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I've seen the title float around Netflix and it peaked my interest but not enough to watch it immediately until tonight. I fancied something light hearted and thought why not?
I have to say it was so much better than I had anticipated and for two reasons
1) It turned out to be sort of a musical - I adore musicals so naturally I was head over heels
2) James Corden - I adore this man and was much very much happy to see his face and hear his voice narrating the film.
I'm not a hundred percent sure exactly what I was expecting, but being Disney I thought it had to be something happy. I think what I liked best was that it wasn't just a focus on one fairytale it had several entwined, also it wasn't always so happy it got dark in certain parts, which I loved. Also amongst the enticing storyline and catchy songs, were many familiar famous faces; Anna Kendrick, Meryl Streep, Emily Blunt, Johnny Depp, Chris Pine and Christine Baranski. All of which were incredible.
The film was longer than I thought it would be, but the plot twist definitely made up for it. Having said all the above, there was parts that were quite shocking and abrupt, like sudden deaths and promiscuous Princes, but a good one time watch.

Into the Woods

Monday 26 December 2016

Tonight I watched Annie for the first time in a long time, I've had the soundtrack stuck in my head for weeks so I thought it was about time I had a reunion with one of my old favourite musicals. Inevitably I cried; like I always do. It's always the scene where Mr and Mrs Mutch come to collect Annie and Mr Warbox is singing and on verge of tears, it breaks my heart. This time I cried much more, it hit me sooner than Daddy Warbox singing, it hit me the moment Annie said 'mom'. I became a flood of uncontrollable tears, I had to restrain myself from screaming stop at the screen. No idea what came over me, but it shattered my heart. Thinking it over I believe it's because I have this fear of falseness and abandonment. Something about a scene that broke my heart and always has broke my heart again much worse and much more than it ever did. I value family, love and honesty, and that scene involving all of that just set something off inside of me.


Tuesday 13 December 2016

You're never fully dressed without a smile :)


Sunday 6 September 2015