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 Hello, lovelies!

It has been an incredible couple of days. Yesterday, I turned 25, and The Moon is a Lesbian was officially published and shared with the world! What a way to enter the next stage of my life!

Everyone in my life has been so supportive, and I feel so grateful for every single person. My heart has never felt so full before. When my copy was delivered today, I felt this overwhelming state of pride. I did it. My name is on a book I wrote- it feels surreal! From sharing my poetry on my blog here to actually being able to flick through a book to read them is insane to me. 

I've had the aspiration of publishing a poetry collection for many years. I've mentioned it so much on the blog, and now I can share the link with you so you can purchase The Moon is a Lesbian! I can't thank you enough, yes, you, the reader. I appreciate everyone who wanders onto my blog and reads my words. It means the world to me that you read what I have to say. Thank you!

The Moon is a Lesbian

Friday 24 March 2023

Today I am super excited to be sharing this with my blog, like I have done on other social media. I'll be giving more detail here because well you guys always get the best of me! Let's begin at the beginning, in September of 2015 I joined a Creative Writing enrichment and the September of 2016 I will be published. A huge thing has happened clearly to get to this point, we finished the enrichment is December, I have talked about this previously the whole enrichment thing so I won't repeat, but anyways even though that had came to an end the wonderful teacher Angela still talked to me and would keep up to date with writing events and competitions. Angela told me about some sixth form competitions which I entered and what not, and I took part in in which I came unsuccessful. Near the end of May she told me about another competition and I had been working on a poem which by far is one of my favourite I have ever written, and so I entered that and since I had heard nothing about it, a part from her approval on that it is the best poem I have written to date. So that was it, I didn't know what happened from there. I just thought it was another sixth form competition that I mustn't have been successful with. Until this morning my mother tells me I have post,so I'm naturally opening my mail and well this is what I received, all this in the picture to the right. I received this certificate and a letter from 25 Years of Young Writers telling my poem Pick A Card will be published in an anthology amongst other writers in the North East, and that my poem will be entered into a competition for a chance to win prizes and what not. The competition would be great to win but I am just so happy that I am being published, my poem is being published. This is the a huge step for my writing career and I couldn't be happier or more grateful for this opportunity and the wonderful Angela. I never thought I'd be able to do this, sure I wanted to but I had my doubts. It may seem small to other's but for me this a huge achievement, and I am so happy and proud! My family and friends have been ever so supportive, everyone around me it is just amazing. I don't think my fourteen year old self starting out on Wattpad ever had an inkling of a clue that she started and blossomed to do this! I am over the moon, I am so excited, the book my work will be published in is; The Poetry Trials - The North East publication date is September 30th! I am so excited, this a huge step and I am hoping this success continues and I am simply just happy. I am glad you guys on my blog can be on this journey with me, as you know writing is my everything!  If I hear anything more on details. or the competition and what not I will keep you guys up to date and I hope you all have a wonderful day!


Saturday 25 June 2016

For many weeks now I've been involved in a creative writing enrichment. It's been interesting, to say at the very least. It's been different working in a writing environment. Being amongst creative like-minded people, however each person unique with their own words and stories. The atmosphere has been exciting, each week I feel eager for the sessions.Week in week out ideas bouncing from one writer to another, each week we are encouraged to write. Working with New Writing North, and the individual writers that has attended,  has become somewhat of a muse for me. Before these sessions I had stopped writing poetry, I hadn't wrote a poem in over a year and a half ago. And now? It seems I'm writing several poems weekly.
Before these creative writing sessions I had contemplated joining/attending a writing group. I was filled with fear; fear of judgement and the fact I felt as though I wasn't good enough. I can gladly say due to this I have gained confidence, confidence in myself, in my work and in my peers. So I have decided on the 9th January I will begin to attend Cuckoo/New Writing North writing sessions, and I am excited! I've made friends and met people I probably wouldn't have been able to meet otherwise.
After weeks of dedicated work from the whole class, today we celebrated, we shared our work and enjoyed our final session together. Our work has been published into little booklets, which look amazing!
I kind of needed to write this for myself, and just get this out there somewhere.
Thank you Angela, you're a wonderful woman! None of this would have been possible without her, she got this going and believed in every single one of us. Before the celebration happened I had a break down and quite frankly if it wasn't for this woman's encouragement I wouldn't have been able to stand up proudly reading my work with the group.
Thank you Amy for always keeping spirits high, and for introducing Cuckoo and New Writing North to me and the class, it is great to know there is a place for young writers in the North East. I hope to work with you in the future.
And last but not least, thank you Stevie Ronnie. For sharing your creative knowledge and techniques with us. You helped resurface my inner poet. Also the booklets are amazing, they are just so lovely. You all put a lot of time and effort into the whole project, this isn't just on my behalf but on the behalf of the whole class. Thank you so much!

Creative Writing, Cuckoo and New Writing North

Wednesday 16 December 2015