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Hello!! I have been reading this one for a while now, I say a while because over Summer I haven't really had much time to read due to working a lot. I rarely had any free time, I was doing at least 40 hours+ at work alongside working on my days off. I managed to finally finish this book whilst I was on holiday (alongside three other books- hooray!).

 I was supposed to read this book before the new season was realised on Netflix but I just couldn't wait. Having done this, it didn't make any difference as the book pretty much had nothing to do with the season. Or many of the seasons in fact, but we will dicuss more into that soon.

I don't know how to say this without sounding like really judgemental but nothing seemed to happen within the book. It was an alright read and set foundations for vital characters in the series. Netflix definitely used a lot of creative license, I mean they would have to because in the book there is not much to actually go on. Different names were used in the book than in the series, for example, the character that was Alex was based on is in fact called Nora. 

Speaking of Piper and Alex or in the case of the book Piper and Nora. You did not see much interaction between the two characters in the book, the relationship was definitely developed more in the series. Alex is one of my favourite characters in the series, I was kinda saddened that she (Nora) didn't really feature much in the book and that in the book they didn't rekindle their love at all. The series itself is mainly focused on the relationship between those two characters, which is one of the things I love about the series.

I feel like since I hold the Netflix series with such high regards I unfairly expected the same with the book, which sadly isn't the case. I feel like the book made me dislike Piper a bit more. In the series, she shows her white privilege and is shown more so in the book. It was annoying, and I wanted to explore more of the other characters but obviously, the book is autobiographical. The writer focused more on herself than those around, which is expected.

I feel as though I haven't really come away with much after reading the book. Usually, with books in general, I come away feeling a certain way or having learned something new and that just wasn't the case here. I am unaffected by the book, it was an alright read. I probably won't read it again, it didn't add or take anything away from my love for the Netflix series. Would I recommend reading it? Not really. I suppose if you want to read it for the sake of having said you read it then go for it. If you're wanting to read it for spoilers in the series or have a better look into, this will not do that for you.

The next book that I will be reviewing is a little gem called 'What would Boudicca do?' I am quite excited to tell you guys about this one!!

Orange is the new Black (review)

Friday 12 October 2018