I try too sleep but these knots of my uncertain future keeps me awake. Stail failure corrupts my mind. A dislodged heart pushing it's away up my throat. I feel inhumane tonight- like I'm air ready to evaporated under heated mess. I'm not a lion of braveness, instead a mouse of self doubt. Trying to escape the hours I've been staring at for days, my hope ticking along with it. In a few hours my fate will be made: and I fear the worst.
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18th August, three days away. The day I get my AS results back, for the second and final time round. No more chances, after Thursday I move onto A2 and fate is set. I've either got the right results for Brighton or I don't. It saddens me that there is a very high chance I won't get the grades, it makes me nervous. At least last year I knew I'd have another chance. I keep thinking about my exams, and my answers, or what I remember of them. I can't help but thinking I messed up, messed up big time. I understand there are other Universities, and things that can help me but I have my heart set on Brighton. It's everything I could ever want, and well I guess I have to come to terms that maybe it's just a little too out of my reach. I know these are pre-results jitters, and whatever is printed in the envelope I will take in my stride and work hard to get the grades I need. Whatever the outcome I need to create a plan of action, figure things out, I know I will probably be fine but I just need a little venting, and as always this is my place of comfort. I wish everyone and myself the best of luck for results, whatever the outcome we will get where we want to be even if it takes longer than those around us.
Pre-results Nerves
Monday, 15 August 2016
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