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Last Sunday I went out for my daily exercise and found myself snapping away at nature with the camera. The usually busy streets empty. Busy with blossoms and nature showing her true colours.  I set out with a book in my pocket and my soul in need of revival. Lockdown hasn’t been easy if I’m honest I’ve found it hard.  I needed a break. It wasn't far from home, but it was enough. I explored nature and fell in love with photography again.
I took a book out with me, I usually take a notebook but I have been trying to read more recently. I have been buying new books to be delivered and they have been contributing to my dissertation as well as my personal reading. I am trying to use books to go places if that makes sense?
The world is in a bizarre moment and sometimes it is difficult to understand and feel okay. These times are not normal so trying to make a normal can be challenging. Everyone is using this time for themselves and doing different things, myself I have been trying to take comfort in my books. Majority of which is in my student house and I could only bring dissertation books back home with me. With good old Amazon, kindle and audiobooks I have been trying to keep up with reading. I am working on some book reviews too, which I am excited to show you. Books have been the thing I am clinging to during this pandemic. What have you been doing to cope? If you're not coping so well please reach out.

Books and Blossoms

Tuesday 28 April 2020

At the window, I sit, allowing the sun to cast its shadows across my face. My music dances to my ears as the light awakens my room. Above the screen and out of the window I see house tops and blue clouded skies. Laying on my stomach amongst my bed I feel the calmness of the swaying trees on the other side of the street. My feet move into the rhythm of nature's symphony. Time feels like nothing, it ceases to have a meaning it's just there moving. Whilst here I am feeling blissfully stuck in this moment, in the now.

in the now

Monday 8 August 2016

Waterlilies came more prominent in my older years, I began leaping from one to another, some I'd stay with a little while others' were just quick greetings. There are only two waterlilies that I have revisited, the first was an older waterlily, but it's beauty mesmerized me, I was obsessed with that sweet healthy plant, it took me through my years, at least until I met the second waterlily. Which by all means is a contrast compared to the first, it was wet and brave constantly ready for a new challenge, a new leaper.  It's edges were rough, but I've been trying to stay away. A little hopper shouldn't dwell too long on a swell waterlily, one may eventually drowned...

Like a frog

Monday 4 July 2016

Can you imagine?
What if the grass was greener,
Or there were only sunshine
And all your days were no longer blue
Can you imagine?
If all that made me smile was you,
Or I was just that little bit meaner
And everything was just fine


Monday 4 April 2016

Place Pictures

Thursday 14 January 2016

Do you ever just fall in love with a word? There is no real reason behind it you just like the way it sounds. Every week I fall in love with a word, even just hearing someone else mention the word it makes me smile. This weeks word is;

Pathetic fallacy - is a literary device wherein the author attributes human emotions and traits to nature or inanimate objects. For example, the following descriptions refer to weather and how it affects the mood, which can add atmosphere to a story: smiling skies, somber clouds, angry storm, or bitter winter.

Word of the week

Saturday 3 October 2015