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I don't know about you but most of my friend's birthdays are near the mid to end of the year, so this is the time I start thinking about gifts and things they perhaps would like as well as something meaningful. Quite a few people in my friend group are booklovers, they are some of my favourite types of people to buy for! I thought whilst I am currently looking for their gifts I would write a post for you guys: 6 Tips for Buying Gifts for Your Bookworm Friends.

1) Your favourite book - I know this sounds a little odd but I personally love reading my friend's favourite book, not only does it make me feel closer to them but I believe it gives me more of an insight into their personality. It also gives me a chance to see what we both had taken from the book, did we like different parts, which character did we both relate to? I think it's a beautiful idea to get to know someone better. 

2) Informed Book Purchase - have you seen the types of books your friend likes? Go hunting for something that they perhaps haven't read before, or if you have been out shopping with them did you notice they picked up a book that they seemed interested in but didn't buy? Maybe go back and purchase it. I have received a few books that my friends have noticed me looking at, and not only did I feel incredibly grateful and lucky but also amazed that they paid attention to what I was doing, it really meant a lot. Another way to approach this may be your book-loving friend has an amazon wishlist? That is always a good place to look for when searching for a book to buy them.

3) Book Merchandise - Do you know their favourite book? You could find gifts relating to their favourite book or character. Places like Etsy and Redbubble are amazing for finding bookish things such as badges, stickers, mugs, posters and the list go on. You will more than likely be supporting a small business along the way.

4) Gift Card - Sometimes it can be hard buying for your book lover friend, they have that many books and their TBR list is piled high maybe you're unsure of which book to pick. You could get them a gift card for Waterstones or other bookshops, then this way they can pick the books they want. They will appreciate being given the option. I know sometimes gift cards can come across as impersonal or not thoughtful so why don't you team this up with a little book date? Take your book lover for a coffee and hunt for a new book together. 

5) Book Box Subscription - I have shared a few of these on my blog in the past but you can get a subscription or a one-off box of a book box. Usually, you get a book based on the theme with quite a few bookish goodies alongside it. It's fun and your book lover friend may continue buying them. You get all sorts of bookish goodies!

6) Write for them - This option is one of my favourites, it is a little more time consuming but as a writer it is fun for both me and the friend. You don't have to spend loads in fact this option is little to no cost. Is there a book or chapter your book lover likes or feels strongly about? Rewrite it, make it more suited for them or extend the ending to their favourite book. You could go as far as writing your friend into a scene, sort of like fanfiction but more personal to your friend. This is creative and plus which bookworm hasn't imagined themselves into their favourite novel? 

No matter what you decide to buy your book lover friend I am sure they will appreciate it, all the same, after all it really is the thought that counts. My heart melts when anyone remembers my birthday, and I am sure they will be pleased you thought of them. Next week I have a post about my new job! Is there something that you think should be added? Please let me know in the comments!

6 Tips for Buying Gifts for Your Bookworm Friends

Friday 16 July 2021

When I was younger, a few years back, I came across a video online. It was a man speaking into a camera, and women would send him photographs of themselves and in these videos, he would respond to these photographs. Complimenting them and comparing their bodies to nature, I remember him once saying 'bountiful curves like blessed mountains'. My initial thought was, he is a nice guy and he is trying to make these women feel better about themselves, but as I think about it now the sad reality of it kicks in.

Those women were essentially sending themselves to a stranger for validation, they are putting their self-worth into the mouth of this man. But, what these women perhaps do not know is; any stranger, or even a person you know, can tell you you're beautiful, but it will never mean as much as you telling yourself you are beautiful.

The only person's opinion that will truly ever matter is your own. How many compliments have you received and actually accepted at face value? What you tell yourself in the mirror matters much more than any comment on a screen. You have spent your whole life with yourself, and if you like it or not you will continue to do so. So, love yourself now because you will save yourself some trouble in the future. Know your self-worth.

I wish those years back, I could read this. I wish young Lauren was as self-aware as I am now. She was naive  and so obsessed with other people accepting her, admittedly that is somewhat a little true today, but I like to think I've picked up a thing or two.

an opinion that will matter

Tuesday 14 March 2017

I am never really living in the present. Mainly because I am too busy living in my head. I'm constantly thinking, imagining and having countless thoughts about random things. So many different things that go inside of my head, it takes from the present moment, it takes away my concentration however it is entertaining. My head is my little escape, all the little scenarios and story lines I create. I live them all inside of my head.

12/10/2015  I have been in and out of two different worlds within my head, one where I'm this Youtuber. I'm quite popular, and currently in a 'relationship' with Joshuadtv (fully aware of his marital status but this is imaginary). I'm from England but moved to America to live with him, I am also about twenty two in this scenario. Currently in a three year relationship but it seems he is having some trust issues, and well it turns out he loves me but he is in love with Colleen (YES) So anyways I find out  they have been seeing each other so I leave Josh to stay with Sawyer and his girlfriend, where I'm breaking down and basically heavily drinking with Sawyer whilst doing video collabs. That's all I'm up to. I feel like this would make a really good fanfiction, maybe...

I like these little 'movies' in my head, it's great however sometimes I can stupidly get emotionally attached, yes this not real scenerios can effect my mood and emotions. It's quite bad but my imagination worth going to this extent over.

15/10/2015 - Today's thoughts have been wild, I have been the new girl who is a smartass, slightly cocky and meets her male opposite. However he spends most of his time sleeping with air head girls, but his attitude changes, and it's almost like a game between us. But there is obvious attraction and we don't bother hiding or denying it.


Living in my head

Thursday 15 October 2015