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In the middle

In the middle of a pandemic,

it's normal to panic and worry.

We are told these are unprecedented times,

uncertainty is the new normality.

In the middle of a pandemic,

I miss the little things.

Like sitting at the front of the bus,

smiling at strangers,

but you cannot see smiles behind a mask.

In the middle of a pandemic,

I miss human contact.

Hugging my best friend, tightly and publicly.

Now we wave at a two-metre distance.

In the middle of a pandemic,

we have these things called bubbles.

A support network to help you mentally.

They used to be called friend groups,

they now feel more like a lifeline keeping us sane.

I long for the days:

we are safe to be outside again

when covid isn't plastered all over our screens.

I long for when we are no longer in the middle of the pandemic.

(Photo is not my own, I got it from Google)

In the middle

Tuesday 20 October 2020