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This week I come to you with a post about the world of Bookstagram! If you're new here I have mentioned Bookstagram in a few of my posts but I have never really delved in deeper with it. I thought I would shed some light on the whole thing, just in case you were wondering.

Bookstagram, a whole online community you probably have never been aware of. Beyond the selfies and pictures of dogs, there is this community of book lovers sharing their favourite covers on Instagram. Bookworms are taking Instagram by a bookish storm, creating beautiful feeds as well as free advertising for novels. This new trend is bringing books to life all with a smartphone.  People all over the world take part in taking snazzy snaps. You can find hundreds of pictures under the hashtags #Bookstagram and #Shelfie. Search it.  

The most important thing to remember, when taking Bookish photos or any photo really, is all about the lighting and the background. A bright room helps or taking a photo close to a window. It makes the photo look somewhat professional too.

Next step, find objects that compliment the cover of your book. I am no expert but I really enjoy taking photos of my shelves and books! Their especially good to use for book reviews and many of you know and will have seen them in previous blog posts!

The background to your photo can be anything, sometimes it’s the background that really brings out the book you’re photographing. I have used various backgrounds, sometimes it takes some planning and others I would just be carrying a book on me and the ideas just jump out at me.  It is always a good idea to keep a book with you, not only for reading but in case the perfect opportunity arises for you to get a snapshot. As a reader, I always have a book with me!

My favourite spot to take photographs is in coffee shops, it’s the perfect spot for reading as well taking aesthetically pleasing photographs. If you’re not one for carrying books with you, you can always take them in the comfort of your own room. For example, I took this photo on a chair with my favourite knitted blanket.

As well as make your Instagram look good, it also helps you keep track of the books you’ve been reading. I have found that wanting to take photos of books encourages me to read more books. I love seeing people take pictures of their books. Bookstagram has become like a community, a place people can express their love and opinions for a book! 

Thank you for reading about a bookish love of mine, hope you have a fabulous week!


Monday 12 April 2021

Last Sunday I went out for my daily exercise and found myself snapping away at nature with the camera. The usually busy streets empty. Busy with blossoms and nature showing her true colours.  I set out with a book in my pocket and my soul in need of revival. Lockdown hasn’t been easy if I’m honest I’ve found it hard.  I needed a break. It wasn't far from home, but it was enough. I explored nature and fell in love with photography again.
I took a book out with me, I usually take a notebook but I have been trying to read more recently. I have been buying new books to be delivered and they have been contributing to my dissertation as well as my personal reading. I am trying to use books to go places if that makes sense?
The world is in a bizarre moment and sometimes it is difficult to understand and feel okay. These times are not normal so trying to make a normal can be challenging. Everyone is using this time for themselves and doing different things, myself I have been trying to take comfort in my books. Majority of which is in my student house and I could only bring dissertation books back home with me. With good old Amazon, kindle and audiobooks I have been trying to keep up with reading. I am working on some book reviews too, which I am excited to show you. Books have been the thing I am clinging to during this pandemic. What have you been doing to cope? If you're not coping so well please reach out.

Books and Blossoms

Tuesday 28 April 2020

If you wish to see more of my poetry, I do post some over on my Instagram page: @WritingMyHeart


Sunday 23 June 2019

Photo taken by Tiana Francis
hey fat girl,
big thighed girl,
buldging stomach girl
squishy arms girl
i love you girl

Fat Girl

Tuesday 23 April 2019

I have lived in Brighton for over a year now, and sometimes I forget just what a beautiful city it is. Life gets on top of me and I feel trapped, and all it takes it to resee the city. Venture out and find beautiful things.

A couple of weeks ago I explored The Laines with my friend Nina, she has her own blog go check it out

( and I fell back in love with Brighton. After having a coffee in The Laines we went and explored Snoopers Paradise. A place that holds the most bizarre things. The weather was crap but that Brighton vibe was buzzing through the streets, there is something about this seaside town that can just uplift you.
I really enjoyed messing around and taking all sorts of photographs. There were so many interesting things, from all kinds of sunglasses to old photographs and toys from many years ago. Here are the photos I had taken.
This is one of my favourite photos, I love the compass necklace and the dress. I used a filter to make it dark and brings out the red, I feel like I will definitely be writing poetry inspired by this photo.

 I am not sure what I love the most about this photo, the necklace or the old style books below the stand. Snooper's paradise is so aesthetically pleasing, there is something new and cool in every nook and cranny.

I adore this photo because of the serious Alice feels. You can only see a singular page in this photo but along the wall hands pages from Alice in Wonderland. This huge piece hands over the stairs and it is just stunning.

From this little trip in Brighton I learned that your soul needs freedom, take a day out of mundane things and explore. Enjoy life for what it is, I think we all need that reminder from time to time.

I will be posting some of my own writing, poetry and prose in the next couple of weeks. Inspired by some of these photos as well as other mediums. I cannot wait for you guys to see some of the things I have been working on.

We are back to updating regularly, I know I was awol for a while but I have been planning blog posts and basically getting my shit together! Thank you for reading.

A question I want you to think about, what makes your soul happy?

Snoopers Paradise

Tuesday 19 March 2019

Had quite a few of these!

I loved these, they are so artistic.
I am aware that this post a little overdue but here it is. Talking and sharing photos from my lovely holiday in Spain from earlier this month 29th August- 14th September.

This holiday was an amazing break for me before I left home for University. It was such a brilliant two and a bit weeks.

