wouldn't have been able to stand up proudly reading my work with the group.
Thank you Amy for always keeping spirits high, and for introducing Cuckoo and New Writing North to me and the class, it is great to know there is a place for young writers in the North East. I hope to work with you in the future.
And last but not least, thank you Stevie Ronnie. For sharing your creative knowledge and techniques with us. You helped resurface my inner poet. Also the booklets are amazing, they are just so lovely. You all put a lot of time and effort into the whole project, this isn't just on my behalf but on the behalf of the whole class. Thank you so much!