Showing posts with label perception. Show all posts
Do you ever catch your own reflection and you're taken back by what you see? The person looking back at you, they're somehow different. They aren't the person they were months ago, certainly not the person they were years ago, but how could they change so quick from the person they were mere weeks ago? It's almost frightening to look in the eyes of the stranger.
What has changed this human before me? Does she somehow know more than I used to? When did it click and start to work itself out? I'm not sure how I feel about her, she bothers me a little. She's not a little fool anymore, she just has more priorities and independent thoughts.
I wonder if a younger version of her ever saw this coming. If they knew the things she would be pulled through, all the steps she would take, or avoid. She's a stranger to the young girl she once was, and she's not far from a stranger to me.

Stranger to me

Sunday 13 November 2016