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Trains. Planes. Buses. And even your own two feet. One thing they all have in common? They take you places. They allow you to get from A to B. Granted,  sometimes (more than enough times) at a cost. I watch trains leave the station daily, planes lift off into the air nightly and feet taking their owners for a walk every single second of the day. 

Cameras. Pictures. Your own two eyes. All of these glorious things allow us to see the world. Witness the great things in life like birth, spring, and the sun setting and rising. From the second we wake up to the second we fall asleep we’ve witnessed concisely and subconsciously a million things taking place in a single day. And when the lights are out? Our minds take over. 

The beautiful brain. Transporting you to places in a millisecond. Showing you thousands of things in a single dream. Through the day it takes you back in time through memories. Our brains are limitless. Thinking of new places, constantly processing and storing new information. An imagination that is never ending... and it’s free. 

Sometimes we are so wrapped up in life, we forget to take a second to just stand still. Appreciate the things we have and how wonderful our bodies are and how magnificent our brains are. I suppose this is just me taking a second to just step back and appreciate simple things. 

What are you appreciative of today?


Monday 13 August 2018

Saying how I feel isn't an easy thing
Everything I say comes out wrong
Not that I don't know what to say
Saying my feelings outloud come out differently
In my head it sounds much better
To be honest, I feel a lot
I feel and think way too much
Vast world of nonsense and tangled thoughts
Every second of every damn day


Tuesday 27 September 2016