I think the absolute highlight of my holiday was visiting the Zoo Selwo and Gibraltar. Both were adventures I adored. Selwo I fell in love with Otters and got to see various different kinds of animals. I also conquered one of my biggest fears- I crossed a rope bridge. From a young age, I have had nightmares about rickety bridges, the ones where there is something below and the bridge swings as you walk across. I faced the fear and did it- I did almost have a panic attack midway but nonetheless, I made it across.
Beautiful big cat!!

 It was amazing being close to cheetahs and Red Pandas. We got to interact with animals such as goats - which I fed by hand with my niece, that was pretty cool.
Clearly not impressed by me

 I really liked the flamingos, they were so chilled looking pretty minding their own business.

Below is a video of these crazy monkeys, I think we caught on mid-breakdown.

The noise is the monkeys! It was unbelievably amusing yet so strange.

I particularly like this little snapshot because
it almost like an evolutionary progression.

Khaki shorts made me feel like an explorer

This was the fierce bridge. 

I fell in love with these Otters, even bought
a stuffed teddy  Otter.
 I have always loved water animals, I kind of seek them out in Zoos. Penguins are easily my favourite animal but I think since this trip Otters are a very close second.

At Selwo we got to see Elephants, this was exciting. Until this point, I had never really seen an Elephant in person so I really enjoyed seeing them and even attending a tour where we got to learn a lot about them.

 Another Otter photo, this is the last of the Selwo photos! Hang on though, I am showing more of Gibraltar, the place I stayed and much more.

Gibraltar was incredible. The two above photos are from Saint Micheals Cave, it was beautiful. I also found that they host concerts there, and I feel like it would be an amazing to attend a concert in an incredible cave - naturally, this has been added to my bucket list.

The monkeys on the rock were so incredible, they literally did not care that there were people around. One of them shoulder barged my sister's fiance- this was hilarious to witness. It was such an incredible experience to see these creatures up close. When we were visiting the souvenir shop as you enter the cave, we witnessed a monkey come in and take a packet of crisps from the shelf and then knick off with it up the mountain- I couldn't get a snapshot due to the uncontrollable laughter.

The views from Gibraltr rock were unbelievable. Absolutely stunning, it didn't feel real. It was the type of thing you see in films and it was insane seeing it all before me.

One of many selfies with my beautiful sister, this one was for her birthday

 The architecture and layout of Spain is so unbelievably different to what am I used to in England, I found it all so pretty. I just wanted to capture it all, I didn't sadly because there were moments where I was so lost in the moment that I just lived and enjoyed myself.

Until this point, I had never seen a Banana tree in my life.

I loved spending time with my niece, she was lovely and adored Spain -
we both did!

I fell in love with all of the views, sunsets with palm trees may be my new  favourite setting.

What I like about the photo to the left is that this photo was taken before we all decided for a night swim. The water was warm and I hadn't been in the pool all day due to severe sunburn on my shoulders. We took many night swims- it was beautiful.
Last monkey picture- I promise.

The villa we stayed in was so lovely, to the left, our neighbours were friendly and fun. Kara made some friends, and it was just lovely.

I didn't picture any but there are sooo many wild cats in Spain.  I was so happy, they were beautiful!
 There is definitely more wildlife in Spain that is visible. We saw huge toads, little geckos, we even collected some little frogs from the pool in which we made a home for in the garden.

So many dog owners too!
 This was an incredible piece a man made on the beach, it was so beautiful and detailed- very very impressed.
Came across this little fella!
 I loved walking down the street to be on the beach. I visited the beach a few times, some with the family and more so on my own. It is so calming watching waves, it felt as though time was frozen somehow and everything seemed to be alright.

I think what I loved most about my trip was that I got to spend time with my sister and niece before I left for University. It was an amazing trip, I had so much fun and thus being one of the best holidays I have ever been on!

Thank you for reading (or even looking at) this long ass post! I had intended writing about this sooner but just never got the chance! Keep an eye out for my next post on my move to Brighton and my first week of University - should be posted either Saturday or Sunday!

Spain! 2017

Wednesday 27 September 2017

Two nights ago  I went to my best friend's gig at the 02 Academy, he is the guitarist of a band called Holding Out. The show was the best night of my life. The opening bands were joyous, I danced with my best friends and got drunk.
First, I met with Olivia. We went for food and then went for drinks in the Dog and Parrot. Naturally, as pint was in order before the gig.
I had been hyped for the gig for months, last week I met with the guitarist Jason to pick them up. He is in incredible, such a talented guy who I am proud to call my best friend.
The show was so personal and it was amazing watching my best friend do his thing.

It was last year when I went to one of his first gigs in Jumpin Jacks, a little space above a bar. And this week I got to see him and his band perform at the O2 Academy - this is surreal and insane.

The vibes were incredible, good guests and the crowd was so alive. It was such a positive energy bouncing between bodies, it was a night I definitely needed. Naturally, a lot of my college friends attended. The band is quite known in my sixth form, so it was good to see some friendly faces I hadn't seen since exams.

Holding Out have their EP on Spotify, please check it out. My personal favourite songs from the EP are Swing for the Fences and Plain Sailing, it was surreal singing along in the crowd. Jason, he has worked so hard on the EP. He himself produced the entire thing, and he did an amazing job. I am so proud of him. His bandmates were incredible too, on their top form. Ellis' vocals impressive as always, Charlie and his energetic vibes on bass, the concentration from Ryan the drummer and Jason smashed it with his incredible guitar solos!

Holding Out

Sunday 2 July 2017